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Save on energy and eliminate drafts with this quick and easy project
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Weather stripping can be a great way to protect your home from drafts and reduce your energy costs in the winter. The stripping under your door needs to be replaced when it becomes dry, cracked, or starts to peel off. We interviewed handyman Lui Colmenares and home improvement specialist Jacob Pischer to find the best way to install a new weather strip on the bottom of your front door. Keep reading to learn more!

Changing the Weather Stripping on Your Door

  1. Remove any nails or screws and pry the stripping off with a putty knife.
  2. Measure the width of the door and purchase a new weather strip.
  3. Mark the length of the frame on the strip and cut it to size.
  4. Attach the strip to the door as directed on the product’s packaging.
Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Removing the Old Stripping

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  1. Some types of stripping, particularly felt and foam, only last a few years. If your stripping is worn, cracked, or loose to the point that it doesn’t properly seal the gap under your door, it may be time to replace it. [1]
    • Some thresholds (the wood or metal section underneath the door) are adjustable. [2] If your threshold has screws, simply unscrew them to adjust it to the proper height and close large gaps under your door. [3]
  2. If your stripping doesn’t have any screws or nails holding it down on the sides, home improvement specialist Jacob Pischer says to “use a putty knife in order to take off the old weatherstripping.” [4] Wedge the putty knife between the stripping and the door and pry it from the bottom.
    • If the stripping doesn’t come off easily, you may need to use a flat-head screwdriver to pry it off. [5]
  3. If your stripping is attached with nails or screws, remove them using the claw end of a hammer or a drill set to reverse. If the nails or screws are still in good shape, save them to use later. Then, pry the stripping off with a putty knife or flat-head screwdriver. [6]
    • The stripping may also be attached with staples, which can be removed either with a staple remover or a flat-head screwdriver. [7]
    • If the bottom of the door is dirty, use soap, water, and adhesive cleaner to thoroughly scrub the bottom of the door.
  4. If multiple doors need new stripping, take the measurements for all of them. You can do this by using a tape measure across the width of the bottom of the door. Write down your measurements and take them with you when choosing a replacement.
    • Most modern doors are 32 to 36 in (81 to 91 cm) wide, so most stripping is about that size or longer. However, your door may be narrower depending on its age. [8]
    • If you’re buying a different type of stripping than you had before, measure the height of the gap under your door.
    • Remember to measure the door itself, not the width of the doorway.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Choosing a Replacement Product

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  1. The best way to know if the stripping you buy will fit is to use the kind you already have. Take the old stripping to the store to match it or write down the brand and style if you know it. If your old stripping was not effective or to your liking, however, try something new.
    • If your old strip has spines that slip underneath the door, try to find a similar strip that will slip into the same holes. [9]
    • If you're replacing weather stripping on an indoor door, handyman Lui Colemares says you can use “a door draft stopper” instead. These “prevent the wind from coming in the doors” and are “mostly applicable to… apartments.” [10]
  2. This type of weatherstripping works best for exterior doors and garage doors. [11] These U-shaped sweeps slide onto the bottom of your door and have splines or loops that fill in the gap between the door and the threshold. [12]
    • Pischer recommends buying “a couple of different thicknesses and [trying them] out to make sure that the door closes well because if you used too thick, then it won't let the door to close and it'll just bounce back.” [13]
  3. These door sweeps are not as effective and are more visible than other stripping alternatives, but they’re simple to install and some types are adjustable to fit an uneven threshold. [14]
    • Most door sweeps attach with adhesive or screws to the inside edge of an exterior door. However, some types go on the outside edge—consult your package’s instructions. [15]
    • Some sweeps have a brush with a wood or metal backing, while others are made of vinyl or rubber with a thin piece that goes over the gap under your door. [16]
  4. Felt and foam are both very low-cost and easy to install. However, they typically don’t hold up for very long, so they may not be a good choice for doors that see a lot of wear and tear. [17]
    • A slightly more durable option is reinforced foam or felt, which includes a metal or wooden strip to strengthen the foam or felt. [18]
    • There are also tubular rubber and vinyl strips that you press around the edges of the door to keep out air. [19]
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Installing New Stripping

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  1. If you bought the type of stripping that slides onto the bottom of the door, slide it on first, then mark where to cut it. Cut foam and felt weather stripping with heavy-duty scissors or shears , use tin snips or a saw for metal or metal-reinforced stripping, and cut wood stripping with a hand saw. [20]
  2. The stripping you bought will most likely have instructions on the packaging that explain how it should be installed. Read these carefully and make sure you have the tools necessary before starting.
    • Some types of stick-on stripping need to be applied in temperatures above 20°F (-6.7°C). Your product’s instructions should say whether this is the case. [21]
  3. If you need to attach fasteners to the underside of the door itself, remove the entire door to access it more easily. Insert a nail under each hinge pin and tap gently with a hammer until the pin slides out completely. [22]
    • Put a towel down on the floor, then lift the door with one hand near the handle and the other hand under the middle hinge. Put it down sideways on the towel so you can access the bottom.
  4. If you’re using a stick-on foam or felt product, remove the backing that covers the adhesive. Press it firmly against the bottom of your door, making sure to line it up properly before securing it. [23]
    • If you’re worried that the strip will come off, drill pilot holes into the stripping and screw it into the door.
    • Remove the adhesive a section at a time as you attach it to the door so that it doesn’t stick to anything else while you’re working with it.
  5. Slip the stripping on the door as directed. The product’s packaging indicates whether it should be attached with nails, screws, or staples. It may also have pre-made holes for the fasteners to attach through. [24]
    • If it doesn’t have pre-made holes, drill pilot holes in the stripping, then use wood or metal screws to fasten the stripping to the door.
  6. The stripping should fill the gap under your door, but not make it harder to open or close. If the door doesn’t shut properly, try using another stripping in a smaller size.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Can you replace weather stripping on doors?
    Lui Colmenares
    Licensed Contractor
    Lui Colmenares is a Licensed Home Improvement Contractor and Handyman for Mr. Handy NYC based in New York City, New York. Lui is trained and educated as an industrial engineer and specializes in carpentry, painting, and general handyman work such as mounting TVs, doorknob and deadbolt installation, furniture assembly, tile repair, and grouting. Mr. Handy NYC prides itself on quality work performed with speed, skill, and punctuality.
    Licensed Contractor
    Expert Answer
    Yes, although what you choose will depend on whether you're talking about a building or an indoor door, which won't be exposed to direct heat and water. For the latter, you can simply use a door draft stopper, which keeps out the wind and such.
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      • Install felt or foam tape around the inside of your door frame to keep your heating and cooling inside. [25]
      • Metal weatherstripping might look great on older homes where vinyl might seem out of place. [26]
      • Measure the width of your door twice before cutting the weatherstripping. [27]
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      Things You’ll Need

      • Tape measure
      • Claw hammer or drill
      • Weather stripping
      • Heavy-duty scissors (if using foam or felt stripping)
      • Tin snips (if using metal stripping)
      • Hand saw (if using wood stripping)
      • Flat-head screwdriver
      • Nails, screws, or staples for fastening stripping

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