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Learn how to impress and woo her with this helpful guide
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Cancer women, like their symbol The Crab, are naturally cautious and feel most comfortable at home. They're also fiercely loving and loyal, making them great romantic partners once you break through their tough outer shell. If you’ve got your eye on a sensitive, caring Cancer woman and you want to win her over, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve compiled a helpful guide on wooing a Cancer, complete with advice from expert astrologers Stina Garbis and Angel Eyedealism. Keep reading for everything you need to know!

How to Win Over a Cancer Woman

Cancer women are sensitive, family-oriented, and romantic, and they’re looking for a partner who shares these traits. Be there for her when she needs emotional support, make an effort to get to know her family and friends, and amp up the romance with candlelit dinners or love letters.

Section 1 of 4:

Catching Her Eye

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  1. Take the initiative and introduce yourself to a Cancer woman. “Cancer is definitely on the shy and passive side, so they would like their partner to be the initiator,” explains Eyedealism. [1] Try not to be overly aggressive by using intimate pickup lines or invading her space, though. As a sensitive and romantic water sign, Cancer women tend to respond better to a more sincere and respectful approach. A simple hello and genuine conversation can go a long way!
    • For example, if you’re at a party or social gathering and you see her grab one of the snacks, you could say, “Are those good? I’m starving. My name’s Mark, by the way.”
    • If she’s not doing anything in particular, just start simple. Say, “Hi.” If she says hi back, ask her how her day is going.
  2. Take your Cancer woman to a movie, a paint-and-sip event, or another date activity where she is not the sole focus of attention. Cancers can be a bit reserved at first, but having an activity to focus on will take some of the pressure off, which can help her open up. [2] Also, if the conversation lags, you can comment on the activity at hand to get it going again. [3]
    • Avoid intense one-on-one dinner dates too early on, which may feel like an interrogation to a shy Cancer.
  3. When she asks you questions, don't just give short answers. Instead, try to open up and share things about yourself, and ask questions about her life in return. Like all water signs, Cancers are known for being sensitive and emotional, and they’re looking for a partner who can match this energy. [4] If you show her you can be vulnerable , she’ll feel more comfortable doing the same with you, which will bring you closer together.
    • For example, if she asks how you got into teaching, rather than simply saying, “I like it.” You could say, “I really want to make a difference for kids. My dad wasn’t always around growing up, and I had a teacher who made a really strong impression on me during that time.”
    • If she mentions that she's going through something difficult, tell her that you're there for whatever she needs. For example, say something like, "I'm so sorry you're dealing with that—it sounds really tough. What can I do to help? I'm here for you."
    • Cancers are also cardinal signs , which means that they can be pretty intense. In fact, Eyedealism calls Cancer “the most intense water sign.” [5] If she’s serious about you, she’ll want to connect with you in a super deep, meaningful way, rather than just making small talk.
  4. Try not to be put off if a Cancer woman dodges your questions at first. Table the topic for now, and circle back to it when you know each other a bit better. Cancers are protective and naturally shy, so it may take a while for her to get comfortable talking about more serious things with you. [6]
    • For example, if she avoids a personal question, say, “No problem! We don’t have to talk about anything you don’t want to talk about. I want you to feel comfortable.”
  5. Prove you are trustworthy by following through on your actions and words. Cancer women crave a reliable, stable partner who can make them feel comfortable and safe. Show her you can be that person, and she’s much more likely to fall for you. [7]
    • For example, if you say you’re going to pick her up from work, leave enough time in your schedule to make sure you can do it. If you offer to water her plants while she’s on vacation, do a good job and follow all of her directions.
  6. If you want to build a real relationship with a Cancer woman, focus your romantic attentions on only her. Faithfulness, trustworthiness, and loyalty are very important to a Cancer, so she’s much more likely to go for someone who shows that they can commit . [8]
    • For example, you might say, “I’m really interested in taking our relationship to the next level. I’m not dating anyone else right now because I want to show you how serious I am about you.”
    • If you’re dating multiple people, it’s a good idea to be clear about that from the get-to to make sure you’re both on the same page. [9]
    • Like all water signs, Cancers have a tendency toward jealousy because they form strong emotional attachments to others, explains Eyedealism. [10] Because of this, she likely won’t respond well if you try to date around to make her jealous.
  7. Cancers are hopeless romantics. They’re looking for storybook love and deep connections, not casual flings. If you've been seeing each other for a while and you want her to go all-in on a relationship with you, show her how serious you are with some traditionally romantic dates. Eyedealism recommends something like “an intimate corner of a dimly lit restaurant with soft music playing,” for example. [11]
    • Romantic gestures like sweet love notes or a fresh bouquet of flowers are also great ideas.

    Stina Garbis

    Psychic Astrologer
    Reverend Stina Garbis is a Psychic Astrologer and the Owner of Psychic Stina. With over 30 years of experience, she specializes in providing personal and professional advice through astrology and tarot card readings. Reverend Stina has experience working with high-profile celebrities, sports figures, politicians, and CEOs. She has been featured in many publications, including Bustle, Vice, The New York Post, and Readers’ Digest and she also has a 200k+ following on TikTok. Stina holds an Ordained Minister License from The International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary.
    Stina Garbis
    Psychic Astrologer

    Allow Cancers to smother you a little bit. In a relationship, they're going to want to be close to you and be helpful, so you should give them opportunities to do these things. Let them take care of you, and go to them and ask for their help if you're sick or injured.

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Section 2 of 4:

Appealing to Her Love of Friends and Family

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  1. Cancers are the “mothers of the zodiac,” explains Eyedealism, so it’s no surprise that they’re super family-oriented. [12] Try planning a picnic or another casual, daytime activity, and tell her you’d love her family to come. If you show her you want to build great relationships with her loved ones , it’ll help her envision a real future with you.
    • For example, you could say, “I love how close you are with your mom. Does she want to come hiking with us on Sunday?”
    • Reader Poll: We asked 273 wikiHow readers if they believed Cancers are generally family-oriented, and 91% of them said Yes. [Take Poll]
  2. A Cancer woman cares deeply about her friends, so she’ll appreciate it if you make an effort to connect with them. [13] Suggest a double-date at the movies or a mini golf course, or go all out and plan a small get-together with the whole friend group. She’ll be impressed by your willingness to get to know the people she cares about!
    • For example, you could say, “There’s a great new pizza place by my office. Do Chloe and John want to join us for a pie on Saturday night?”
    • It’s best to invite a longstanding couple and your Cancer woman on a double-date. That way, she won’t feel guarded meeting a friend’s significant other for the first time.
  3. According to Garbis, Cancers love to take care of others and emotionally support them. [14] This means that she might drop everything and rush to help a family member or friend in need. Be understanding if this happens, even if it interferes with plans the two of you had, and make sure to follow-up afterward to make sure the friend or family member is okay. Your concern for her loved ones will definitely impress her!
    • For example, if she bails on a date to take her brother to the doctor, you could say, “No problem at all. Pizza can happen anytime. Is he okay? What can I do for you both?”
  4. Flip through family photo albums with her, and let her share a few of her favorite memories. Ask her questions about beloved family members, or what life was like when she was a kid. [15] A nostalgic, sentimental Cancer woman loves having these types of conversations, and it’s also a chance to get to know her better. [16]
    • You could say, “Is that a picture of you and your Grandma Betty? It sounds like she was an amazing woman. What’s your favorite memory together?”
  5. If a Cancer woman is serious about you, she’ll be equally invested in getting to know your loved ones. Show her you’re willing to bring her into your life by letting her spend time with your family and friends. You can invite her to dinner with your parents, take her as a date to your extended family’s holiday party, or bring her on a night out with your friend group, for example. [17]
  6. Hold back criticism or feedback about friends and family of hers you don’t know well. Since Cancers are fiercely loyal, she may get offended if she feels like you’re attacking one of her loved ones. [18] If you do criticize someone important to her, make sure it’s only to show her that you’re on her side if she’s in an argument with them.
    • For example, if she and a friend get in a bad fight, you could say, “I know how much you guys care about each other. It concerns me that she got so personal with her attacks on you. Are you okay? Can I do anything to help?”
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Section 3 of 4:

Showing off Your Domestic Side

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  1. Dust off a favorite family recipe of yours and make her a delicious meal at her place. Cancers love comfort and can definitely be homebodies at times, so a cozy night in with some home cooked food can really win her over. [19]
    • If you don’t have a family recipe to share, pick a cookbook recipe that you think she’d love.
    • It doesn’t have to be a complicated dish, just something that goes along with her tastes. If she loves Mexican food, for example, she’ll love the effort you put into some fresh guacamole.
    • Don’t forget to do the dishes!
  2. Create a cozy atmosphere with dim lighting, lots of pillows, and some fresh-popped popcorn for a laid-back evening at home together. Tell her she’s welcome to wear sweats or pajamas, so she knows you want her to be as comfortable and cozy as possible. [20]
    • Have a couple of movie suggestions lined up, but let her make the final choice.
  3. Take care of her home by cleaning up after yourself when you cook or come over. Keep your own place tidy, too, so she can see that you treat your home with respect. Cancers care deeply about building warm, comforting home atmospheres, so she’ll definitely be paying attention to the way you treat her home and your own living space. [21]
  4. If you’re handy, care for her home by making it function better. Repair a leaky faucet or humming refrigerator without her having to ask. [22]
    • Taking good care of her place lets her know that you understand what a sanctuary her home is to her. [23]
    • If you’re not particularly handy, unload her dishwasher or perform another simple chore to help out.
  5. Show love to her furry friends with walks, ear scratches, and treats when appropriate. By showing her you value her companion, she can begin seeing you as a seamless part of her life. [24]
    • If she’s not an animal person, offer to housesit for her or pick up her mail when she’s out of town. It’ll make her return home that much sweeter.
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Section 4 of 4:

Signs a Cancer Woman is Attracted to You

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  1. Although she can be shy and reserved at first, she is an emotive and sensitive water sign, so if she’s starting to fall for you, there will definitely be clues. [25] Here are some to look out for:
    • She opens up and shares her feelings and thoughts with you
    • She goes out of her way to start long, deep conversations with you
    • She invites you into her personal life and her home
    • She makes an effort to get to know your friends and family [26]
    • She becomes more physically affectionate and finds excuses to be close to you
    • She shows you her nurturing and helpful side (cooks you a delicious meal, surprises you with a coffee at work, gets you a gift you’ve been wanting, etc)
    • She’s protective of you and stands up for you when others criticize you
    • She gets a little jealous when she sees you talking to other girls [27]

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      Article Summary X

      To attract a Cancer woman, try taking her on activity-based dates, like going to the movies or a concert, since Cancer women tend to prefer dates where they're not the sole focus of attention. Also, be vulnerable around her by opening up about your feelings, which Cancer women look for in a partner. Remember to be patient if she seems closed off at first. Cancer women can be shy, but that doesn't mean she's not attracted to you! To learn how to show off your domestic side to attract a Cancer woman, scroll down!

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