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Everything you need to know about the Venus in Aries man, including how to attract him
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You might know that an Aries man is confident, daring, and intense, but what’s he like when he’s in love? In astrology, your Venus sign represents how you show and feel love. Whether there’s a Venus in Aries man that you’re interested in, or you simply think this sign is the one for you, we’ve got the low down on what makes him tick. We’ll also tell you what he wants in a relationship and how you can get him to notice you. Read on to learn more!
This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • The Venus in Aries man is known for his passionate, direct, impulsive, and confident nature.
  • In a relationship, a Venus in Aries man wants a bold, fun-loving partner who can stand up for themselves.
  • Attract a Venus in Aries man by giving him compliments, being upfront about your feelings, and letting him chase you.
Section 1 of 4:

Venus in Aries Overview

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  1. You won’t be left guessing if a Venus in Aries man is into you. He loves the thrill of the chase, finding it extra exciting when you play hard to get. He is not shy with his affection and will tell you to your face that he’s interested. A Venus in Aries man loves the idea of love and tends to jump into relationships quickly. However, he can get bored if his partner can’t keep up with him. [1]
    • Aries is a fire sign, who is known for his direct, impulsive, and intense nature.
    • It’s no wonder that Aries is so fiery because he is ruled by Mars, the planet of passion, war, and masculinity.
    • This is an interesting placement because Venus is in detriment in Aries. This means that love can be difficult for Aries to find and conquer because Venus’ femininity is fighting Mars’ masculine influence. [2]
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Venus in Aries Personality Traits

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  1. A Venus in Aries man puts everything into the pursuit of love. He’ll woo you with big gestures and declarations of his love. When he knows he’s into you, he can’t keep it inside!
    • A Venus in Aries man is big on physical affection, so don’t be surprised if that means he’s into PDA too.
    • As a fire sign, Aries' love burns hot and intense. However, that also means it can go out quickly. When he knows that he’s got you, he can become bored. Playfully tease him, plan active dates, and give him lots of attention to keep him interested.
  2. This is a man who goes after what he wants because he knows he’ll get it. As the leader of the zodiac, a Venus in Aries man charges head first into the battlefield of love. There’s no hesitation or waiting to make the first move with him. With his irresistible charm, he knows that he’ll win you over. [3]
    • He also loves competition, so he might even pursue you if you're taken or initially uninterested!
    • A Venus in Aries man’s confidence can often come across as self-centered and cocky. It’s no secret that he likes to be admired!
    • As a cardinal sign, Aries is a true trailblazer who leads the rest of the signs into Spring. Combined with the fact that he’s the first sign in the zodiac, he is a natural born leader who is always ready to jump into action.
  3. A Venus in Aries man is bursting at the seams with spontaneity. Instead of heading back to work after lunch, he might decide it's the perfect day for the beach and take you with him. If you’re out shopping and ogling at a pair of overpriced shoes, he might just buy them for you! [4]
    • A Venus in Aries man’s wild energy and need for action can sometimes make him come across as fickle. While he likes to try lots of new things, he’s not always the greatest at completing them.
  4. There’s nothing subtle about a Venus in Aries man. If you want to know where you stand with him, just ask! He doesn’t like passiveness or ambiguity, so if he’s got something to say, he’ll say it to your face.
    • With his ruling planet being Mars, a Venus in Aries man can sometimes come across as harsh and aggressive when he’s expressing himself.
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Venus in Aries in a Relationship

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  1. Assertiveness is second nature to him, so he wants someone who can step up to the plate and take him on. If a Venus in Aries man challenges you, don’t back down! He’ll love that you're up for some competition, and probably even find it to be a turn-on.
    • Venus in Aries men are often most compatible with Venus in Gemini because they are strong-willed, but let Aries call the shots when it comes to romance.
  2. If you can’t tease, laugh, and joke with your partner, what’s the point? A Venus in Aries man wants someone who is just as playful as him. He needs a partner who can keep up with and appreciate his silly antics, whether that’s a surprise sky-diving date or a midnight swim in a hotel pool.
    • If your Venus in Aries man senses that you find his playfulness childish, he’ll start to drift away. Show that you love him by supporting his fun-loving side.
    • Regularly remind your Venus in Aries man that your relationship is just as fresh and exciting as it was when it began. He’ll love it if you surprise him with a romantic bouquet of roses and a thrilling date.
  3. Passion is one of Aries’ defining traits, so it’s no surprise that it makes its way into the bedroom. A Venus in Aries man likes to get straight to the point, which means he’s direct about what he wants. He’s open to spontaneity and trying new things, so he’s sure to keep you on your toes. [5]
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How to Attract a Venus in Aries Man

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  1. Because of his confident and self-centered nature, a Venus in Aries man loves the spotlight and being told how great he is. As you’re getting to know him, drop him compliments that he’s charming, intelligent, and a go-getter. He’ll be flattered and find your direct communication attractive.
  2. Once you’ve piqued his interest, let him chase you . A Venus in Aries man wants the challenge of winning you over. Flirt and tease him to let him know that you’re interested and leave him wanting more. He’ll go wild when he realizes that you want him, but don’t need him.
    • Be sure not to act too aloof. While he wants the chase, if it’s not playful and he’s not getting enough attention, he’ll grow bored.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 2667 wikiHow readers about how Aries men typically flirt, and only 9% said by flexing his muscles or showing his skin . [Take Poll] So, look for other signs that he’s flirting with you back, such as making intense eye contact.
  3. If there’s one thing that’s attractive to a Venus in Aries man, it’s someone who doesn’t beat around the bush. If he hasn’t made the first move yet, be bold and do it yourself ! He’ll find your confidence irresistible and won’t be able to keep himself away.
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