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The luckiest numbers, days, gemstones & color for this fiery sign
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In numerology, there are lucky numbers for every zodiac sign, including the ambitious Aries. While they don’t need any luck to achieve their dreams, the fire sign can use their lucky numbers to guide them in their daily lives—whether they’re playing the lottery, pushing through a project, or trying to find their perfect partner. In this article, we’ll share the lucky numbers for Aries as well as the luckiest days, gemstones, and colors for the ram.

Things You Should Know

  • The numbers 9, 6, and 7 are considered lucky digits for native Aries.
  • Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday are believed to be the luckiest days of the week for Aries.
  • Lucky gemstones for Aries include diamond, red coral, and amethyst.
Section 1 of 4:

Aries Lucky Numbers

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  1. As an Aries, you might have trouble making a selection, especially if you’re overwhelmed with options. Use 9 to guide you during your decision-making process, whether you’re playing the daily lottery or deciding on the date for an important event. [1]
  2. With your creative personality , it’s perfectly normal to encounter burnout or writer’s block. If you’re struggling to push through a project, consider 6 as a lucky number to increase your productivity —you might treat yourself after reading 6 chapters of a book, writing 6 paragraphs for a paper, or answering 6 questions on an assignment. [2]
  3. If you spot 7 during the middle of an exhausting day, interpret it as a supportive sign from the Universe—it’s a reminder to stay resilient and keep moving forward. Use the digit as a guide to help you overcome obstacles, and remember to give yourself credit after you finish something. [3]
    • For example, take a 7-minute break if you’re stuck on an assignment, or memorize information in sevens if you have an upcoming exam.
    • Throughout history, 7 has been considered the luckiest number for many cultures and religions. There are 7 days in a week, 7 colors in the rainbow, 7 chakras, 7 spiritual levels to heaven—the list goes on. [4]
  4. As one of the most ambitious and hard-working zodiac signs, you’re probably looking to advance in your career. If you see 36 frequently, the Universe might signal you to step out of your comfort zone and network . By connecting with lots of people, you increase the probability of finding someone who can help you secure an exciting opportunity. [5]
    • While you can interpret 36 as a motivational sign in your career, you can also utilize the number to take action. For instance, you might make a goal to network with 36 people by the end of the year or apply to 36 job listings.
  5. Even though you’re extremely passionate and romantic, it’s easy to get bored with dating as an Aries. The number 8 represents motivation and encouragement when it doesn’t seem like you can find a partner, so use it to help you navigate your dating life. [6]
    • For instance, you can try to go on 8 dates by the end of the summer, or write down 8 things you like about a potential partner (instead of focusing on their flaws).
    • The most compatible signs for Aries are Aquarius, Gemini, Leo, and Sagittarius.
  6. The vibrations of this lucky number can help you stay grounded in your family and love life. Instead of simply being there for others, 24 encourages you to play an active role in your relationships so you can maintain your most meaningful connections. [7]
    • To utilize 24 in your relationships, plan a romantic date with your partner or schedule a family vacation on the 24th of the month.
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Aries Lucky Days

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  1. While specific lucky dates for zodiac signs vary by month, you might consistently feel lucky on these 3 days of the week. Consider buying a lottery ticket, entering a contest, arranging a date, or starting a new goal or hobby! [8]
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Aries Lucky Gemstones

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  1. As the birthstone for Aries born in April, diamonds are said to enhance your most positive qualities, including creativity. Wear diamond jewlery when you’re looking for some inspiration, especially if you’re about to start a new project or endeavor. [9]
  2. Since Mars is the ruler of your sign, use red coral to help strengthen its influence and reduce its negative effects. This vibrant gemstone is believed to bring courage, strength, and respect to an Aries, so wear a red coral ring when you need an extra boost of confidence or motivation. [10]
  3. As an Aries, you’re probably familiar with overanalyzing everything. If you’re struggling to relax your mind, use an amethyst crystal to promote calmness and clarity. Meditate with the stone (or simply keep one nearby) to soothe your racing thoughts. [11]
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Aries Lucky Color

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  1. What other color would you expect for a fire sign? Whether it’s scarlet or maroon, incorporate more red into your life to bring out your best qualities. Red is believed to incite energy and confidence, while keeping your emotions in check, so it can help you stay motivated throughout your life journey. [12]
    • To utilize red, consider updating your home decor with the lucky color—a red throw blanket or pillow adds a pleasant pop of color to any space.
    • You can also wear a piece of jewelry with a red gemstone like carnelian or ruby .

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