Everything you need to know about this popular slang
That movie was mid. This burrito is mid. What in the world does mid mean? Middle…medium…? Are you close yet? If you’ve been hearing or seeing the slang term “mid” floating around on social media and don’t know what it means, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll teach you all about what “mid” means and how to use it so that you can get in on the action!
Things You Should Know
- “Mid” is a slang term used to describe someone or something mediocre or underwhelming.
- You can use “mid” to diss someone or something that’s “meh.” For example, you could say, “That band was super mid. I wouldn’t go to another of their concerts.”
- Say “mid” to describe overhyped things, like movies, games, or food.
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