Exploring the transformative nature of deep emotional connections
Feeling inexplicably connected to someone is a truly unique and euphoric experience. It can also be a bit overwhelming! Why does it feel like you were destined to meet this person? Is the connection between the two of you real? We're here to help you figure it out. In this article, we'll go over the signs that you have an unexplainable connection with someone, why these connections exist, and how to handle the experience. Read on for the full scoop.
Things You Should Know
- You might have an unexplainable connection with someone if there's an instant spark when you meet and they seem very familiar, like you already know them.
- When you have an unexplainable connection, you often trust the person instinctively and share things about yourself that you've never shared before.
- To find out if your connection is real, get to know the person better. If your bond is real, it will develop and strengthen over time.
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Signs You Have an Unexplainable Connection with Someone
You form a bond with each other quickly. One of the first and most striking signs is a feeling of immediate connection—there's an instant spark with this person that you've never felt before. Everything about your initial encounter feels special in a way that's difficult to describe to other people. You just intuitively know deep in your bones that something is different about this person.
- Typically, your bond deepens quickly and naturally because it feels like you already know the person.
The connection feels energetic and unusual. When you’re around them, everything feels electric and the vibe is just different. Weird coincidences might happen when you're interacting with them, like texting each other at the exact same moment or finishing each other’s sentences. Your senses are heightened and the bond between you seems to be made of pure energy.Advertisement
You feel safe being yourself around them. Intuitively, you just know that you can show your true colors around them. You never feel worried that they’re going to judge you or think you’re weird; if anything, it seems like they always understand exactly where you’re coming from, no matter what it is! The two of you just click, like two puzzle pieces that fit together perfectly. [1] X Research source
You never run out of things to talk about. Even if you’re a bit shy or reserved, things are totally different around this person. You can (and do) talk about everything under the sun, especially since you have so many shared interests. That doesn’t mean you can’t share a comfortable silence, though, because you absolutely can—but when you’re talking to each other, the words just flow freely.
There’s no jealousy or competition between you. When you share an intense bond with someone, it can feel like you’re two halves of the same whole. You don’t feel any jealousy or competition with them because, in a way, they’re an extension of you. You want the absolute best for them in all things—you want them to win at life, and they want the exact same thing for you.
You learn a lot from them. A deeply emotional connection can be very educational. You see how this person moves through the world and you admire them. Their behavior inspires you to be a better person. Since you’re sharing so much information with each other, you learn so much from them (practical things and spiritual things, too). They constantly supply you with new things to think about that contribute to your journey of self-discovery.
You confide in them easily and without fear. Even if you’re generally a reserved or private person, you don't hesitate to spill the beans about anything and everything to them—including your deepest and darkest secrets. You might find yourself saying, “You know, I've never told anyone this before, but...” fairly regularly! You know in your gut that they would never judge you or betray your confidence, so sharing personal things with them feels so easy.
They help you get to know yourself better. You feel open around them, so you're more willing to step outside of your comfort zone and try new things. Maybe you thought of yourself as an introvert before, but they bring out the chatty extroverted side of you that you didn't even know about. You may discover skills or talents you weren’t aware of, and you feel more in touch with who you are when they’re around.
You think about them constantly. Even if you've only recently met them, they’re in your thoughts constantly. As you get to know them better, you find yourself thinking about them even more—pondering things they said or did, replaying your conversations over and over, wondering what they’re up to at any given moment, and so on. Try as you might, you can’t seem to get them out of your head.
You want to know everything about them. When you feel deeply connected to someone, they’re easily the most fascinating person on earth. You want to know all the details, no matter how trivial, and you never get tired of learning new things about them. You find yourself asking them personal questions that you wouldn’t normally ask someone you don't know well, but it feels totally natural with them.
You treat each other with respect. Mutual respect is the bedrock of any strong relationship, and it comes easily to the two of you. Even if your personal opinions clash, you don't feel the need to push the issue and it doesn't really bother you. You have the utmost respect for this person’s thoughts, values, and beliefs (even when they're different from yours). [2] X Research source
You have similar values. When people share a strong emotional connection, their core values and ideals tend to align. It's normal to occasionally clash or disagree about small things in your daily lives, but when it comes to the things you value the most, the two of you always line up perfectly.
You have a ton in common, but there are important differences, too. Your shared interests and perspectives are the glue that keeps you connected, but you aren’t identical in every way—and that’s a good thing! The ways in which you’re different from one another play an important role in your dynamic, too. You’re able to bond over your differences in ways that you can't bond over shared interests, and that feels important.
They change or inspire you on a deep level. When you meet this person, it feels like something crucial is being set in motion, and in a way, something is—it's your journey of self-exploration. The energy shifts when they come into your life and you go through a lot of soul-searching, growth, and self-discovery. You learn things about yourself that you didn’t know before and it profoundly affects you.
You know you'll never forget about them. Having a deep emotional connection with someone doesn't necessarily mean you'll be in each other's lives forever (although it certainly can mean that). If you do end up parting ways, you know that they'll always hold a special place in your heart. Your connection is truly unforgettable and you'll always think fondly of them and the magical time you spent together.
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You're drawn to them because they have traits you admire and desire. You pick up on this person’s unique combination of traits right away, and you're like a moth to a flame. These traits are usually things that are important to you, and seeing someone else embody them feels significant. Having overlapping interests and physical attraction also play a huge role. [3] X Research source
- Keep in mind that first impressions aren't everything. Initially, you may see qualities or traits in them that you want to see. When you get to know them better, you might find out that they don’t have these traits at all.
You have a spiritual or divine connection with this person. Some people believe that unexplainable connections are spiritual in nature—the souls of the two people are connected in some way. There are different kinds of soul connections, but feeling instantly attracted to the person is a key element in all of them. If you have a spiritual connection with someone , it feels like meeting them was meant to be. [4] X Research source Types of soul ties include:
- Karmic bonds: Karmic connections span multiple lifetimes. If you have a karmic bond, you knew each other in your past lives and now you’re reconnecting in this life—that's why they seem so familiar to you. Karmic bonds are usually sudden and intense, and they aren’t necessarily long-term relationships (although they can be!). Think of karmic bonds as opportunities for learning, self-discovery, and growth.
- Soulmates: A soulmate is someone you have a deep and natural connection with, and it can be romantic or platonic. Some people think soulmates cross paths to remind each other of life’s purpose and provide guidance. When you meet your soul mate , their appearance is sudden but not as disruptive as a karmic bond. Soulmate connections are usually healing in nature and have a calmer energy that sets them apart from other soul ties. [5] X Research source
- Twin flames:
Some people believe that souls are divided in half before being put into human bodies at birth, and your “twin flame” is the other half of your soul—literally. A twin flame holds up a spiritual mirror and shows you who you truly are at your core, which can be a beautiful but bumpy ride. When you meet your twin flame
, they tend to appear suddenly and have a profound effect (sometimes positive, sometimes negative) right away.
- Not sure if you’ve met your twin flame yet? Try taking our handy quiz to find out!
- Feeling like you were "meant to be" with someone is one of the signs of an invisible string connection. See if you relate to this mysterious phenomenon on our "Anyone experience the invisible string theory?" forum .
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Dealing with an Unexplainable Connection
Take things slow. When two people feel deeply connected, the relationship tends to evolve at warp speed—probably much faster than any of your previous relationships. This feeling can be intoxicating, but try to remind yourself to pause and take a step back every now and then. Evaluate how the relationship is going as objectively as you can before moving forward.
Talk to a trusted loved one about what's happening. You don’t necessarily have to do this, but it might help to get an outside opinion—it's hard to see clearly on your own when everything is so intense. Introduce this person to your friends and family and get their honest take. Since they have your best interests at heart, they'll be honest.
- Your friends and family might show some legitimate concern if the relationship is moving abnormally fast. If they have negative things to say about that, it wouldn't hurt to take them into consideration—but ultimately, you have to trust your gut.
Savor the experience. Soul connections are incredibly rare and special. Experiencing them can be a beautiful and often life-changing experience, so try to live in the moment and enjoy it. Just remember to take a step back occasionally and make sure the relationship is having a positive impact on your life before making any big decisions. [6] X Research source
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- ↑ https://thelawofattraction.com/soul-connection/
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- ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/meet-catch-and-keep/201801/is-love-first-sight-real
- ↑ https://ideapod.com/feeling-drawn-to-someone-you-barely-know-spiritual-meaning/
- ↑ https://theeverygirl.com/soulmate-or-twin-flame/
- ↑ https://thelawofattraction.com/soul-connection/
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