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Supermodel Tyra Banks coined the word "smize," which means "smile with the eyes." This is a playful and sultry expression that you give the camera to look captivating. Professional models are all about smizing to get a genuine-looking smile in their photographs. If you're trying to model, or just want to improve your headshot or profile picture, you can master the smize. Practice crinkling your eyes and then put it all together with the right chin tilt and mouth position. You'll look stunning!

The Art of Smizing

  1. Relax your shoulders and laugh to loosen up.
  2. Crinkle your eyes without smiling.
  3. Tilt your chin down and angle your face toward the camera.
  4. Subtly lift the corners of your mouth.
Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Practicing the Components

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  1. Roll your shoulders back and forward to loosen them. [1] Tilt your head from one side to the other to relax your neck. Take deep, calming breaths, and try to visualize something that makes you happy, like a memory of goofing off with your friends. [2]
    • Making sure your upper body is loose will avoid the stiff, robot-look of some fake smiles.
  2. Select a small and specific point in the area as your focal point. This will make sure that your gaze is steady and confident, instead of wandering vaguely in all directions. [3]
    • Your focal point should be about eye-level.
    • At the photo-shoot, your photographer may request that you look directly into the camera, or somewhere in the distance. If you're supposed to look in the distance, it's especially important to have a specific focal point, so your eyes don't glaze over.
  3. Laughing loosens up your whole body, makes you happy, and will make your smize look way more genuine. Think of something silly or ask the photographer to tell a joke. If that doesn't work, force a fake laugh. [4]
    • Even fake laughing can loosen up your face and make you relaxed and smiley.
  4. A true, genuine smile doesn't stop at the mouth. It also causes your eyes to crinkle up. For a smize, you're trying to do a pretty tricky task--making a fake smile for a photoshoot look really genuine. Get the eye crinkle down by doing it again and again until you can crinkle your eyes with your mouth hardly moving. [5]
    • Try to squint mostly from the bottom of your eye, tightening the lower lid. [6]
    • Look into a mirror to help you practice.
  5. Go for some light eyeliner by your upper lashes. If your eyeliner makes too harsh a line, take some matte dark eyeshadow and brush it close to the lash line instead. If you want to step it up a little, curl your eyelashes and apply a bit of mascara. [7]
    • Avoid really dark or dramatic eyeshadow, because that can take the focus away from your cute smile crinkles and make your smize look more like a glare.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Putting it All Together

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  1. This will accentuate your jawline. It will also make your head look more prominent compared to your body, which draws attention to your great smize. [8]
    • While you're moving your face, make sure that your shoulders are still staying relaxed and natural.
  2. Tilting the head down makes your eyes look bigger. This is especially important when you want people to see your cute smize.
    • Make sure not to over-do it on the tilting, though. You don't want to give yourself a double-chin!
  3. It's hard to really smile with your eyes without moving your lips, so give yourself a break and let your lips smile a little bit. The trick is to just not go for a full teeth-baring grin. Your mouth will have an alluring, Mona Lisa look, and your friendly, crinkling eyes will pull the whole thing together. [9]
    • Avoid pouting. While this might look good on a few supermodels, it makes most people look grumpy. [10]
  4. You've practiced all the various aspects of the smize, so now you're ready to put it all together for full effect. Remember to relax your shoulders, pick a focal point, tilt your chin down, and think happy thoughts. [11]
    • Aim for a relaxed, playful look. If you tap into some genuinely happy moment, it will shine through in your photos. You'll look confident, and at ease with yourself.
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Common Questions: All About Smizing

What does smize mean as slang?

Smize is a combination of the words “Smile” and “Eyes.” It’s a way of smiling with your eyes that makes you look playful and alluring.

What is the origin of smizing?

Smizing was created by supermodel Tyra Banks. She first brought up the act of smizing in 2009 on an episode of her modeling reality show called America’s Next Top Model . [12]

What is a smize look?

A smize is a gaze that gives you a flirtatious and captivating look, particularly when you’re modeling or taking pictures. According to Tyra Banks, you think of something that you deeply desire and bore your intense stare into the camera. [13]


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Article Summary X

If you’d like to master the "smize," which means to "smile with the eyes," you can get yourself in the right mindset by loosening your shoulders and relaxing a bit. If you’re struggling to loosen up, try thinking about something funny and letting yourself laugh a little. Then, angle your face slightly toward the camera to accentuate your jawline and tilt your chin down a bit to emphasize your eyes. Pick a focal point at eye-level to ensure your gaze is steady and confident and curve your lips up into a small smile. The goal is to keep the lower half of your face fairly neutral, so don't break into a full teeth-baring grin. Finally, squint your eyes just a touch so they crinkle up slightly at the corners. Now you’re smizing! Remember to keep your upper body loose the whole time so your smize looks natural and real. To learn what to think about for a more genuine smize, keep reading!

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  • Princess .........

    Jun 12, 2020

    "Most of my selfies would look good but not that good. After learning how to ''smize'' it has ..." more
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