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The best ways to send a tip, correction, comment or complaint to CNN
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If you have a newsworthy tip, question, or comment for CNN, getting in touch with the network is pretty simple if you know which numbers, social media accounts, or email addresses to use. In this article, we’ll walk you through the best ways to reach CNN by phone, via mail, or online to leave feedback or report a news tip. If you’ve got a breaking story to share, keep reading!

CNN Contact Information

Section 1 of 4:

Contacting CNN on Their Website or Social Media

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  1. Fill out CNN’s online feedback form to share ideas or concerns. Select the topic of your feedback from the first drop-down menu on the form, then fill in the remaining fields including your name, email address, and the comment box. Use this form to share ideas about what you want to see covered, make complaints about programming, call out errors, or make other comments to the network. [1]
    • The online feedback form is CNN’s preferred method of communication with viewers and the most likely to get you a quick response.
    • Indicate a specific show or program in the comment box if applicable. The feedback forms from most programs and bureaus take you to the same form.
    • If you're sending a correction, specify when the story was on and what it was about. Corrections should be backed with outside, reliable sources to verify your information.
  2. Email CNN at help@cnn.com . Send general comments, feedback, complaints, or questions to either email address to reach Customer Service or have your message routed to the proper employee. Save the email address so CNN’s reply doesn’t go to your spam folder. [2]
  3. You can reach out to the main CNN pages via their X account or Instagram account . The hosts and anchors who are on social media have their account information on the CNN website. Just go to the CNN Profiles page and click on the name of the person you want to contact. Then, click on their social media account to send them a direct message or tag them on a post.
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Contacting CNN by Phone

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  1. Call CNN Customer Service at 1 (404) 827-1500 . This number connects you to CNN’s Atlanta, GA headquarters. Contact Customer Service for any issues with your CNN account, subscriptions, accessibility, or other complaints and issues. Also use this number to leave feedback or tips on a news story, or get help with business or legal inquiries. Ask to speak with a CNN representative after dialing the number. [3]
    • If you’re a member of the media or need to reach the CNN press room, ask to speak to a manager, director, or publicist of a specific CNN program. You can find the list of their PR representatives on CNN’s press office webpage .
Section 3 of 4:

Submitting News Tips

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  1. Email tips to tips@cnn.com . State what topic your tip concerns in the subject line and include as much information in the body of the email as possible. Include the specific who, what, when, and where so the CNN team can correctly evaluate whether the story is newsworthy or not.
    • Attach any relevant photos, video clips, audio clips, or other media to the email.
    • Include your preferred method of communication if you don’t want CNN representatives replying to your email address.
  2. CNN is a large network with wide coverage, so alert them to leads or stories they haven’t reported on yet that are meaningful to a large number of people. Think like a journalist and consider whether your tip is valuable due to unusualness, humor, prominent figures or celebrities, or timeliness. [4] Areas of interest could include:
    • Conflict: physical altercations, protests, or clashes of ideologies or politics
    • Human interest: stories that provoke an emotional response in the viewer
    • Wide impact: stories that directly affect large portions of the viewing audience (like a large storm closing down major roads in a region of the country)
    • Prominent figures: stories related to public figures, politicians, celebrities, monuments, or events that most people know and recognize
    • Timeliness: something that’s relevant to an ongoing story or current events
    • Proximity: tips with a local tie-in (CNN covers the whole world, but a European bureau might take higher interest in a European story, for example)
    • Humor: a story viewers will find funny (not all news has to be dire!)
  3. Report tips by phone to the Customer Service number at 404-827-1500 . Follow the menu options to speak to a real person or to leave a message about your tip. Keep it short and sweet—leave your name, your tip or idea, and a way for a representative to contact you for more information. [5]
    • Your message might say: “Hello, my name is Sally Jones. I think you should report on the environmental impact of a new factory in my hometown of Smithshire, NY. It’s having a negative effect on the water quality, but people are not aware of this. Call me back at 555-555-5555 for more information. Thank you!”
  4. Download the Tor browser , then launch it and wait for it to connect. Copy and paste http://cnn.securedrop.tor.onion directly into the Tor browser, then follow the instructions to submit your story. [6]
    • Use the unique codename assigned to you after your first submission to sign back in, check for responses, and upload more materials.
    • SecureDrop uses the Tor network to obscure your IP address. It doesn’t track or log any metadata about your communications.
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Section 4 of 4:

Contacting CNN by Mail

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  1. Contact Customer Service, the corporate offices, or other departments by mailing CNN headquarters in Atlanta. State your feedback, news tip, or question clearly and leave a return address , your phone number, or your email address so a representative can get back to you easily. [7]
    • Send mail to:
      Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
      One CNN Center
      Atlanta, GA, 30303

  2. If you want to send a tip via mail, type up your tip or story and print it for legibility. Include your contact information inside the letter (don’t leave a return address on the envelope). Drop the letter into a sidewalk USPS mailbox rather than sending it from your home, workplace, or a post office.
    • Address your letter to:
      â„… CNN Investigates
      30 Hudson Yards, Fl 21
      New York, NY 10001
      United States of America
  3. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I contact someone from CNN to listen to my story?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You have multiple options here. You can call the Customer Service number and choose Option 1, tweet to (at) TeamCNN, email tips (at) cnn.com, or fill out an I-Report submission form online.
  • Question
    How do you contact Mr. Licht, the new CEO of CNN? He seems to want CNN to be more bipartisan and I have some suggestions.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Your best bet is to fill out CNN's online feedback form. Otherwise, you could try calling the Customer Service or corporate office phone numbers listed above or sending a letter to HQ in Atlanta.
  • Question
    I would like to e-mail Smerconish to comment on recent video. Can you help me? Thanks.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Your best bet is to send a message to Smerconish via Twitter or Facebook to reach him or the show's production team directly. You could also try filling out CNN's online feedback form and specify which show you're commenting on in the comments box.
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      • CNN can’t use every tip or story they’re sent by viewers, so don’t feel bad if they don’t get back to you (they receive a lot of tips each day!). If your story fits their criteria for use, they’ll contact you as soon as possible.
      • wikiHow is not affiliated with CNN, and they can't see any private feedback you send us. Please contact CNN by using the instructions in this article, not by sending the information to wikiHow.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To contact CNN, you can call their corporate office phone number at 404-827-1700. Or, you can use CNN's online feedback form by visiting their website. Although CNN prefers people to use their online feedback form, you can still email them at cnn.feedback@cnn.com or community@cnn.com. To learn how to contact CNN by mail or through social media, keep reading!

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