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A simple guide to unlisting all your items on the Depop app
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Is your listing on Depop no longer available? You can delete listings or delist/deactivate them (mark them as sold) when you no longer want people to purchase it. You'll most likely be more interested in deleting the listing if it garnered bad reviews or bad comments, but you'll want to keep the listing and instead mark it as sold if it got a lot of good reviews and comments that could help your Depop store. This wikiHow article teaches you how to delete a listing or mark it as sold on Depop.

Deleting a Listing on Depop

Open the Depop app and go to your profile page (it's the icon in the lower right corner). Find the listing you'd like to delete, then tap the three dot menu icon in the upper right corner. Tap "delete item." Voila!

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Deleting the Listing

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  1. This app icon looks like a lowercase "d" on a red background.
    • Since deleting listings from your Depop account also deletes all the comments and reviews from that listing, you might decide that you want to keep it around. Marking the listing as sold will prevent others from purchasing the same listing, but keep it around for the reviews and comments.
  2. Tap the profile icon in the lower right corner of your screen. [1]
  3. Once you're on your profile, you'll see listed all the items or listings you have created. Tap on one to see more.
    • If there are no listings, create one.
  4. This three-dot menu icon is in the top right corner of the listing. [2]
    • The three-dot menu may be horizontal (•••) for you instead, but it'll be in the same top-right corner of the listing.
  5. If you don't see this immediately, you may need to scroll down in this pop-up window first.
    • This may be at the bottom of your screen next to a trash can icon.
    • Tap Ok to confirm and the item/listing will be deleted from your page. [3]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Marking an Item as Sold

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  1. This app icon looks like a lowercase "d" on a red background.
  2. Tap the profile icon in the lower right corner of your screen. [4]
  3. Once you're on your profile, you'll see listed all the items or listings you have created. Tap on one to see more options.
  4. This three-dot menu icon is in the top right corner of the listing. [5]
    • The three-dot menu may be horizontal (•••) for you instead, but it'll be in the same top-right corner of the listing.
    • If the item is already marked as sold, you won't see the option to mark it again.
  5. This should be near the middle of the menu.
    • If this option isn't visible to you, scroll down until you find it.
    • Tap OK to continue. Refresh the page (swipe down from the top of your screen) and your listing will add "This item has been sold" to the description. No one will be able to purchase that item now.
    • If you close the app and open it again, then navigate to your profile, you'll notice that the listing now has a "SOLD" watermark on it. [6]
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