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Plumpy’Nut is food packet created by French pediatric nutritionist Andre Briend to treat famine. Thanks to its sweet taste, high calories and long shelf-life, it has proved successful in treating severe acute malnutrition children in Africa. [1] It is mostly produced in large boxes and quantities for humanitarian efforts; however, there are a few ways that you can buy it.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Ordering From Nutriset

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  1. fr. Click on the “Product Range” tab.
  2. It will be under the “Severe acute malnutrition” section. You can also peruse other products that treat malnutrition.
  3. Since it is used to treat malnutrition, urgent requests may result in quicker delivery. It is a good idea to have a representative of your organization fill out the quotation request, so that it will look like an official request.
  4. Choose whether you can pick it up in France or if you need it delivered.
  5. Wait to hear back from Nutriset by email or phone. They will return with pricing and availability for your cause.
  6. Depending upon your type of order, credit cards or bank transfers may be necessary.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Joining a Plumpy’Nut Challenge

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  1. 1
    Contact the Merlin charity in the UK. In 2012 and 2013, they conducted the “Plumpy’Nut Challenge” to increase awareness of malnutrition. Check the http://www.plumpynut.co.uk/ website frequently for updates.
  2. They will send you a box of Plumpy’Nut packets. You must agree to only eat Plumpy’Nut for a few days to a week.
  3. Raise pledges before you start the challenge.
  4. Submit the pledged donations to Merlin.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Purchasing Partner Products

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  1. The bar itself says “This Bar Saves Lives.”
    • For each package that you buy, the company promises to deliver a Plumpy’Nut bar to a child in need.
  2. 2
    Find a store that sells the granola bars. Go to http://www.thisbarsaveslives.com/apps/store-locator. Type in your location and click “Search.”
  3. Click on the “Shop” tab. Then, select “Our Bars.”
  4. 00, plus shipping.
  5. Contact the company to find out additional information about how the non-profit arm donates the Plumpy’Nut bars to kids in need. In 2014, they donated to Edesia, Save the Children and Ananse Village to make the purchases and delivers of Plumpy’Nut.
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      • Plumpy’Nut is not sold in regular retail locations. It is also intended to be part of a more balanced meal.
      • Other Nutriset products are meant for prevention of malnutrition, while Plumpy’Nut is used to treat acute malnutrition.
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