Do you want to lose weight but avoid getting the bulky bodybuilder look? If you're interested in becoming more lean and toned, you will want to focus on losing fat while building lean muscle. Becoming leaner may require you to lose a little weight, reduce your overall body fat, and tone your muscles. The correct combination of both dietary changes and exercise can help you achieve your goals. Even though you may not see results after the first day, or even the first week, in the end, your persistence will pay off with a lean, toned, and fit body. Getting lean is not easy — it takes drive and determination, but you can do it with the correct approach.
Set realistic goals for yourself. By making a list of your goals, whether it simply be losing five pounds or being able to run a mile under a certain time, having your goals written out may help you stick to them long-term.
- Write your goals down, and keep them in plain sight so you are reminded about what all your hard work is going toward each day. Be as specific as possible. Instead of just saying "lose weight," say "lose X pounds by December."
- Make sure your goals are realistic and timely. You may need to make multiple goals until you reach a larger, more long-term goal.
- Keep track of your progress towards your goals in a journal or a sheet of paper you tack to the fridge. Seeing how far you've come may help keep you motivated and working harder to achieve your long-term goals.
Determine your daily calorie intake. By decreasing the amount calories you eat each day may help you lose weight and reduce your total amount of body fat.
- The prescribed calorie deficit ranges from 500–750 each day. This amount will be different for everyone based on how many calories you are currently eating and how fast you want to reach your weight goals. [1] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source
- It's not wise to cut too many calories or eat less than about 1,200 calories daily. If you do not eat enough (especially if you're working out) you're more likely to lose lean muscle mass rather than fat.
- You may need to test out a few different calorie levels until you find the right balance for your body, lifestyle, and activity levels. For example, if you notice you're not losing weight at all, you may need to eat fewer calories daily. If you're feeling tired, fatigued, or notice your athletic performance is suffering, you may not be eating enough.
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Consult with your doctor. Talk with your physician or a registered dietitian for advice on how to lose weight and build lean muscle mass. They can tell you more about exercise plans, diet plans, and give you warnings about any health issues which might arise.
- If you have a heart condition, asthma, or any other health conditions you feel may inhibit your ability to lose weight, consult with your doctor immediately.
- Beware of any “professional” trying to sell you supplements. Especially if those supplements come in a powder form. Doctors and dietitians will usually prefer a healthy diet and lots of exercise, as supplements are largely unproven and poorly studied.
Set up a weekly plan. When you're starting a new diet or exercise plan, it may be helpful to keep a weekly plan or log somewhat like a "to-do" list.
- Keep a notebook or journal with your weekly plans. Write out each day of the week and include what exercises you'll be doing that day, what meals and snacks you're eating and even what progress you've made on your goals.
- Weekly meal and exercise plans can be a great component to your diet. They've been shown to help keep you on track and organized throughout the week.
- An example of one day of your plan might be: Morning workout: 30 minute jog and 20 minutes of yoga ; Breakfast: greek yogurt with fruit; Lunch: spinach salad with grilled salmon; Snack: two hard boiled eggs; Dinner: grilled chicken with quinoa and steamed vegetables.
Focus on aerobic exercise. These are exercises which raise your heart rate and burn calories without building too much muscle. [2] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source Cardio exercises will help give you that lean look as this particular type of exercise helps burn calories and decrease body fat.
- In general, most adults should be performing cardio exercises for a minimum of 30 minutes per session. Do cardio and aerobic exercises about four to five times a week to meet your weekly goal. [3] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source
- In addition to burning calories and helping support a lean and toned look, cardio has a variety of other benefits including: helping support a healthy weight, decreasing blood pressure and blood sugar and helping improve mood. [4] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source
- The key is to provide variation in the workout routine to prevent boredom and address different problem areas. This keeps the body guessing.
Try biking . Biking is a great way to give yourself a lean physique. You can bike at home or at the gym on a stationary bike or you can get outside on a real bike.
- Biking is a great aerobic exercise because it allows you to increase your heart rate significantly and it helps tone your entire lower body (glutes, quadriceps, calves and hamstrings). [5] X Research source
- If you're biking or taking a spin class, working at a higher intensity can help you burn almost 500 calories within about 60 minutes. It's a very efficient way to burn larger amounts of calories. [6] X Research source
- This is a great exercise for busy people, as it can be used as an alternative form of transportation. Ride your bike to work to fit a workout into your daily commute.
Go for a swim . Swimming is another great way to lose weight and get a lean body. Whether swimming at home in your pool or going to a gym, swimming helps tone your entire body.
- There are a variety of exercise options you can do in the water. Try swimming laps, doing water aerobics, or water resistance training.
- Unlike many other forms of aerobic exercise, swimming (especially swimming laps) works almost every muscle group in your body. As you swim through each stroke, that repetitive motion helps strengthen and tone your muscles. [7] X Research source
- Swimming is an especially good exercise if you are very overweight or have knee or bone structure problems, as it distributes your weight away from your skeleton and is low-impact. [8] X Research source
Go for a jog . Running is a great aerobic exercise which can quickly help you lose weight and build lean muscle.
- Running or jogging specifically works the lower body and core. However, to increase the toning benefits of your jog, increase the speed or intensity of your runs. The harder you work, the more benefits you'll receive from this exercise.
- You can run alone or in groups, around your neighborhood, at a local track, or at your gym. Make sure where you're running is safe if you're going alone.
- Be aware that running is a high impact exercise that can be hard on the knees and other joints. If you have previously had a knee injury, running may not be the best option for you.
Include light weight lifting. Spending hours weight lifting each week will definitely help you tone up, but it may also make you bulk up as well. Toning involves strengthen muscles and providing definition without adding muscle bulk. Concentrate on elongating and toning exercises instead.
- Typically, if you're looking to get lean, avoid doing exercises that involve using high weights and many repetitions. [9] X Research source Avoid these types strength training exercises, as these will increase the size of your muscles, making you look bigger, rather than smaller.
Try Pilates . Pilates is a series of movements which can increase your balance, flexibility, and help build long, lean muscles.
- Sometimes tools, such as weights or exercise balls, are involved. Take Pilates classes, study online guides, or watch videos on the internet.
You can also try yoga. Again, like pilates, yoga involves moving through a series of positions that will build your flexibility, strength and support long, toned muscles.
- Yoga classes may be offered at your gym, at a separate yoga studio or free online.
- It might be worthwhile to take a few classes with a knowledgeable instructor so you can learn the correct way to do the poses and movements. Then try them at home.
Measure portion sizes. When you're trying to lose weight and get lean, it's important to follow an appropriate diet. Measuring portions can help make sure you're eating the right amount and not too much.
- Consider purchasing a food scale or a set of measuring cups to help you stay on track with each of your meals and snacks.
- While you may not need to measure each meal or measure long-term, for the first few weeks it will be helpful to be more consistent with your measured portions.
- Try tracking your daily food intake and portion sizes in a food diary to better understand your eating habits and how they affect your body.
- Reader Poll: We asked 227 wikiHow readers and 49% said that they don’t track their food intake . [Take Poll] But studies show that this is an effective way to lose weight, so if you haven't tried yet, that's a great, expert-backed tip to support your fitness journey!
Eat foods high in protein. Eating high protein foods will provide you with energy and help support more toned, lean muscles. Aim to include a source of lean protein at every meal to help meet your daily goals.
- When you're dieting and trying to build lean muscle mass, it's important to consume an adequate amount of protein each day. In general, you will meet your daily needs as long as you include a serving of protein at each meal. Go for about three to four ounces of protein (about the size of a checkbook) at each meal and snack. [10] X Trustworthy Source USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion U.S. agency responsible for promoting good nutrition based on scientific research Go to source
- Try to eat healthy, leaner sources of protein. Foods like poultry, eggs, pork, seafood, lean beef, legumes, and low-fat dairy which are low in unhealthy fats and high in protein.
Include complex carbohydrates. In addition to protein, your body will need adequate amounts of carbohydrates to help support basic daily activities but the increased amount of aerobic exercise you may be doing.
- Aerobic exercise depends on an adequate amount of carbohydrates. If you're not eating correctly or cutting out too many calories, your performance may suffer due to inadequate food and carbohydrate intake.
- Choose nutrient-dense sources of carbohydrates throughout your day. This will help ensure you're eating nutritious sources of carbohydrates.
- Complex carbohydrates are foods that contain carbohydrates but also are higher in fiber. In general, they are more nutritious than more refined carbohydrates or those which are highly processed and lower in nutrients. [11] X Research source
- Choose foods like: 100% whole grains like quinoa, whole grain oats, brown rice or 100% whole wheat bread; fruit; legumes and starchy vegetables like potatoes, carrots or peas.
Eat five to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. While protein and complex carbohydrates will support your workouts and your goal of a leaner, more defined body, fruits and vegetables help round out your meals to make them more balanced.
- Fruits and vegetables contain high quantities of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. [12] X Trustworthy Source USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion U.S. agency responsible for promoting good nutrition based on scientific research Go to source [13] X Trustworthy Source USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion U.S. agency responsible for promoting good nutrition based on scientific research Go to source Although they don't necessarily fuel high quantities of exercise, they provide your body with the nutrients essential for life.
- Include one to two servings of a fruit or vegetable at each meal and snack. One serving of fruit is 1/2 cup chopped or one small piece of fruit. [14] X Trustworthy Source USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion U.S. agency responsible for promoting good nutrition based on scientific research Go to source One serving of vegetables is one cup or two cups of leafy greens. [15] X Trustworthy Source USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion U.S. agency responsible for promoting good nutrition based on scientific research Go to source
Include a pre- or post-workout snack if necessary. Depending on the length, intensity or timing of your workout, you may need a pre or post workout snack. These snacks will help prepare your body for exercise or help it recover appropriately.
- Your body needs mostly carbohydrates as a pre-workout snack. Just like you cannot drive a car without gas, you shouldn't work out without appropriate fuel. [16] X Research source Carbohydrates are your body's best and most efficient fuel for workouts.
- Best pre-workout snacks include: a piece of fruit, a bowl of oatmeal and dried fruit, a smoothie with yogurt and fruit or a bowl of high fiber, low sugar cereal.
- After a workout, you need to replace all the fuel your body used up during your exercise session. The best combination is protein and carbohydrates together. This will help your body recover and repair muscles and energy stores effectively.
- The best post-workout snacks include: chocolate milk, protein bar, apple or banana with peanut butter, one mini whole wheat bagel with almond butter or one greek yogurt with fruit.
Drink lots of water. In general, it's important to stay hydrated throughout the day. When you're increasing your exercise amounts, it's even more crucial to stay hydrated throughout the day.
- At a minimum, you should consume eight glasses of water daily. Some studies show than you may need upwards of 10–13 glasses daily. [17] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world's leading hospitals Go to source
- Drinking a lot of water will actually help water retention and bloating. The more water your drink, the less the body needs to hold on to.
- Stay hydrated with clear, sugar-free fluids like: water, flavored water, decaf coffee, and teas.
Avoid higher fat or higher sugar processed foods. Many processed foods are high in fat, sugar, sodium, and overall calories. Eating foods like these on a regular basis may lead to weight gain and increased fat mass. [18] X Trustworthy Source National Health Service (UK) Public healthcare system of the UK Go to source
- Avoid foods like: sweetened beverages, candy, cookies, pastries, fried foods, frozen meals, processed meats, crackers, and chips.
- Focus on eating foods that are minimally processed and nutrient dense. They generally are lower in calories and much higher in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, protein or fiber.
Expert Q&A
QuestionWhat does it mean to have a lean body?Claudia Carberry is a Registered Dietitian based in Little Rock, Arkansas. Claudia specializes in kidney transplants and counseling patients for weight loss. She works at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences center, and has been working there since 2015. Before her current role, she worked as a Clinical Nutrition Manager at Jefferson Regional Medical Center. She is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Claudia received her MS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where she completed her 1200 hour dietetic internship. She received a BS in Nutrition Sciences from Southeast Missouri State University.A lean body means that you have more muscle mass or muscle toning. A lean body has less body fat.
QuestionHow do I lower my body fat percentage without losing weight?Claudia Carberry is a Registered Dietitian based in Little Rock, Arkansas. Claudia specializes in kidney transplants and counseling patients for weight loss. She works at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences center, and has been working there since 2015. Before her current role, she worked as a Clinical Nutrition Manager at Jefferson Regional Medical Center. She is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Claudia received her MS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where she completed her 1200 hour dietetic internship. She received a BS in Nutrition Sciences from Southeast Missouri State University.Add strength training exercises to your normal routine. Depending on your body composition, you may be able to convert fat to muscle mass without losing weight.
QuestionHow can I get slim?Claudia Carberry is a Registered Dietitian based in Little Rock, Arkansas. Claudia specializes in kidney transplants and counseling patients for weight loss. She works at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences center, and has been working there since 2015. Before her current role, she worked as a Clinical Nutrition Manager at Jefferson Regional Medical Center. She is a member of the Arkansas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Claudia received her MS in Nutrition from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, where she completed her 1200 hour dietetic internship. She received a BS in Nutrition Sciences from Southeast Missouri State University.Measure out your portion sizes to avoid overdoing it. Get 30-60 minutes of exercise on most days.
- Always talk to your doctor prior to starting any weight loss or exercise program to make sure it'll be safe and healthy for you.Thanks
- If you haven't exercised before, start slowly and build up the intensity or frequency over time.Thanks
- If you experience any pain, difficult breathing or other discomfort while exercising, discontinue immediately and seek medical attention.Thanks
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About This Article
If you’re trying to get lean, run, swim, or bike 4-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes at a time, since aerobic exercises like these burns calories and decrease fat. You should also incorporate weight lifting into your routine. However, stick with just a few repetitions using low weights to elongate and tone your muscles rather than build bulk. Additionally, try to eat a high-protein diet that supports leaner muscles, and include complex carbohydrates for energy. Also, build 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables into your daily diet to round it out and keep you healthy. For tips on how to make pre- or post-workout snacks a part of your plan to get lean, scroll down!
Reader Success Stories
- "I've already got some muscle mass, but I'm trying to shake the excess fat that's getting in the way of definition. Reading this article has given me some tips and pointers on how to do so in a safe, effective way. Thank you! " ..." more