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Are you dating a Taurus guy and wondering if he's falling for you? Taurus men are stable and reliable, but they can be a little hard to read at first. That's because this earth sign takes time to open up. We've asked our team of expert astrologers to share the signs that a Taurus man gives when you've captured his heart. Keep reading to learn how he expresses his love for you.


He wants to spend time with you.

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  1. Taurus values connection and communication, so he'll spend every free moment with you. If you can't meet up, you're messaging back and forth or making plans for the next time you can see each other. These are great signs that he's serious about you. [1]
    • Taurus is a homebody, so if he's willing to come over and meet up, he's definitely interested.
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He pays you compliments.

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  1. He has a way of being thoughtful and sweet to someone he loves. Since his sign is ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, he'll notice a new outfit you're wearing, or point out that he likes the new way you're styling your hair. He'll also point out personality traits that he likes about you.
    • For instance, he might say, "You're so good at putting everyone at ease. People genuinely enjoy your company," or, "I really like that color on you. It brings out the green in your eyes."

He showers you with gifts or kind gestures.

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  1. You'll find your guy splurging on thoughtful gifts or taking you to nice restaurants. This sign really values material things and sensual experiences. He'll overwhelm you with nice things or trips because it's his way of showing his affection.
    • For instance, you might mention that you love Vietnamese food. The next time you meet up, he'll surprise you with a reservation at the restaurant with the best pho in town.
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He’s physically affectionate.

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  1. [2] If he feels a bond with you, he'll reach out and touch you—he'll brush against your shoulder, hold hands, rub your back, etc. Taurus is a very touchy-feely type, especially when he's in love.
    • In bed, Taurus isn't an overly sexual sign, although he's really into foreplay.

He smiles and stays close to you.

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  1. It's a good sign if your Taurus smiles frequently, holds your gaze for several moments, or always glances at you to see your reaction to something. He'll also keep his body turned toward you. His body language makes it clear that he's comfortable with you. [3]
    • You may also catch him grooming himself around you—brushing a hair off his sleeve, straightening his shirt, or quickly checking his appearance in the mirror. He does this because he wants you to think the best about him.
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He asks about your routines and preferences.

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  1. If your guy loves you, he wants to know what makes you tick—what are your habits and preferences? He'll ask you to share lots of details, so he can make you comfortable as your routines merge.
    • He'll also include you in decision-making. This shows that he truly values your input and that you're becoming an important part of his life.

He invites you to meet close friends.

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  1. Your Taurus guy has a small social circle. [4] When he introduces you, it's because he wants you to become part of his world. He values their opinions about you, and he hopes that you'll hit it off with his friends.
    • If it seems like meeting his friends is a big deal to him, it's because it is! Talk to his friends, so you really get to know them. If you're comfortable with his friends, it will put your Taurus guy at ease.
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He acts jealous or possessive.

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  1. Some Taurus guys can get noticeably protective—your man might swoop in and interrupt a conversation you're having with another man. Others mention their concern privately. For instance, your guy might say something like, "I noticed you talked with Frank a lot tonight."
    • This is your guy's way of showing that he wants you to be his.

He helps with your finances or career.

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  1. Since Taurus is an Earth sign, he's logical. He'll pick your brain about your finances or career. Then, he'll take steps to help you become secure. For instance, if he learns that you hate paying bills, he may offer to sit down with you every month and do them.
    • Taurus is the sign of material possessions, so it's no surprise that he wants to help you manage your resources and finances.
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He starts making moves.

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  1. Think back to when you first started talking with him—he was probably shy and even a little awkward. He probably let you take the lead in conversation. Now that he feels safe and loved, he'll act bolder. He'll act flirtier and tease you if he's confident in his feelings for you.
    • For instance, he doesn't appear nervous or quiet around you anymore. Plus, he's dropped any awkward mannerisms he may have shown early in your relationship.

He’s loyal to you.

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  1. You'll never see him flirting or chatting up other people because he only has eyes for you! Taurus is a fixed earth sign. [5] Earth signs are grounded and fixed signs tend to be focused and determined.
    • This unique combination means Taurus values stability in a relationship.
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Join the Discussion...

Hey everyone! I’m curious what the pros and cons of dating a Taurus man are. I’ve heard that they’re stubborn and like nice things, but that’s kind of about it and frankly that’s not a whole lot of info to go on. So, what would I be in for if I said “yes” to a date with a Taurus? How might I attract a Taurus, and how will he act if he's interested in me?
Stina Garbis
Psychic Astrologer
Taurus is a “fixed” sign, and is embodied by the stubborn bull. It is hard to get a fixed bull to move unless it really wants to move. Taurus is also kind of a lazy sign, so you can’t play hard to get with them because they don’t want to run. They don’t want to jump through hoops or chase, they just want to be held and told they’re hot stuff.

I’d recommend that you try to make it easy for a Taurus to be with you. Find reasons to bring them gifts, or be helpful to them in some way to where they will need you again. Taureans also like eye candy, so playing up the sexy outfits and high-end jewelry is always a great way to go.

Also, try to engage in a lot of warm hugs and offer plenty of massages. Beyond that, Taurus tends to keep their social circle small, to family and a few friends, and it is hard to break in. If a Taurus is going out of their way to spend any time with you at all it’s a big sign they’re into you!
I've really enjoyed dating Taurus men so far! My boyfriend is super loyal and gives our relationship stability. I can tell that he wants to build a secure future with me. Sometimes it was tricky to communicate with him because he's stubborn but once we developed trust, he was serious about commitment.

When we were dating, I could tell my now boyfriend was into me because he's a classic romantic. He gave me thoughtful gifts and took my out on classy dates.

Learn How to Date a Taurus Man with this Expert Series

Taurus men are dependable, practical, and occasionally stubborn. Dating a Taurus man requires a patient, straightforward approach, and this expert series has everything you need to know.

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      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about zodiac relationships, check out our in-depth interview with Stina Garbis .


      1. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      2. Angel Eyedealism. Astrologer & Performance Artist. Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.
      3. https://popularastrology.com/signs-taurus-man-likes-you
      4. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      5. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.

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