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Surefire giveaways that a Scorpio is into you
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There's a reason people use the term "scorpiosexual"—people born with the sun in this sign are among the most intense, sensual lovers in the zodiac. But they aren't going to bed with just anybody—these folks need to have someone with a depth and passion of their own. We talked to astrologer Angel Eyedealism and AstroYoga specialist Emily Ridout to get the lowdown on how you can tell if a Scorpio is sexually attracted to you as well as what you can do to seduce a passionate scorpion.

Signs of Scorpio Sexual Attraction

If someone born with the sun in Scorpio is sexually attracted to you, it's likely that they won't be able to keep their hands off of you! They're very sensual and physically flirtatious and they'll lock you in an intense stare that seems to reach the depths of your soul.

Section 1 of 3:

Signs of Sexual Attraction

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  1. Scorpio folks are known for their intense stares and when they're into someone, you'll feel those deep, sensual eyes on you. It might seem as though they're telegraphing thoughts to you through their eyes and you'll likely feel as though they could stare right through you into the depths of your very soul.
    • Scorpio is a fixed sign, which can cause its natives to have obsessive tendencies. [1] If a Scorpio can't stop looking at you, that's a sure sign that they're into you in a big way.
  2. A Scorpio isn't afraid of closeness, and when you're having a conversation, they'll want to be as close to you as possible. If they're sexually attracted to you, they'll position their body so that they're right next to you, if not touching, and lean forward so you understand that their focus is entirely on you.
    • This closeness might come across as too intense if you're someone who needs a pretty large bubble of personal space to feel comfortable. Just let them know—Scorpios typically want to fulfill the needs of people they're interested in, even if it means they have to back off a little.
  3. When you cross your legs, they cross theirs. When you lean your arm on the table, they do the same. Sometimes this is subtle, but when a Scorpio is attracted to you they'll naturally start mirroring your posture and gestures. It's also a sign that they feel comfortable around you and want you to feel comfortable around them too.
    • Scorpions also tend to make a study of a person they're interested in, so mirroring your body language is one way they can better understand how you tick.
  4. Scorpio folks tend to be really loyal. If a scorpion is sexually attracted to you, they also want you to know that they only have eyes for you. When you're talking or hanging out, they turn towards you, blocking anyone else out of the conversation.
    • Part of this also relates to their natural possessive tendencies. When they're hanging out with someone they're sexually attracted to, they don't want that person to pay attention to anyone else.
  5. A Scorpio is never going to shy away from getting physical and if they're sexually attracted to you their physical flirtation is going to be off the charts. They'll always seem to find some excuse to touch your arm or put their hand on the small of your back—and they'll likely keep touching you for several seconds longer than would be normal with incidental contact.
    • You might also notice that when they hug you, they hold you very tightly and for a few seconds longer than would be normal for anyone else. They crave closeness with people they're sexually attracted to.
  6. The Scorpio head tilt is something people born with the sun in this sign are famous for—it indicates their interest and curiosity. Something about that slight tilt of the head helps them focus on you that much more.
    • Don't be surprised if you also catch a wry smile or a slightly raised eyebrow accompanying this head tilt. That's a sure sign that a scorpion is interested in getting more intimate with you.
  7. When a Scorpio is attracted to you, they want to know everything about you. These folks are born investigators and they love to probe into the depths of people they're interested in so they can really understand what you like and what turns you on.
    • Scorpions usually tend to keep to themselves, so if they go out of their way to engage you in conversation, you can tell that they're really interested in connecting with you and want to get to know you in a more intimate way.
  8. Because they're so curious, expect a Scorpio who's into you to ask some really probing, serious questions. No superficial small talk for these natives! They prefer to get down to the nitty-gritty and really understand you on a deep level.
    • Answer their questions openly and honestly so they can start building trust in you. Scorpio folks tend to be slow to trust others, but they'll get there if they sense that you're being sincere and not trying to hide anything from them.
    • At the same time, it's not a good idea to just tell them everything about yourself right off the bat. Leave a few details to the imagination and they'll keep coming back for more.
  9. A Scorpio can definitely be a charmer and their reputation as the troublemaker of the zodiac means they're likely to engage in a little ribbing—but they certainly aren't being cruel. On the contrary, if they're teasing you, it likely means that they're sexually attracted to you and want to get both physically and mentally closer to you.
    • If they do say something that rubs you the wrong way, just say so! They definitely don't want to hurt or offend you and they'll be quick to say or do whatever they can to make amends.
  10. Scorpio folks aren't shy about their sexuality—if they're sexually attracted to someone, they tend to be pretty blunt about it. At the same time, they're sensitive enough to take your feelings into account and will do what they can to make sure they're not making you feel uncomfortable in the process.
    • Keep in mind that Scorpios are pretty emotional as well—they're not really interested in sex just for the sake of physical pleasure. Expect their sexual comments to be more laced with innuendo than pornographic.
  11. According to astrologer Angel Eyedealism, if Scorpios "reveal their secrets, then that means they're very serious about you because they have trusted you with their secrets." Openness is a big deal for Scorpio folks, who "like to keep their vulnerability to themselves." Like all water signs, Scorpios are extremely emotional, but they only tend to share those emotions with people they really care about and feel connected to.
    • Eyedealism notes that if "a Scorpio shows you what he is vulnerable to, or his inner sensitivity, that means he trusts [you] enough to love you."
    • She adds that "that's why Scorpio is the sign of intimacy because they like to lay bare all things."
  12. When a Scorpio is interested in someone, they're not one to beat around the bush. Although all of these little hints can clue you in as to a scorpion's true intentions, they're not going to make you play a guessing game to figure out if they're attracted to you or not.
    • Scorpio natives can also be really sensitive and secretive (it comes along with being a water sign), so the fact that they're willing to put themselves out there and tell you how they feel means that they're really into you in a big way.
  13. Scorpios are naturally curious and they also put a lot of stock in the opinions of the people they feel close to. If a Scorpio is asking their friends what they think about you, that's a good sign that they're interested in taking things to the next level with you.
    • For example, a mutual friend might tell you that a Scorpio guy you've got your eye on was asking about you. If that happens, you can all but guarantee that he's sexually attracted to you.
  14. When a Scorpio person is sexually attracted to you, they feel as though they're investing something in you. When someone criticizes you, they're likely to feel as though the criticism is aimed at them to some extent—and they won't take that kindly.
    • This is also related to the fact that Scorpios tend to be rather protective. If they worry that the criticism might hurt you, they'll want to do whatever they can to keep you from feeling bad.
  15. You might catch a glimpse of that sultry scorpion on the other side of the room and all of a sudden they're walking toward you. If you're standing by a snack table, they might claim that they just wanted a snack—and that makes perfect sense until you notice that they need another snack at least once every couple of minutes.
    • If you're talking to someone else, a Scorpio might make an excuse that they just need to talk to that person, even though they're really just trying to get close to you and capture your attention.
  16. When a Scorpio is sexually attracted to you, they want you to give them all of your attention. That's why when they see you talking to someone else, they're likely to come over and interrupt the conversation. It's not that they don't want you to socialize with other people, it's just that they want to make sure they're also in on the action and not being left out.
    • In some cases, this might also indicate a little bit of jealousy on their part—especially if you're talking to another single person and he thinks you might be attracted to them.
  17. Scorpio folks have a reputation for being jealous types and their possessiveness is a side effect of that. You can tell that they're deeply attracted to you if they start acting like they want you all to themselves. [2]
    • This jealousy isn't necessarily a red flag. Once a scorpion trusts you, they'll be willing to give you a little breathing room. Set firm boundaries where necessary to ensure that they don't exert too much control over you.
  18. A Scorpio often has a bit of the brooding loner in them and might not necessarily put a lot of focus on style or dressing for other people. But if they're sexually attracted to you, they're going to go the extra mile to make sure they look their best whenever they think you'll be around to notice.
    • If they're looking good, pay them a compliment and let them know! They'll love to see that their efforts haven't gone to waste and that they've succeeded in catching your eye.
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Section 2 of 3:

Scorpio Compatibility

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  1. Scorpio is perhaps most compatible with fellow water signs. They understand each other on an intuitive level and vibe well emotionally. Because water signs tend to be extremely loyal, they can have a long and loving committed relationship where they bring out the best in each other.
    • Cancer is the standout among the water signs. According to AstroYoga specialist Emily Ridout, Cancer and Scorpio are "highly resonant with one another.... You see a direct connection there as far as physical astrology, like the procreative mechanisms, but also aside from reproduction, they're compatible because they will understand each other intuitively and emotionally."
    • At the same time, Ridout notes that Scorpio is slower to express emotional vulnerability than Cancer.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 508 wikiHow readers tell tell us the best way to start a convo with Scorpios, and only 8% of them recommended small talk as a way to connect. [Take Poll] Scorpios are known to appreciate deep, intellectual conversations more than superficial topics, and this quality is definitely shared by other water signs.
  2. Scorpio tends to be least compatible with the air signs. A Scorpio is so passionate and emotionally intense that they're going to have a hard time understanding the cool rationality of a Gemini , Libra, or Aquarius . [3]
    • Scorpio does have a strong initial attraction to Libra , although it can take some work to grow a long-term relationship out of that spark.
  3. Scorpio can build a solid relationship with an Earth sign if both partners are willing to compromise. They appreciate each other's loyalty and commitment, but Scorpio's intensity can be overwhelming to the laid-back, down-to-earth Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn.
    • Scorpio is perhaps more compatible with Taurus than with other earth signs. Astrologer Angel Eyedealism emphasizes, "I always felt that Scorpios need to be with somebody like a Taurus. And Taurus is so stuck in their ways they need to be with somebody who's very passionate and, you know, keeps things moving."
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Section 3 of 3:

Seducing a Scorpio

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  1. A Scorpio is all about the thrill of the chase. If you're throwing yourself at them or seem desperate, they're not likely to be interested. But if they believe that they have to put some effort into winning your heart, they'll continue to chase after you.
    • Astrologer Angel Eyedealism notes that because Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, Scorpios "want to be very cautious. They observe very carefully before they engage." Playing a little hard to get gives them the chance to come after you on their own terms.
    • At the same time, Eyedealism cautions against playing too hard to get, or "they're gonna freak out and they're gonna lose interest."
  2. A Scorpio is a pretty aggressive, physical person, so chances are they're not going to object to a little physical flirtation on your part. In fact, they'll probably return your flirtation in kind (and if they do, you'll know for sure that they're sexually attracted to you).
    • When you flirt with them physically , you're signaling to them that you would be open to having a more intimate connection.
    • For example, you might grab their arm to emphasize a point you're making, then let your hand lightly rest on their arm for a few seconds longer.
    • If you're eating together, another good way to flirt with them physically is to reach over and wipe a piece of food off of their face or their shirt (and if they haven't dropped any food, you can just pretend).
  3. Scorpio folks love a little secrecy, so you do want to leave something to the imagination. A tight button-down or curve-hugging dress that hints at what's underneath can really get that scorpion motor running!
    • It's usually best if you stick to classic lines and wear something in bold, primary colors (although black is also always a good choice).
    • Add a cool watch or other unique accessory and they'll have something they can ask you about.
  4. You might have heard the phrase that curiosity killed the cat. Well, in astrology, it might be more accurate to say that curiosity killed the scorpion! Scorpio folks are naturally curious and like to figure things out on their own, so don't hand them all of your secrets on a silver platter. The more you leave for them to discover about you, the more keen they'll be to dig deeper.
    • Astrologer Angel Eyedealism emphasizes that "if you provide a little bit of mystery that they need to unravel, they will keep pulling on the yarn forever. So don't give it all up."
    • Eyedealism continues, "Don't give it all up right away. Leave a veil of mystery and then they will be intrigued and they will obsess over you because they always have to obsess."
  5. Loyalty is big for Scorpio folks. If you want to seduce a scorpion , show them that they're the only person on the planet that you're interested in. Make eye contact when they're talking, empathize , and ask follow-up questions to show that you're listening and giving them your full attention.
    • If they see that you're interested in what they have to say and that you're being genuine, they'll start to open up a little bit more and let you in.
    • The more you're able to engage a Scorpio's emotions, the more they're likely to start thinking about you in a sexual way.
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