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Plus, signs of spiritual love and how to develop it in your relationship
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Have you ever felt a love so great that it felt like you were the same person or there was a sense of oneness? If so, you may have had a spiritual love. Unlike platonic or familial love, this romantic type of love feels like merging the mind, body, and soul between two people. Often, this feeling happens right at the start and deepens the more you get to know another person. In this guide, we'll teach you what spiritual love is, what signs to look out for, and how to deepen your bond.

Things You Should Know

  • Spiritual love is a deep romantic connection that creates a sense of oneness in a relationship by merging the mind, body, and soul.
  • You may have a spiritual love with someone when your core values align, you encourage each other's goals, and urge each other to become the best version of yourselves.
  • Develop a spiritual love by engaging in spiritual practices together like meditation or yoga, communicating your feelings, and spending quality time with each other.
Section 1 of 3:

What is spiritual love?

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  1. When you develop a deep spiritual connection with someone, there's a shared sense of oneness that surpasses any love you've experienced before. You feel it upon your first interaction with them, and it only deepens the more you spend time together.
    • It's important to note that, like cosmic connections, some spiritual loves are meant to walk you through life, while others are meant to teach you a lesson.
  2. Because spiritual love is about connection, respect, and a deep understanding of one another, this kind of love captures the essence of the Ancient Greeks and their seven forms of love to build deeper bonds between two people.
    • Erotic Love (Eros) is a physical, passionate, and affectionate type of love that is usually connected to sexual desire.
    • Brotherly Love (Philia) is a reliable, enduring love that can develop into Eros and exist independently. This is typically the kind of love shared between good friends.
    • Familiar Love (Storge) results from familial relationships like parents, children, and siblings. It's almost a given because it's related to familiarity rather than choosing a friend or a lover based on mutual feelings.
    • Unconditional Love (Agape) is a pure kind of love that usually connects to God or people's experience after listening to their favorite song, spending time in nature, or engaging with the things they value.
    • Playful Love (Ludus) is a platonic love that focuses on enjoying the moment. It's meant to be casual, fun, and long-lasting.
    • Practice Love (Pragma) is a romantic love that has moved on from the physical needs (like Eros) and is more about emotional connection, compatibility, and steadiness.
    • Self-Love (Philautia) is showing yourself compassion, empathy, and love by doing things for your betterment, like engaging in meditation, movement, or having a self-care routine every night. [1]
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Section 2 of 3:

Signs of Spiritual Love

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  1. There's very little you don't talk to your spiritual love about. Even if conversations seem simple, you always find a way to dig deeper and learn new information about each other that aligns with your values and beliefs. These conversations never feel forced either; the words come tumbling out, and the next thing you know, it's been hours, and the conversation never grows dull.
    • Connecting with your spiritual love in meaningful ways can create a happier, longer-lasting relationship. [2]
  2. In any long-lasting relationship, respect is essential for building a healthy connection. Where others have made your needs, desires, and concerns feel unimportant, your spiritual love listens attentively to your needs, gives your verbal affirmations, and supports your choices, no matter what. [3]
  3. With spiritual love, this person can see deep into your soul and open your heart like no other. You can be honest and tell them your deepest fears without the fear of judgment or that they'll share your secrets. You have no desire to be dishonest, and neither do they.
  4. You don't have to plan grand dates or constant outings with your spiritual love. You could sit on the couch all day and still walk away feeling better. That's because there's no need to try or force things with your spiritual love. Together, you can go with the flow and be happy with the outcome no matter what.
  5. Even when you don't know the right way to say something, you're both open to reframing your words to get down to the core issues in your situation. You never have to hold back or be afraid of saying the wrong thing because you have built a safe space to speak your mind and find resolutions together.
    • Effective communication is a way to show your spiritual love how much you care and value their experiences.
  6. In many cases, when you first meet your soulmate or kindred spirit, you first notice how you view the world similarly. The more you get to know them, the more you realize how closely your core values align. You may not always agree on the same things or have the same goals, but when it comes to spreading love and kindness for yourself and others, that's what matters most.
  7. Being around your spiritual love has allowed you to view yourself in new ways. Their love and support have helped you feel more confident, determined, and ambitious. Similarly, even in areas where you struggle, your connection approaches you with kindness instead of criticism, creating a safer space for you to self-reflect.
  8. No matter your dreams, your spiritual love sees endless potential in you and vice versa. You celebrate each other's passions and successes, and you're always ready to give a helping hand.
    • For example, if your spiritual love is training for a 5k marathon, you may join them or support them from the sidelines with training schedules, water, and healthy snacks!
  9. Your spiritual love has seen you at your best and worst. They want nothing but the best for you and vice versa. They may challenge you to step outside of your comfort zone, and despite how uncomfortable it may be, they know you can accomplish it.
  10. With your spiritual love, you know they're the one for you. They make everything in your life better just by being around. You can experience pure happiness, joy, and freedom in your relationship, which you may not have experienced before.
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Section 3 of 3:

How to Develop Spiritual Love

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  1. In a spiritual love, it's likely you both are spiritual people who engage in mindful movement, meditation, or journaling. While these tend to be solitary practices for self-reflection and self-growth, you can still perform these practices together.
    • Deepen your spiritual bond by engaging in meditation together. Sit side by side and relax your mind and body with slow breaths. You may even match your breath with your partners for deeper unity.
  2. A common problem in relationships is a need for more communication. When something bothers you in your relationship, address it from a place of concern rather than criticism. By framing potential issues as a concern, you show your spiritual love that you care about them. You're not looking to blame or shame them for their behaviors, but instead, find a healthy solution that works for both of you.
    • Effective communication is essential here. This includes active listening, expressing feelings without blame, and being open to each other's experiences, feelings, and perspectives.
  3. It's easy to let the distraction of technology get in the way of quality time together. Even if it's just 10 minutes, put the phones down and be with each other. You could use this time to practice soul gazing, a tantric technique that offers an altered state of consciousness by staring into the eyes of another, which may deepen your intimacy. [4]
    • You could also use quality time to try new things like cooking, reading, or walking together.
  4. You can't love someone else if you don't love yourself. Everyone struggles with hardships in life—including your spiritual love!—but without showing yourself kindness, compassion, and empathy, that may strain your relationship and prevent you from giving the kind of love they may need.
    • Self-love can be as simple as giving yourself compliments, affirmations, or mantras every morning when you brush your teeth.
    • However, if you're looking to participate in a spiritual journey, you may want to connect with your spiritual side through active listening, meditation, or journaling to write down what's on your mind and what you are grateful for.
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