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Short on lives on your favorite sweet match-3 game? No problem!
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Candy Crush Saga players start out with 5 lives, and get an additional life every 30 minutes. But if you want to keep playing, waiting for your lives to refill can be frustrating. Fortunately, this wikiHow guide includes several strategies for getting more lives in Candy Crush.

Best Ways to Get More Lives in Candy Crush

  • The easiest way is to ask friends for lives, but you might have to wait if they’re not online.
  • If you earn enough gold bars, use them to get lives without spending real money.
  • Try changing your phone's date and time to trick the game into refilling your lives.
Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Asking Friends

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  1. If you link Candy Crush with your Facebook account, you can ask Facebook friends who also play to send you lives. Click the My Account button on the Candy Crush Saga home screen. Choose Continue with Facebook to connect Candy Crush with your Facebook account.
    • If you’ve been connected to Facebook on Candy Crush in the past, you may see a button that says Retrieve My Progress instead. Tap that, then select Continue with Facebook on the next screen. Follow the prompts to connect your account, then start playing.
    • If you don’t want to bug your Facebook friends, you can also befriend other players in the King community and ask them for lives. [1] Tap Friends at the bottom of the screen, then tap the Add tab. Tap Add next to players in the Players with similar progress list.
  2. To the left of your profile picture, locate the heart icon and tap on it.
  3. This button is located in the card showing your current number of lives.
  4. If you like, you can also tap Send life to send your friend a life!
    • Keep in mind that if the friends you’re requesting lives from aren’t online, this method isn’t necessarily faster than waiting for your lives to refill on their own.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Using Gold Bars

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  1. If you’d rather not ask friends for lives, you can purchase them with gold bars. The easiest way to get this in-game currency is to buy it, but you can also earn gold bars for free just by playing. Participate in tournaments and other special challenges that offer gold bars as a reward.
    • If you’d rather just buy some gold bars, tap the gold bar icon at the top of your screen and select one of the offers from the menu. For example, you can typically purchase 10 gold bars for $1.99.
  2. When you need a refill of lives, tap the heart icon at the top of the screen, to the left of your profile picture.
  3. On the card that displays your lives, you will see one or more options to refill your lives with gold bars. For example, you can purchase 6 hours of unlimited lives with 69 gold bars, or a single life with 4 gold bars. Tap the green button under the option you want to spend the bars and refill your lives.
    • If you don’t have enough gold bars, you’ll be taken to a menu where you can buy more.
    • If you buy an infinite lives booster, your lives will be fully replenished after the timer runs out.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Unlimited Lives Hack

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  1. This is an old hack for getting free lives on Candy Crush without having to wait or ask your friends. While this method may no longer work reliably, it’s still worth a try—as long as you don’t mind fiddling around with your phone’s date and time settings.
    • On an iPhone, go to Settings > General > Date & Time .
    • On an Android, open the Clock app and select â‹® > Settings .
  2. Depending on your phone’s OS, this may involve changing to a different time zone or selecting your desired date and time.
  3. You’ll see you have full lives. Don’t start playing just yet, or the game may detect the time change and penalize you.
  4. Go back into your date and time settings and fix the time. It’s easiest to set time to “Set automatically” as it will use your carrier or location to determine the correct time and automatically adjust.
  5. If the hack worked properly, you should still have a full set of lives after resetting to the correct date and time.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Buying Lives with Money

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  1. If you’re in a rush to get more lives and you don’t have enough gold bars, you can always pay to have your hearts refilled instantly. Tap the heart icon at the top left side of the screen to see your lives.
  2. Select the paid booster offer. You’ll see an option to purchase a couple of power-ups for a low price (e.g., $0.99) at the bottom of the screen. This usually includes temporary infinite lives. Once the timer runs out on the infinite lives booster, all your hearts will be replenished.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Am I able to pause unlimited times on Candy Crush while I go out?
    Community Answer
    If you mean unlimited lives, the answer is no. They're limited by time. You should be able to pause it though.
  • Question
    If I purchase lives in Candy Crush, do they stay until I use them, or do they expire?
    Community Answer
    They do not go away until you use them.
  • Question
    What do I do if I try to buy lives to open the next episode and the game won't allow it?
    Community Answer
    You could always go into your phone's settings and change the time ahead to the amount of time until you have more lives. For example, if it's 4:00 and you have to wait 10 minutes until you have more lives, close the app, go into your settings, change the time to 4:10, and you should get your lives.
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      • Try to remember which friends ask you for extra lives and boosters and only ask them. Since they play the game regularly, they’re more likely to respond to your requests.
      • If you move time backwards and forwards several times (when not using “Set Time Automatically”) your clock will fall back a few minutes. It’s easy to fix this by using the “Set Time Automatically” option every time you’re done.
      • If you start gameplay without adjusting your clock to the right time you will get penalized by the game. It’s simple to avoid this by always setting your clock to the current time before playing again.
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