Q&A for How to Have Fun at Your Friend's House

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    What if we have a fight?
    Community Answer
    Try your best to avoid this. If a small issue comes up, be gracious and try to let your friend have their way. You're at their house and you don't want to be rude. If you have a big fight, tell them you need some space and go home. Don't say anything you'll regret later.
  • Question
    What if that friend is home alone?
    Community Answer
    You usually have more fun with friends if you're home alone, you guys can do and say things that you wouldn't do if their parents where home.
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    What if my friend just wants to do nothing and sits and plays on her phone alone?
    Community Answer
    Ask to go home. There's nothing wrong with that. If your friend has invited you over and just sat on her phone ignoring you all the time, ask to go home. A friend should not play on their phone while someone is over.
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    How can I get rid of their younger siblings?
    Community Answer
    Come up with something fun they can do on their own, like a game or project. That will keep them distracted while you hang out with your friend.
  • Question
    What if it's cold outside?
    Community Answer
    Make the most of your time inside the house, build a fort and watch a movie with your friend, play video games, a board game, do some arts and crafts, etc.
  • Question
    What if your friend doesn't have pet?
    Community Answer
    Unless you're more interested in playing with a pet than with your friend, this shouldn't matter. As long as you have a good relationship with your friend, you'll be all right.
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    What if my friend is upset with me?
    Community Answer
    Apologize (even if you don't necessarily think you did anything wrong). Give your friend a little time to get over their hurt feelings. Talk the issue out if necessary, but make sure to stay calm and polite.
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    What if I don't like something they do?
    Community Answer
    It's okay to speak up if they're doing something you think is wrong or they hurt your feelings. Just politely say that you don't want to do that, or that you'd like to be treated with respect. If they suggest an activity that you just don't want to do, it would be best to just humor your friend and go along with it.
  • Question
    What are actual activities we would like for the rest of the time?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    It's OK to be bored together. That actually stimulates creativity and brain development. You can play video games, go collect and dry leaves, play a Nerf gun battle, dust off some old fashioned board games like Stratego or Risk, play cards, invent your own card game, play Hide & Seek, think of fun pranks, talk about your careers, solve world hunger, build your own crossbows, learn something new like crown shyness or why glass is not a liquid, get active by learning parkour, go swimming or to a basketball court, make plans to travel together, cook a nice meal, organize a party for friends, engage in community work, play the-floor-is-lava game, try to define the color red, etc.
  • Question
    What if we have a bunch of friends?
    Community Answer
    Choose group games to play. Go out and play a game of soccer or football (or what ever sport you wish to play). Have group gab sessions together, play truth or dare with your friends.
  • Question
    Is visiting their friends house a bad thing?
    Community Answer
    No, if you got invited, you should go. You should try to make friends with them, and try to act as a nice and respectful guest.
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    What if all the ideas are bad?
    Community Answer
    Well you can try to suggest one and see if they like yours.
  • Question
    Why explore your friend's house if you have been there so many times?
    Community Answer
    "If you’ve never been to your friend’s house, let them give you a tour to get you familiar with the layout of their house." This tip is clearly for people who are not familiar with their friend's house. There's no need to do every single thing in the article. You can choose any of the suggestions you like.
  • Question
    Why would you take advantage of your friend and use their stuff instead of do something they want to do?
    Community Answer
    Nothing in this article says to just use your friend's stuff or take advantage of them. Most of these things are done together with your friend, and obviously you and your friend would have to agree on whether you want to to do something. These are just ideas that you and your friend can consider. Also, there is nothing wrong with enjoying things another person has that you don't, as long as they are okay with it; sharing is part of friendship, and surely you'd share some of your things with your friend if they visited you.
  • Question
    What do I do if it's a girl's house and it's really awkward?
    Community Answer
    Relax and be polite. Learn to cooperate and have fun regardless that she's a girl. Also, remember that girls are humans like boys.
  • Question
    Wouldn't it be awkward if my best friend is a boy?
    Community Answer
    If you're really best friends, then it shouldn't be awkward whether he's a boy or not. Remember, while some of the surface interests and tendencies might differ, boys and girls really aren't that different deep down. Everyone just wants a friend they can talk to, confide in, and have a good time with, so just focus on those things.
  • Question
    If we are 6-9 years old why would we bake?
    Community Answer
    Many kids find baking and then eating the treats to be a lot of fun. You certainly don't have to, and you'll need an adult to supervise.
  • Question
    What if we're not allowed to do anything fun?
    Community Answer
    If you're not allowed to do anything fun at your friend's house, maybe you could invite them to your house? Are you really not allowed to draw, color, make up funny stories, play board games, etc.?
  • Question
    What if my friend is a boy (and I'm a girl)?
    Community Answer
    There's nothing wrong with that. Plenty of people have friends of the opposite gender. This should not affect your ability to have fun at his house.
  • Question
    What should I do if someone gets hurt and there is no phone?
    Community Answer
    If there is no phone, run to a neighbor's house, a gas station, etc. and ask to use their phone.
  • Question
    What if I hate this friend?
    Community Answer
    What are you spending time with someone you hate? If, for whatever reason, you don't have a choice in the matter, try to find thinks to appreciate about this "friend". If you have to spend time with her, you might as well try to figure out how to get along.
  • Question
    How can we play with a baseball, Frisbee, or soccer ball if they don't have a backyard?
    Community Answer
    If it is safe to play it in the street, that might be an option, otherwise maybe take the ball to a nearby park or the parking lot of a business if it isn't too crowded with cars.
  • Question
    What do I do if this is my first time over at his or her house?
    Hector Kennedy
    Community Answer
    Just do what you usually do at school or if you've hung out at your house. Chat, do something you both like to do, etc.
  • Question
    What if my friend has a little sibling who I want to play with, but they get annoyed when I do this?
    Community Answer
    When you go to your friend's house, they expect you to be coming for them, not their sibling. Arrange a different time to play with their little sibling. Maybe when you are old enough you could ask to babysit them.
  • Question
    What if we cant think of things to do out of the house?
    Braylea England
    Community Answer
    Try to find something to do together in the house, like play a game, draw, talk or so on.
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    What if they're doing something I don't want to do?
    Community Answer
    Politely suggest an alternate activity. If they won't agree to your suggestion, try to compromise. You could do their activity for a certain amount of time, say 30 minutes, and then switch to something else.
  • Question
    What if we can't play music, what can we do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    There are a ton of other ideas. Have a Nerf battle, practice handstands, build a Lego roller coaster, look up videos exclusively on paper planes, play Capture the Flag Spy & Stealth edition, or you can look up cryptography and challenge each other to decode your encrypted messages.
  • Question
    My parents are not letting me go over to my best friend's house, and they can't come to my house either. I don't know what to do!
    Community Answer
    Ask your parents why not. Chances are they have a pretty good reason (you haven't done your homework, weren't very nice this week, got in trouble at school, etc.). Be respectful in asking why and if you can go over there sometime in the future. Try to be patient in the meantime.
  • Question
    Why would you raid their pantry? That's just stupid and mean.
    Community Answer
    The article says, "Make sure that it’s ok with your friends and your friends' parents." It's not a literal raid. They simply mean eat something they have that you don't have at home.
  • Question
    What games would you advise?
    Community Answer
    If you're athletic, you might like Twister! If you are the more silent type, stick to board games like checkers and chess. If you like strategy games, try Risk. If you like fun but don't wanna get tired, try Monopoly.
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