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The most effective, medically-backed ways to reduce SGPT and reverse or prevent liver damage
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Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT), now called alanine aminotransferase (ALT), is a liver enzyme that is vital for energy production. When the liver is damaged, SGPT leaks out of the cells and into your blood, raising levels above the normal range of about 4 to 36 units per liter (U/L) of blood. High levels of SGPT (or ALT) in the blood may indicate liver problems and damage, and you may be at risk of high SGPT if you abuse alcohol, use certain medications, or have a liver condition such as viral hepatitis or liver cancer. If you’ve ruled out all serious causes and you’re concerned about consistently high SGPT levels, the right diet, lifestyle modifications, and possible medical treatment may bring your numbers down to normal within a few weeks or months.

Lowering ALT (SGPT) Levels

At least 150 minutes of exercise a week can lower ALT levels in adults to reverse or prevent liver damage. You can also lower your ALT levels by eating nutritious food rich in vitamin D, fiber, and antioxidants. Cut back on oils, processed foods, and salt.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Diet Modifications

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  1. Vitamin D prevents liver damage (which reduces SGPT levels in the bloodstream), and those with high levels of vitamin D are less vulnerable to liver disease than those with low levels of vitamin D. Include at least 1 fruit and vegetable in each major meal to have a daily dose of vitamin D, staving off liver disease. [1]
    • Incorporate good sources of vitamin D into your diet like green, leafy vegetables, cod liver oil, fish, fortified cereals, oysters, caviar, tofu, soy milk, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms, apples, and oranges.
    • Spend more time in the sunshine, too. The sun’s UV rays stimulate vitamin D production in your skin (make sure to wear sunscreen to prevent sunburn).
  2. Eating organic foods helps the liver cleanse itself of toxins and create new cells to stop SGPT leaking into the blood. Consume more fresh, whole foods that you’ve prepared yourself and stay away from high-sugar or processed foods, which are often lacking nutrients. Focus on foods high in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. [2]
    • Eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens like spinach and cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage.
    • Aim to get 20-30 grams of fiber per day from sources like whole grains, beans, and lentils.
    • Include more antioxidant-rich foods like wild blueberries, carrots, potatoes, beetroot, and avocado.
    • Replace red or fatty meat with lean protein like chicken and fish, switch to low-fat dairy products, and snack on nutritious nuts and seeds over processed foods like potato chips.
  3. Fatty foods make it hard for the liver to process nutrients. Having more than 10% liver fat is a condition called fatty liver disease, which can lead to inflammation and damage to your liver tissue (resulting in higher SGPT levels in your blood). However, foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, may help lower SGPT and promote liver health. To reduce liver fat, cut back on foods like: [3]
    • Oily foods that are deep fried
    • Fatty cuts of meat like sausage, bacon, or pork and chicken skins
    • Coconut oil
    • High-fat dairy products like butter or cheese
    • Highly processed junk food
    • Aerated or carbonated drinks that are high in sugar
  4. Excessive salt, especially in the liver, causes swelling and fluid retention. This makes it harder for the liver to filter waste, leading to liver damage and raised SGPT levels. [4] The average adult only needs 2,300 mg of sodium (about 1 teaspoon) per day, so avoid adding extra salt to your dishes and do more cooking at home to control your sodium intake.
    • Limit high-sodium foods like bouillon cubes, baking soda, soy sauce, salad dressings, bacon, salami, pickled foods, and processed foods.
    • Look for low-sodium or unsalted versions of foods like soy sauce or snacking nuts at the grocery store.
    • To add flavor to your cooking, opt for more herbs and spices instead of an extra pinch of salt.
  5. Stay hydrated and drink more herbal teas. Drinking lots of water helps the liver flush away toxins and repair itself, reducing the amount of SGPT that filters into your blood. Aim to drink filtered water when you wake up, between meals, and in the evening to keep your body and liver hydrated. [5]
    • Aim to drink 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of water per day for men, or 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women. [6]
    • Add lemon juice to your water for a boost of liver-cleansing citric acid and vitamin C. A pinch of turmeric in a glass of water or milk can also have anti-inflammatory benefits for your liver.
    • Drink more herbal teas like green tea, chamomile, dandelion root, or milk thistle. [7] Studies show these may have protective benefits against liver disease. [8]
    • Coffee has also been shown to reduce fat accumulation in the liver and promote antioxidant capacity. [9]
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Lifestyle Changes

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  1. Stop drinking alcohol until your SGPT levels are normal. Alcohol is very harmful to the liver. When alcohol is ingested, it goes directly to the bloodstream and makes its way to the liver, which must filter out the toxins from alcohol. Over time, regular heavy drinking can create serious liver damage that allows more SGPT to enter your bloodstream. [10]
    • Cut out alcohol entirely until your SGPT levels return to the normal range (this can take several weeks or months depending on the cause). Follow your doctor’s instructions about when or if you can begin drinking again.
    • After your levels have stabilized, enjoy alcoholic drinks in moderation if you wish. Medically, moderation is defined as 2 drinks or less per day for men or 1 drink or less for women. [11]
    • Alcohol consumption is a major contributor to liver diseases such as fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, and hepatitis, as well as increased SGPT levels. Speak to your doctor or a therapist if your drinking habits are affecting your health or you’re struggling to reduce your alcohol intake.
  2. Try to lift weights or get aerobic exercise 3 or more days a week. Studies show that both resistance training and aerobic activity are equally effective at lowering liver fat and enzyme levels, including SGPT. Aim to lift weights or engage in aerobic workouts like brisk walking, jogging, or swimming for about 45 minutes a day, at least 3 days a week to see lower SGPT levels in as little as 8 weeks. [12]
    • Exercise is beneficial for your overall well-being, including your liver health. Staying active excretes toxins in the body through sweating and burns fat, leaving your liver with more energy to dedicate to strengthening its cells.
    • Exercise may not be as effective at reversing liver fat accumulation and increased enzymes caused by excessive alcohol consumption.
  3. Quit smoking . Smoke from cigarettes contains toxins like nicotine and ammonia that your liver must filter out, and studies show a strong correlation between smoking and elevated SGPT levels—the more you smoke, the higher your liver enzyme levels. Quit smoking gradually or cold turkey to lower SGPT, and avoid secondhand smoke as much as possible. [13]
    • Quitting smoking is beneficial to your overall health as well, especially for your heart, lungs, kidneys, skin, hair, and nails.
  4. Certain chemicals can cause elevated SGPT levels and a liver condition called toxic hepatitis (swelling of the liver due to chemical exposure). [14] These include fumes from gasoline or ammonia, carbon-based organic solvents like benzene, or synthetic “forever” chemicals like per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). [15] If you must be around toxic fumes for work, wear long sleeves, pants, a mask , and gloves at all times. [16]
    • These toxins can be absorbed through your skin, inhaled as fumes, or even consumed through food and drink in the case of some PFAS.
    • The more precautions you take, the healthier you’ll be in the long-term.
  5. If you struggle with weight issues, you may be at risk of developing fatty liver, which can lead to elevated SGPT levels. Talk to your doctor about safe and effective ways to manage your weight, or ask them to refer you to a registered dietitian. [17]
    • Talk to your doctor about what types of diet and exercise are healthy and appropriate for you. For most people, aim to get at least 150 minutes of exercise per week and center your diet around fresh produce and whole foods. [18]
    • In certain cases, weight loss surgery or medication may be recommended to improve your liver and overall health.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Getting Medical Treatment

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  1. A comprehensive metabolic panel or a liver panel will detect levels of SGPT (also known as alanine transaminase, or ALT) in your bloodstream. In cases of acute liver damage, SGPT levels rise dramatically as the enzyme leaks through cell walls into your blood. Elevated levels may be due to recent strenuous activities, exercise, or alcohol consumption, so let your doctor know if you’ve participated in these activities prior to getting your blood drawn. [19]
    • High SGPT is not a sign of liver damage on its own. It must be considered with other liver tests to verify whether a patient really suffers from damage to the liver.
    • Different underlying causes might cause different levels of SGPT elevation. For example, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the leading cause of mild SGPT elevation in the U.S. Mild SGPT elevation can also be associated with strenuous exercise or thyroid disease.
  2. If your liver is already damaged and you continue taking non-prescription drugs, the liver may sustain further damage as it metabolizes additional medication. These drugs include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen, pain relief medicines like acetaminophen, and more. If your SGPT is high, only take drugs your doctor recommends or prescribes. [20]
    • If in doubt, ask your physician about non-hepatotoxic (nontoxic to the liver) drugs or which over-the-counter drugs are OK to take.
    • Be particularly careful about using medications that contain acetaminophen. Acetaminophen can raise SGPT levels and is a common component in many OTC medications.
  3. This medication decreases inflammation in and around the liver by reducing the production of inflammatory chemicals to lessen tissue damage. Corticosteroids can be taken orally or can be injected through a vein. The most common corticosteroids are Hydrocortisone, Prednisone, and Fludrocortisone. [21]
    • Once the inflammation subsides, the liver cells will start to regenerate, therefore decreasing the release of SGPT into the bloodstream. If your SGPT levels drop, it means you’re responding well to the medication.
    • Talk to your doctor about starting corticosteroids. No medication should be started without a doctor’s approval.
  4. Some viruses, like those that cause hepatitis, can damage your liver and cause a spike in SGPT. After a blood test, your physician will know what virus is the underlying cause of the infection and will prescribe antiviral medications such as Entecavir, Sofosbuvir, Telaprevir and others. [22]
    • Antiviral medications work in the same manner as corticosteroids. Once the infection is eradicated, the liver cells will start to regenerate, reducing the release of SGPT into the bloodstream.
  5. Interferon therapy and medications trigger the protective defenses of the body’s immune system to kill foreign bodies such as viruses, bacteria, tumor cells, or parasites that damage the liver and raise SGPT levels. If successful, SGPT starts decreasing once the infection is eradicated. [23]
    • With treatment, the liver cells will start to regenerate, regularizing your SGPT levels. With new cells, SGPT cannot leak into your bloodstream.
    • Interferons can cause a wide variety of side effects, such as dizziness, hair loss, reduced appetite, exhaustion, difficulty breathing, and flu-like symptoms. Always talk to your doctor about potential risks and side effects before starting any new medical treatment.
    • Interferons may be used to treat hepatitis C, hepatocellular carcinoma, and other conditions. [24]
  6. Medications paired with herbal supplements may help lower SGPT levels. Talk to your doctor to see if any supplements are safe and appropriate for you. Consider some of the following supplements:
    • Milk thistle may prevent and repair liver damage from toxic chemicals and harmful medications. It’s available in 100mg to 1000mg forms. The standard dosage of milk thistle is 200mg, 2 to 3 times a day. [25]
    • Inositol helps the liver in breaking down fats, but may cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. A typical dose is 500mg, 3 times a day. [26]
    • Burdock root helps cleanse the liver and prevent further damage. It’s available in 500mg to 1000mg forms. A typical dose is 500mg, 3 times a day. [27]
    • Keep in mind that most evidence for the efficacy of these supplements comes from animal testing, and more research is needed to confirm the benefits for humans.
  7. The “normal” range differs from laboratory to laboratory and depends on the method used to measure it. The normal range for SGPT levels for most men and women is 4 to 36 international units (U) per liter (L). [28]
    • Values that are significantly higher (greater than 15 times the upper limit of normal) may indicate hepatitis.
    • Moderately higher values (5-15 times the ULN) may indicate severe burns, cirrhosis, obstructive jaundice, or liver tumors.
    • Slightly higher values (less than 5 times the ULN) may indicate pancreatitis, shock, infectious mononucleosis, or heart attack.
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      Article Summary X

      To lower your SGPT, or serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase, increase your vitamin D intake by either taking a supplement or eating foods such as leafy green vegetables, fish, and dairy products. Avoid foods that are high in sodium or fat, like fried foods, bacon, and carbonated drinks, as these can lead to inflammation of your liver. You should also avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, as these can increase the damage to your liver and raise your SGPT levels even more. Keep reading to learn the kinds of medications your doctor may prescribe to lower your SGPT!

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      • Jernie Ruamar

        Apr 26, 2016

        "I am 23 years old, I was alcoholic during my teenage days. Last year I got my SGPT test because I thought I was ..." more
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