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Learn how to make your AirPods fit better
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Having your AirPods fall out while you’re jamming to your favorite song or working out at the gym can be annoying. Fortunately, there are a few things you can try to help keep them from slipping out of your ears. You can position the AirPods so they stay in your ears or use some waterproof tape to help hold them in place. There are also accessories such as covers with ear hooks you can use. This wikiHow will show you the best tips to get your AirPods to stay in your ears.

How to Get AirPods to Stay in Your Ear

Wipe away any dirt or oil with a damp cloth, then insert the AirPods and twist them so the stem sticks out horizontally. If that doesn’t work, attach waterproof tape to the AirPods to keep them from sliding, or use an AirPod cover with ear hooks to keep them in place. Silicone ear tips also create a tighter seal.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Twisting the AirPods

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  1. Take a clean cloth or paper towel and lightly dampen it with cool water. Wipe away any oil, dirt, or residue from the tips of the AirPods, where the speaker ports are. Rub away any stuck-on residue so they’re clean. [1]
    • Oil and dirt can affect how well the AirPods can adhere to your ears.

    Warning: Don’t use a soaking wet wipe or cloth to wipe the AirPods as the water could damage them.

  2. Gently press the AirPods in your ears so the speakers are facing into your ear canal. Point the stem of the AirPods down so they’re aligned vertically with your head.
    • Don’t force the AirPods deep into your ear canal.
  3. Take 1 AirPod by the stem and twist it upward so the speaker portion is wedged into your ear canal. Continue twisting until the stem is sticking out of your ear and is aligned horizontally with your head. Then, repeat the process with the AirPod in your other ear.
    • Wedging the AirPods in your ear canal will help hold them in place and keep them from falling out.
    • If you have a habit of losing your AirPods , you can add them to Find My. This way, you'll be able to track them down whether they're lost, stolen, or out of battery.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Taping the AirPods

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  1. Waterproof tape has an adhesive side for you to attach it to your AirPods and the non-sticky side won’t slip and slide in your ear. Pick up a roll of waterproof tape from a home improvement store or department store near you, or search for some online.
    • Don’t use duct tape or scotch tape, which won’t provide as much grip and will leave behind a sticky residue on your AirPods.
  2. Take a standard hole punch and insert a small strip of the waterproof tape into the punch slot. Press down on the hole punch to remove a small circle from the strip of tape. Punch out 4 small circles and set them aside.
    • Wipe the hole punch clean with a damp cloth to remove the sticky residue.
  3. Attach 2 circles of tape to each AirPod, placing 1 above the opening for the speaker and 1 below it, where the AirPod touches the skin of your ear. Make sure the 2 circles of tape are installed in the same locations on each AirPod.
    • The small pieces of tape won’t prevent you from being able to store the AirPods in their case.

    Tip: If you misplace the tape, pull it off quickly and reapply it so the adhesive doesn’t come off on your AirPods.

  4. Press the AirPods into your ears so the speakers are pointed toward your ear canal. Make sure the stem of the AirPods are pointed down and lined up vertically with your jaw.
    • The tape will provide extra grip to help keep the AirPods from falling out.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Attaching Accessories

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  1. Use covers with earhooks that are designed for AirPods and slide your AirPods into them so they’re snug and secure. Make sure the openings on the covers line up with the speaker openings on the AirPods. Fit the AirPods into your ear canal and slip the hooks over your ears so they’re held in place and won’t fall out .
    • Visit an iPhone accessory store or search online for covers with ear hooks for your AirPods.
    • Covers with ear hooks are great for keeping your AirPods from falling out during physical activity such as running or cycling.
  2. Use silicone ear tips designed for AirPods and fit them over the speaker portion of each of the AirPods. Line up the speakers with the openings on the ear tips so the music won’t be muffled. Put the AirPods into your ears so the silicone is wedged into your ear canal, creating a tight seal that will keep them from falling out easily.
    • You can find silicone tips at iPhone accessory stores and online.
    • The seal created by the silicone tips will also block out more background noise and make your music sound louder.
  3. Take fuzzy foam earphone covers and slide them over the speaker portion of each of your AirPods. Put your AirPods in your ears with the stem pointing down so the foam material and thickness of the covers will keep them from slipping out.
    • You can find ear covers online.
    • Foam earphone covers will improve the bass quality of the AirPods as well.

    Tip: If you can’t find AirPod foam earphone covers, use ones designed for other earphones.

  4. This can be especially helpful if you're using your AirPods in cold weather. The ear warmers or sweatbands can physically hold them in place while you walk, run, or exercise. You could also use a beanie pulled down to your ears for a more casual look.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I sync my AirPods to my iPhone?
    Josef Storzi
    Apple & Mobile Phone Repair Specialist
    Josef Storzi is an Apple and Mobile Phone Repair Specialist and the Owner of Imobile LA, a mobile phone repair company based in Los Angeles, California. Josef specializes in repairing screens, charging ports, batteries, water damage, speakers, and microphones on all mobile phone brands including Apple, Samsung, LG, Nokia, and Sony. He also specializes in tablet, laptop, and computer repairs as well as the pros and cons of recent mobile software updates.
    Apple & Mobile Phone Repair Specialist
    Expert Answer
    In order to set up your AirPods, simply open the AirPods case next to your phone. A dialog box will appear on your iPhone prompting you to connect to them. Tap on Click "Connect" and that’s all. Enjoy your airpods!
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