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Two Cancers have sensational soulmate potential
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If your sun sign is in Cancer , you can't do much better than a relationship with a fellow Cancerian. The two of you just understand each other so well it's like you're sharing a brain. Not only are you the best of friends, you have the warmest, most inviting home anyone's ever seen. Read on to learn more about the warm, nurturing compatibility between a Cancer man and a Cancer woman.
This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Section 1 of 10:

At a Glance

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  1. These two definitely have happily-ever-after potential! Their relationship is warm and healthy, infused with a strong emotional connection. Because they understand each other's needs, they know how to truly fulfill each other. [1]
    • Because both are highly protective and value security above all else, their home will be a protective bubble of peace and love.
    • Since both are pretty traditional, marriage is definitely in the cards—along with the 2.5 kids, the dog, and the house in the suburbs with a white picket fence.
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Section 2 of 10:

Love and Romance

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  1. Cancerian men like to smother their partners with love and affection and this level of attention is right up the she-crab's alley. It doesn't take long for sparks to fly with these two, who both have a very quiet and traditional approach to romance—bring on the wine and candles for a cozy dinner for two at home.
    • Perhaps the easiest way to get a Cancer guy to fall in love with you is to remind him of his mother. As the nurturing mother of the zodiac, a Cancer lady has no trouble doing this.
    • Both tend to be pretty picky about who they let into their hearts, but they have such a strong emotional connection and intuitive understanding of each other that something close to love at first sight is possible.
Section 3 of 10:

Sexual Chemistry

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  1. A Cancerian lady favors slow sensuality in the bedroom. [2] Her Cancer guy knows how to connect with her and make her feel comfortable, safe, and loved, which is all she needs for her passion to ignite.
    • These two don't tend to be very adventurous in the sack, but they don't really need all that either. Their emotional connection is more important than getting wild and kinky.
    • The sensual dance often starts well before they ever set foot in the bedroom. Both are masters of foreplay and know how to set the mood hours before they finally make it under the sheets.
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Section 4 of 10:

Emotional Bond

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  1. Cancer's ruling planet is the moon, which governs emotions. Because they both understand each other so well, these children of the moon can bond on a really deep level pretty quickly. [3]
    • The water element comes into play here as well. Water signs tend to be really perceptive and sensitive, which means they'll pay a lot of attention to each other and understand each other intuitively.
    • Sometimes, Cancerians tend to get a little too caught up in their feelings, which can make some waves. But usually, their close bond wins out and they end up supporting each other through more tumultuous times.
Section 5 of 10:

Intellectual Connection

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  1. The fact that these two are on the same wavelength definitely works to their advantage here. They tend to enjoy the same subjects and like conversing on a deeper level about the latest documentary they watched together or the latest book they've read. [4]
    • Even though Cancerians aren't very chatty, they love having deep, intellectual discussions about philosophy, spirituality, and other serious topics.
    • Both love reading—what better opportunity to explore another world without ever leaving the comfort of your own home? Don't be surprised to see walls of books in their home, if not a full-on library.
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Section 6 of 10:


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  1. Cancerian men tend to be pretty reserved. [5] Similarly, a Cancerian lady can be pretty shy at first. Initiating a conversation might take some time, but once these two get together their communication is usually pretty strong.
    • As intuitive water signs, these two often find they can understand each other without saying a word—and they're always content to share the silence.
    • Either of them can have a hard time starting a conversation about something difficult or potentially confrontational. Just remember to be open and honest with each other.
    • Both also understand the value and intimacy of sharing silence together. There's no tension or awkwardness when these two are just sitting together sipping coffee in the morning without saying a word.
Section 7 of 10:

Goals and Values

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  1. The Cancerian lady craves security and values home and family. This suits a Cancerian man just fine since he values the same things. Since they're both on the same page in terms of what they want out of life, they tend to achieve their goals fairly quickly.
    • Don't be surprised if these two get hitched within a year of getting together—they both know what they want and don't see any point in waiting.
    • Family is very important to both of them, so typically they also want to get started having kids as soon as possible.
    • Cancerians tend to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, so these two typically aren't extremely ambitious. As long as they have a comfortable home and a happy family, that's all they need to be satisfied with life.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 273 wikiHow readers if they believed Cancers are generally family-oriented, and 91% of them said Yes. [Take Poll]
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Section 8 of 10:


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  1. Crabs have a reputation for being homebodies—they certainly don't fall under the most outgoing and adventurous sign in the zodiac. Neither are particularly active, either, which tends to work in their favor for the most part. They're both content to stay in watching TV or reading a book, so that's what they do.
    • The only problem here is that they have the tendency to stagnate if they're together for a long time. They might find that they never go out and that they're neglecting their friends.
    • To make sure they're living to their fullest potential, both have to make an effort to push each other out of their comfort zones and encourage each other to try new things.
Section 9 of 10:

Potential Challenges

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  1. As children of the moon, Cancers are definitely prone to moodiness. When they get in a funk, all they need is a little space and they'll soon be right as rain. Fortunately, these two know this about each other, so they have no problem stepping back and giving each other space and time when their moods turn sour.
    • If they do get upset with each other, they tend to get passive-aggressive, which can cause some issues. But with their strong emotional connection, they'll soon overcome their issues.
    • When you're feeling moody, remember that it's best to communicate directly about what you're feeling, rather than pushing it down.
  2. Neither individual is very adventurous, and, as cardinal signs, they don't have much initiative either. That can make it pretty easy to sit back and maintain the status quo without putting much effort into getting out and trying new things. [6]
    • To overcome this challenge, you both have to be willing to push each other to try something new . Remember: it's only getting started that's a little difficult. Once you're out there, you'll both have a great time!
    • If you start to notice that things are becoming stagnant and predictable, a quick change in the routine can knock you out of that rut pretty quickly. For example, you might try going for a walk after dinner instead of watching TV.
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Section 10 of 10:

Key Takeaways

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  1. Since these two have the same goals and values, they're always on the same page. The only problem is that sometimes they can have too much of a good thing! Crabs tend to go stagnant without someone to push them occasionally.
    • If one or both of these lovebirds can rise to the occasion and gently pull their partner out of their comfort zone from time to time, they'll enjoy their quiet companionship all the more.
    • Because of their natural intuitiveness, these two water signs have an incredibly strong emotional bond that helps them overcome the challenges most couples face.

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