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Sweet and snuggly ways to cuddle in bed and on the couch
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Whether you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or just a little distant from your partner, you’re probably in the mood for a good snuggle. There’s no right or wrong way to snuggle with someone, but there are a few positions that have stood the test of time. Take a look through our list of snuggling positions to pick a few out for your next cuddle sesh.


The Spoon

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  1. If you want to be “big spoon,” rest your stomach against your partner’s back and wrap your arms around them. If you want to be the “little spoon,” push your back into your partner’s stomach and let them hold you. [1]
    • This is a classic snuggling position that most people know how to do instinctively. It lets the big spoon feel like a protector, while the little spoon gets to feel loved and cared for.
    • Typically, whoever is taller will be big spoon and whoever is shorter will be little spoon. Feel free to mix it up however you’d like, though!
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The Half-Spoon

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  1. This cuddle position is just as intimate as spooning, but it’s great if someone is a little too hot temperature-wise. Have one of you lie flat on your back while the other person nestles into the crook of your arm. Whoever is lying on their side can rest their free arm on their partner’s chest. [2]
    • This snuggling position gives the feeling of being cradled and held, which can be very soothing.

The Honeymoon Hug

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  1. If you want to snuggle but still have a conversation, this position is for you. Lie down on the bed and gently tangle your arms and legs together with your partner’s. Lean in close so you can see their face, then look into their eyes as you chat or fall asleep. [3]
    • This is a great position to choose if you want to chat before bed or you feel like giving your partner a few kisses.
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The Arm Overlap

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  1. Similar to the honeymoon hug, this is a great snuggle position for having a conversation or stealing a few quick kisses. Lie on your side facing your partner and gently rest your arm on top of theirs. Then, you can pull them in close or scooch further away if you need to. [4]
    • This position is ideal for anyone who gets warm under the blankets, since your legs are free.

The Back to Back

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  1. Maybe you both want to roll over in bed, but you still want to feel close. Lie down on opposite sides facing away from each other, but scoot in close so your backs and butt cheeks touch. You can even stretch your legs and play footsie with your partner until you both fall off to dreamland. [5]
    • If you like snuggling but you need your space in order to fall asleep, this is the cuddling position for you.
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The Cradle

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  1. If you or your partner are feeling the need to be nurtured, look no further than the cradle. Have your partner lie on their back and rest your head on their chest, bending your arm to drape across their stomach. You’ll be able to hear their heartbeat and their slow breathing as you drift off to sleep. [6]
    • This snuggle position increases intimacy and can strengthen the bond between you two.

The Leg Hug

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  1. If you both need a good night’s sleep but you still want to snuggle, lie in bed and get into a comfortable position on your stomach or your back. Rest one leg on top of your partner’s leg and leave it there as you fall asleep.
    • You may need to adjust if your leg or your partner’s leg gets uncomfortable (but that’s a problem for later).
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The Butt Pillow

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  1. Maybe you want to feel close without a ton of eye contact, or maybe you’re just really into your partner’s butt. Whatever the case is, have your partner lie on their stomach and scooch down until you can lay on their behind like a pillow.

The Lap Pillow

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  1. Want to feel close to your partner but still watch TV or chat with friends? This snuggle position is for you. Have one person sit criss-cross-applesauce, then have the other person rest their head in their lap. [7]
    • Feel free to play with your partner’s hair or rub their head while they’re in your lap (as long as they’re okay with that, of course).
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The Sitting Snuggle

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  1. Want to watch a movie while snuggling? No problem! Sit down next to your partner and get comfortable, then swing their legs on top of your lap (or vice versa). Their body will be slightly angled toward yours so you can still chat, and you’ll be close enough where kissing or heavy petting feels natural. [8]

The Lounge Chair

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  1. This position is ideal for watching a movie at home. Have your partner sit up, then gently place yourself in their lap, facing away from them. Lean back into their stomach as they wrap their arms around your torso to pull you close. [9]
    • Snuggling in this position will give you a sense of security and calm.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I know when to stop snuggling?
    Community Answer
    When your boyfriend/girlfriend says, "I do not want to snuggle" or tries to get some space. Snuggling in moderation is great, but too much can be suffocating.
  • Question
    How long should I snuggle for exactly?
    Kevin Schlosser
    Community Answer
    There is no specific time limit. As long as you and your partner are comfortable, you can snuggle for as long as you want.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of the feeling (probably butterflies) in my stomach when I try to snuggle?
    Community Answer
    It will go away on its own after a bit. You will get more comfortable with this and you will feel happy and excited instead of nervous. Just snuggle a bit more and you will feel better.
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      • Snuggling can be fun, but as with anything, it might take a little practice. Don’t be afraid to tell your partner what you like, and listen to their feedback, too!
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      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about snuggling, check out our in-depth interview with Imad Jbara .

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you want to snuggle, ask your partner to sit down, then offer to get them a drink or a snack to make sure they’re comfortable. Invite them to take off their shoes or get under a blanket if you have one, then sit as close to them as you comfortably can. Play with their hands or their hair, or find other ways to initiate physical contact, then shift so that either your arms are around your partner or their arms are around you. Use pillows to get comfortable if you need to, and enjoy a movie together or just talk to each other. If you want to learn how to snuggle yourself or with a pet, keep reading!

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        Feb 23, 2023

        "We couldn't find the right positions but we realized that not all positions are for long-lasting hours like ..." more
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