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If you hear the fire alarm go off and you're at school, listen up. Your teacher and the other adults at your school are trained in fire safety. They will guide you and your classmates out of the building. When you hear the alarm go off, get quiet so you can hear your teacher. Follow all of their instructions. Remember to walk, not run, as you exit the building.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Evacuating the Building

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  1. When the fire alarm goes off, get quiet and listen up. Your teacher will remind you of what to do. Don't interrupt your teacher or talk to students next to you. There may also be an announcement on the loudspeaker, so listen up for that as well.
  2. The fire alarm might go off when you're in the bathroom or hallway. If the fire alarm goes off and you're not in your classroom, walk out of the building and go to the assembly point. Ask the nearest teacher or staff member what to do next. [1]
    • If you see a class exiting, join them. Tell the teacher you are from another class.
    • If a teacher or staff member at your school gives you directions while you're on your way to the assembly point, follow them.
  3. Form a single file line and keep directly behind the person in front of you.
    • If you are someone's helper, line up with them.
  4. When there's a fire alarm, it's important to react immediately! Don't worry about the project you are working on or the game you are playing. Put your things down. [2]
    • Your safety is more important than your things. Any stuff you bring with you will slow you down.
  5. Stay in your line as you leave the building. Follow your teacher to the nearest exit. While in line, stay quiet and keep your hands to yourself. Avoid pushing your classmates or any other students.
    • Walk normally, and never run.
    • Stay in line so your teacher can keep track of you.
  6. Once your class has walked to the assembly point, your teacher will probably call roll. Listen for your name and respond when you are called.
    • If the building is on fire and there is a danger of explosion, face away from the building.
    • Do not re-enter the building unless your teacher directs you to.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Being Safe around a Fire

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  1. If your clothes catch on fire, put the fire out by stopping where you are, dropping on the ground, and rolling. Rolling will smother the flames against the ground. [3]
    • Keep rolling until the flames are gone.
  2. Breathing smoke can hurt you and make you pass out. Smoke rises, so you can avoid it if you get under it. If you see smoke, crawl to stay below it. [4]
  3. If it is smokey, put cloth over your mouth and breathe through that. Pull your shirt up over your mouth, for instance. Put a little water on the cloth first if you can. [5]
  4. If you're alone and there's a fire, yell for help. If you are in your room and there's a fire in your house, open your window and yell for help. Yell until you have attracted someone's attention.
    • Never hide when there's a fire. The firefighters need to be able to find you.
  5. If you are at school and you see a fire, get away from the fire immediately. Run and tell an adult about the fire. Even if you or someone else started the fire, don't worry about getting in trouble. It's more important that nobody gets hurt. [6]
    • Pull the alarm.
    • Use your phone to call an emergency number once you are out of the building.
    • Call 911 if you are in the US, Canada, Mexico, or another country that uses 911 as an emergency number.
    • If you are in Europe, call 112. [7]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    I get anxious when hearing fire alarms, what can I do?
    Melissa Matos
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Dr. Melissa Matos is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist based in Long Beach, California. With over ten years of experience, she specializes in rehabilitation psychology and helping individuals adapt and thrive while living with a chronic health condition or disability. She has presented nationally on the psychological aspects of living with chronic health conditions including social stigma and concealment in apparent and non-apparent differences. She was also recently featured in Bald Life magazine where she discussed mental health awareness and alopecia areata. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Alliant International University, Los Angeles, her MA in Psychology from Chapman University, and her BA in Psychology from California State University-Fullerton. Dr. Matos is a Multiple Sclerosis Certified Specialist and is licensed to practice psychology in California. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and Division 22 Rehabilitation Psychology of the American Psychological Association. She is also listed in the National Register as a Health Service Provider in Psychology.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist
    Expert Answer
    You can manage fire alarm anxiety by focusing on stress reduction techniques like deep breathing and gradually desensitizing yourself by listening to fire alarm recordings in a safe environment. Remember that loud alarms are normal, so stay calm and follow your teachers' instructions when fire alarm scenarios happen.
  • Question
    Will I get in trouble for talking or whispering during the fire drill?
    Community Answer
    You mainly get in trouble for talking or whispering during a lockdown. It may be best not to talk or whisper during the drill because a teacher may be giving directions.
  • Question
    What if I get in trouble?
    Community Answer
    You should only pull the fire alarm if you are in danger. You will get in trouble if you pull it for no reason, as that is dangerous and against school policies.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      Hearing a fire alarm at school for the first time can be scary, but if you listen to your teacher’s instructions you’ll be able to quickly and safely leave the building. When the alarm first goes off, quiet down and listen to your teacher’s directions. There might also be a loudspeaker announcement with directions on what to do. Most likely, you’ll need to line up single-file at the door to your classroom, then quickly and quietly follow the leader outside. Don’t worry about bringing any of your belongings with you, since they’ll just slow you down. To learn how to safely stop, drop, and roll, read on!

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      • Ayman Karimi

        Aug 9, 2019

        "This helped me. The next time we have a fire drill, I'll do these."
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