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Get fraudulent New Jersey tolls marked as invalid
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If you drive on toll roads in New Jersey, there’s a good chance you’ve received a toll violation from NJ E-ZPass, even if your account was in good standing. You can dispute incorrect toll violations online, by phone, or through the mail. You’re likely to get the violation removed as long as your account is up to date, you have a valid form of payment on your account, and your E-ZPass tag is properly mounted in your car.

Things You Should Know

  • Go to the violation form on the New Jersey E-ZPass website, give them your license and violation number, then follow the prompts to submit a dispute.
  • Call the customer service line (1-888-288-6865) or Violation Processing Center (1-973-368-1425) and speak to a representative about resolving your violation.
  • Send a copy of your violation and a letter explaining your dispute to NJ E-ZPass, P.O. Box 4971, Trenton, NJ 0865.
Section 1 of 3:

Submitting Your Dispute

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  1. Enter the violation number on your notice along with your license plate and tag number onto the New Jersey E-ZPass website . [1] Click “View Violation.” When the violation comes up, either pay it or submit a dispute.
    • You can also log in to your E-ZPass account, hover your mouse over “My Account” to access the dropdown menu, then click “Violations.”
    • Take screenshots of everything you do. Disputes must be submitted within 120 days, so gather as much proof as you can that you’ve complied with E-ZPass’s regulations. [2]
  2. 2
    Call customer service and ask to speak to a representative. Call New Jersey E-ZPass’s customer service line at 1-888-AUTO-TOLL (1-888-288-6865) or the Violation Processing Center at 1-973-368-1425. [3] Have your violation number, E-ZPass account number, and license plate number ready.
    • When you speak to a representative, give them your information and explain why you’re disputing the toll. You can often get the toll waived without having to fill out paperwork.
    • If it’s your first violation, you may be able to get them to waive the fee.
    • Wait times for disputing violations can be very long. Expect to wait at least an hour before speaking to someone.
  3. 3
    Send your notice of violation to the Violation Processing Center. If you received the violation in the mail, fill out the “C-1 New Jersey E-ZPass Customers” section on the back. Send it to NJ E-ZPass, P.O. Box 4971, Trenton, NJ 0865. Make a copy of the violation for your records. [4]
    • You can also include a letter explaining why you think you don’t deserve the violation. Include relevant information, like pictures of your E-ZPass or screenshots of your account information.
      • Make a copy of the letter, as well.
  4. 4
    Send a letter to E-ZPass’s collection agency for large fines. If you continuously get false violations, write a formal letter with details about the violation and your dispute and send it to LGBS LLC, 28 Loop Central Drive, Suite 600, Houston, Texas 77081. [5] Add any relevant documents as proof of the error.
    • For example, if the photo shows a tag that doesn't match the tag on your vehicle, you could take a picture of your tag and submit the two photos to show the difference.
    • Make a copy of everything you send before you mail it. Use certified mail with a return receipt or signature requested so you know when your letter is received.
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Section 2 of 3:

Preventing Violations

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  1. Check that your account has a valid form of payment linked to it and the correct license plate number. You can use a credit card, debit card, or bank account, or make one-time payments by money orders, checks, or cash (in person only). [6]
    • If you make one-time payments, make sure to always keep a sufficient amount of money in your account.
  2. 2
    Only use your tag in the car it’s registered to. While it can be convenient to switch your E-ZPass tags between cars, if you get a violation when you’re in a vehicle the tag isn’t associated with, you may not be able to dispute it. [7]
  3. 3
    Install your tag behind your rearview mirror. Use the backing strips to stick the tag on the inside of your windshield directly behind your mirror. If you can’t get behind the mirror, put the tag next to it on the right side. [8] If your tag is improperly installed, you may get a violation.
  4. 4
    Request a new tag if your tag is more than 3 years old. The batteries in older tags may die, which causes them not to send a signal to the transponder. If your tag is old, call 1-888-AUTO-TOLL (1-888-288-6865) to get a new one for free. [9] If you get a violation from an old tag, explain that in your dispute.
    • You can also take the tag to a New Jersey E-ZPass Customer Service Center to get it replaced.
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Section 3 of 3:

Understanding the Violation

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  1. It may be several weeks after the alleged violation occurs before you get a notice in the mail. The violation notice will state the specific location, date, and time that the violation was registered. [10]
    • Violation notices are automatically generated. It could be that you received the notice in error.
    • Check the photo taken and make sure the vehicle and tag number are yours.
  2. 2
    Identify the specific violation. Most commonly, you'll receive a violation notice because your E-ZPass tag wasn't read. But you can also get a violation if your tag isn't mounted properly, or if you switched your tag to a different vehicle and didn't update your account. [11]
    • For some of these violations, you can get the violation removed after you've updated your account or corrected the problem that led to the violation.
  3. 3
    Review your itemized statement. You should receive a statement from E-ZPass once a month for the first six months after you open your account, then every other month for the rest of the life of your account. Check the statements to make sure there are no deductions from your account that are unfamiliar to you. [12]
    • If you have a statement that covers the time period of the violation, look for a deduction with the same date, time, and location as the violation.
  4. 4
    Verify your account status. If you received a violation notice alleging that your account had insufficient funds, there may be a hold or other problem with your account. Contact the E-ZPass service center at 1-888-288-6865 to verify that your account is in good standing. [13]
    • You can also verify your account status online at the NJ E-ZPass website, www.ezpassnj.com.
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Expert Q&A

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      • If your account has more than $120.00 worth of fines, you can sign up for a violation payment plan to pay off your bill over several months. [14]
      • Remove your E-ZPass tag before your car gets towed to prevent racking up tolls.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To dispute an E-ZPass violation in New Jersey, call the Violation Processing Center at 1-973-368-1425 and provide your violation number to the representative. If it’s your first violation, ask them to waive the $50 administrative fee so you’ll just have to pay the original toll. You can also submit a dispute through the New Jersey E-ZPass website at www.ezpassnj.com. Just enter in your violation number and your license plate number, then choose the option to submit a dispute. If you prefer to send your dispute through the mail, keep reading to get the address!

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        Jan 18, 2017

        "Thanks. I was distracted by a conversation and drove right by passing the clerk at the tollbooth. Nevertheless, I ..." more
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