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Updating the apps on your Kindle Fire brings you the latest features, security enhancements, and bug fixes from app developers. Keeping your apps up to date is easy. We'll show you how to keep the apps on your Kindle Fire up to date automatically, as well as how you can update apps manually as needed.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Updating Apps Manually

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  1. You will see this on the Homescreen of your Kindle; if not, tap the Home tab. This app icon features the word "apps" with an arrow below it. [1]
  2. This three-line menu icon is in the top left corner of your screen next to the header "Appstore."
  3. It's usually the first option in the second grouping in the menu.
    • If there are any apps that need to be updated, they will appear here.
  4. If there are no apps with updates, this will show a blank page that says "No Updates Available." [2]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Enabling Automatic Updates

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  1. The Settings icon should be on the home screen; it resembles a grey gear. Enabling automatic updates will remove the need for you to update your apps manually, so your apps should always be up to date. [3]
  2. It's next to a bell icon.
  3. You'll find this under the "Apps" header.
  4. You'll find this option near the top of the menu.
  5. This opens the automatic updates preference menu.
  6. If it's already checked, your apps should be updating automatically. If not, you have successfully enabled automatic updates!
    • If updating your apps causes an issue with your Kindle Fire, try updating your software. Go to Settings > Device Options > System Updates > Check Now .
    • If you get an error that your Kindle license has expired, turn on Wi-Fi and sync it. You may need to open each app with Wi-Fi enabled to get rid of that notification. [4]
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  • Question
    My Kindle Fire V1 stopped opening Netflix and Netflix Service cannot figure out what's wrong. Everything else with the Netflix app is working except my KIndle Fire. Do you have any idea what might be wrong?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Have you tried uninstalling the app from your Kindle Fire and then installing it again? Sadly, there are some apps that no longer work with outdated systems.
  • Question
    I am getting an error while updating my apps. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    First you have to do some basic trouble shooting steps, like the hard restart.
  • Question
    When I tap apps updated, I want to update a game, but it won't let me?
    Community Answer
    You probably have too many things. You need to delete a couple of things to make space for the app to update.
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      • Unless you've disabled automatic updates in the past, your apps should update automatically.
      • While apps receive regular updates on other platforms (e.g., iOS and Android), your Kindle Fire might not update apps as often. This can lead to frustration since your apps might not sync across platforms.
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      • Be sure to keep an eye on your Kindle's memory consumption. Updating all of your apps regularly can quickly eat up your hard drive's space.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      1. Open the Appstore.
      2. Tap the three-line menu icon.
      3. Tap App Updates .
      4. Tap " Update (if there are any).

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