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If you're a kid and you want to have a website, don't give up on that dream. Many kids already have websites that are free and easy to make. Here are some suggested ways to make your own.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Using Bravenet

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  1. For simplicity's sake, try using https://www.bravenet.com/ . This site has lots of easy-to-use web tools to get you started.
  2. An adult should help you with this, especially reading the terms and conditions and agreeing to these. Once it is created, log in (and keep your password very safe).
  3. Click next on "build a website". Be sure to check the sub domain so that you don't have to pay.
  4. Make it a good name now, because you can't change it later. Next, press "create".
  5. This will help you build your site easily and efficiently. Press browse gallery and pick a design you like.
    • Tip: while looking through, add any possibilities to your favorites then decide from here.
  6. Then go to the visual editor and right click on your page name. Press edit with visual editor. Next, make all the changes you want to your site.
  7. Now tell all your friends about it!
  8. Advertisement
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using Weebly

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  1. Make a secure password and keep it that way. Add any other details needed.
    • Be sure to have an adult help you with this part, including reading all the terms and conditions, and agreeing to these.
    • If you want to create a website for free or on a tight budget, you can use free tools from Wix, wordpress.com, or Weebly. They are good enough to get you started.
    • They are free and easy to set up and use.
    • You can upgrade the services and make them more professional at a small cost.
  2. A parent or guardian will need to agree to this and make any necessary payment. In which case, it stops being free, so be careful about this.
  3. Follow the site prompts for making your first page. Use Weebly's FAQs if you're not sure what the elements do.
  4. And tell all of your friends about it by sending them a link.
  5. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Every time I try to sign up, it tells me my username is taken. I put the weirdest words in there, yet it's still taken. Why, and how do I fix it?
    Community Answer
    A lot of people have made accounts and used up a lot of usernames! Try putting together two or three words, or adding a few numbers at the end of the username.
  • Question
    How do I make a blog?
    Community Answer
    To make a blog, first choose a website you want to host it on. Wordpress and Weebly are good choices. Follow the easy step by step instructions on their website to make your own blog. Then, start writing.
  • Question
    How do I make a website to sell stuff?
    Community Answer
    You must ask your parents or legal guardian first in order to make a shopping website. Creating a shopping website is something you'll have to do with a trusted adult's permission. In order to receive the money, you'll have to use you or your parent's or legal guardian's bank account. With your parents, you can use already established store sites like, eBay, Etsy, Amazon, etc. to sell your items.
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      • Ray Plumm

        Feb 18, 2017

        "This wikiHow article really helped me, because it told me to use Bravenet.com, which has worked very well for me ..." more
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