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The complete beginner's walkthrough and guide for Hollow Knight
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As Hollow Knight is an immersive, exploration-based game, there's no single path players must take. However, if you need a little guidance on where to go as you explore, here's a complete Hollow Knight guide with minimal spoilers to help.

Things You Should Know

  • To reach 100% completion in Hollow Knight, collect all upgrades, pickups, and Charms, defeat bosses, and clear warrior's graves.
  • Keep an eye out for Geo clusters, fake and breakable walls, ceilings, and floors, and sit down at benches to heal.
  • Unlock all available shortcuts to make exploring the map much easier.
Part 1
Part 1 of 6:

Part 1

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  1. You'll run across plenty of Geo clusters as you explore. Geo is used as currency in Hollow Knight, and it's needed to upgrade the Nail with the Nailsmith. [1] Be sure to mine these rock clusters as you pass them.
    • Obtain the Fury of the Fallen Charm:
      • Find the Geo cluster in the southwest section of the pit room.
      • Nail-bounce (attack downwards while jumping) over the spikes and continue east.
      • Open the chest for the Charm.
    • Continue past the spiked bit. Destroy the wooden support and break through the gate.
    • Jump off the ledge to enter Dirtmouth.
    • Talk to the NPC Elderbug.
    • Enter the well to reach the Forgotten Crossroads.
  2. 2
    Forgotten Crossroads. Defeat enemies along your way to earn Geo. You'll have less in the beginning and more as you progress, so keep an eye out for easy enemies, Geo clusters, and hidden rooms. You'll also find trapped Grubs , which resemble caterpillars. [2]
    • The NPC Grubfather can be found in the top-left. As you free Grubs, visit frequently to get rewards.
    • Speak to Quirrel in Black Egg Temple.
    • Buy the Forgotten Crossroads map from Cornifer for 30 Geo.
    • Rescue the Grub in the acid room.
    • Open the Forgotten Crossroads Stag Station for 50 Geo.
    • Rescue the Grub from behind the breakable wall.
    • Encounter the NPC Myla in the mines.
    • Nail-bounce behind the Husk Guard and rescue the two Grubs.
    • Defeat the Gruz Mother boss .
      • Gruz Mother will charge at the player and perform zig-zag slams between the floor and ceiling. To avoid the zig-zag slams, move with her. Kill the swarm of Gruzzers that spawn when Gruz Mother is defeated. The battle won't end until you do so.
    • Speak to the merchant NPC Sly in the hut.
    • Defeat the False Knight boss and collect the City Crest and Geo chest.
      • Jump to avoid the shockwaves produced by the False Knight's mace. When its armor is damaged enough, it will fall into Rage and stagger, revealing the Maggot inside. Attack the Maggot to defeat this boss.
    • Go to the Ancestral Mound and speak to the Snail Shaman to get the Vengeful Spirit Spell.
    • Defeat the Elder Baldur mini-boss to get the Soul Catcher Charm and unlock Greenpath.
    • Return to Grubfather for Grub rewards.
    • Return to Dirthmouth and purchase the Wayward Compass Charm, Quill, and Bench Pin from Iselda's shop for 440 Geo total.
  3. 3
    Greenpath. In Greenpath, you can acquire Hunter's Journal. This opens a new pane in the menu where you can revisit the enemies you've encountered and defeated.
    • Buy the Greenpath map from Cornifer for 60 Geo.
    • Rescue the Grub by cutting down the hidden platform.
    • Listen to Hunter speak, and then collect Hunter's Journal.
    • Rescue the Grub in the room next to Hunter.
    • Sit on the bench for 50 Geo.
    • Defeat the Moss Knight mini-boss.
    • Choose to save Zote from the Vengefly King and defeat the mini-boss.
      • The Vengefly King will charge at players and summon enemies to help. Try to kill these enemies as soon as possible. When the Vengefly King charges, jump off his body to inflict damage.
      • If you choose to ignore Zote, he will die, and you can obtain the "Neglect" achievement if you hit Zote's skull with the Mantis Claw later on. This decision will also lock you out of the Grey Prince Zote boss.
    • Rescue the Grub guarded by the Moss Knight.
    • Open the Greenpath Stag Station for 140 Geo.
    • Sit on the bench to recover health.
    • Destroy the breakable wall from the flower trap and get the Wanderer's Journal relic.
    • Defeat the Hornet Protector boss and get the Mothwing Cloak ability.
      • When Hornet Protector lunges, jump over or under her attacks to dodge them, and then strike with the Nail.
    • Go to Lake of Unn to encounter Quirrel.
    • Head towards the right and use the Mothwing Cloak to collect the Thorns of Agony Charm.
  4. 4
    Fog Canyon. This large drop has areas you can explore later. For now, drop down the first canyon. Head right, and then drop down the next canyon to reach Queen's Station.
  5. 5
    Fungal Wastes. You'll encounter Quirrel on the way to Queen's Station, and you can speak to him before you proceed.
    • Open the Queen's Station Stag Station for 120 Geo.
    • Return to Dirtmouth to encounter Zote.
      • If you chose to ignore Zote, skip this.
    • Buy the Queen's Station map from Cornifer for 75 Geo.
    • Get the Hallownest Seal relic in the upper chamber.
    • Defeat the two Shrumal Ogre mini-boss in the north section for a Charm Notch.
    • Speak to the NPC Cloth.
    • Rescue the Grub in the bouncing mushroom room.
    • Continue left to unlock the shortcut.
    • Sit on the bench in the lower-right corner.
    • Head into Mantis Village and obtain the Mantis Claw on the left side.
    • Climb the vertical area and get the Wanderer's Journal relic above Mantis Village.
    • Head right and use City Crest on the statue to unlock City of Tears.
  6. 6
    City of Tears. In City of Tears, you can speak to the Nailsmith to strengthen your Nail in exchange for Geo and Pale Ore .
    • Sit on the bench and encounter Quirrel.
    • Visit the Nailsmith and upgrade to Sharpened Nail with 250 Geo.
    • Find and collect the Hallownest Seal on the scaffolding.
    • Find the NPC Relic Seeker Lemm and exchange relics for Geo.
    • Rescue the Grub guarded by Winged Sentry.
    • Sit on the bench 150 Geo.
    • Buy the City of Tears map from Cornifer for 90 Geo.
    • Go left to find City Storerooms and encounter Zote.
    • Open the shortcut that leads to Fungal Wastes.
    • Find and collect the Wanderer's Journal relic in the top-right corner.
    • Open the City Storerooms Stag Station for 200 Geo.
    • Fast-travel to Dirtmouth Stag Station.
  7. 7
    Forgotten Crossroads. Back at Dirtmouth, you can now explore rooms that weren't accessible without certain Charms.
    • Visit Sly and buy a Mask Shard for 150 Geo and the Gathering Swarm Charm for 300 Geo.
    • Speak to the NPC Tiso next to the well.
    • Go inside the well and get the Hallownest Seal relic using wall-jumps.
    • Use your dash to rescue the Grub in the middle passage.
    • Visit the Grubfather to obtain Geo, a Mask Shard, and the Grubsong Charm.
    • Defeat the Brooding Mawlek boss and get a Mask Shard.
      • When it attacks, it will rain blops of Infection. Wait until it's releasing the single-fire attacks to get a few hits in.
    • Complete the Goam challenge and get a Mask Shard.
    • Speak to the NPC Myla for new dialogue.
    • Fast-travel back to the City Storerooms Stag Station.
    • Speak to the NPC Tiso.
  8. You'll encounter the Soul Twister mini-boss, which unlocks Soul Sanctum.
    • Defeat the Soul Twister mini-boss to enter Soul Sanctum.
    • Destroy the breakable wall to open the shortcut to the bench.
    • Defeat the Soul Warrior mini-boss in the first room.
    • Find and collect the Spell Twister Charm from the very top of the map.
    • Defeat the Soul Master boss to get the Desolate Dive Spell.
      • Soul Master will teleport frequently around the arena. Keep an eye on his downward slam and the resulting shockwave. When he's in the air, jump to avoid the projectiles. Focus attacks when he's moving from side-to-side.
    • As you exit Soul Sanctum, collect the Geo chest and Hallownest Seal relic, and rescue the Grub.
    • Fast-travel to Dirtmouth Stag Station.
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Part 2
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Part 2

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    • Visit Sly and buy the Lumafly Lantern for 1,800 Geo.
    • Fast-travel to the Forgotten Crossroads Stag Station.
    • Encounter the NPC Tiso.
    • Speak to the NPC Salubra and purchase a Charm Notch for 120 Geo.
    • Speak to the NPC Myla for new dialogue.
    • Find the crumbling floor and use the Desolate Dive Spell.
  1. 2
    Crystal Peak.
    • Enter the dark room and pay 50 Geo to unlock the gate for Forgotten Crossroads.
    • Sit on the bench in the bottom-right.
    • Head up the vertical passage and rescue the Grub from the conveyer.
    • Buy the Crystal Peak map from Cornifer for 112 Geo.
    • Defeat the Crystal Guardian boss to unlock the bench.
    • Return to the previous room and collect the Shopkeeper's Key.
    • Encounter Quirrel as you climb upward.
    • Collect the Wanderer's Journal relic and Crystal Heart ability.
    • Rescue two Grubs in the central crusher room.
    • Enter the laser room and obtain the Deep Focus Charm.
    • Rescue the Grub behind the breakable wall.
    • Return to the bench and rescue Grub near the crusher room.
    • Go through the dark room in the bottom-right corner and jump into the pit.
  2. 3
    Resting Grounds. In this area, you can acquire the Dream Nail, which can be used to extract Essence, enter the Dream Realm, collect SOUL, and more.
    • Inspect the Dreamers Memorial to get the Dream Nail ability.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 20 Essence.
    • Pass the fake wall in the upper-left to obtain the Dreamshield Charm.
    • Strike the lever to open the Resting Grounds Stag Station.
    • Fast-travel to the City Storerooms Stag Station.
  3. 4
    City of Tears. Returning to City of Tears, there is a new Whispering Root you can strike for Essence.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 28 Essence.
    • Obtain the Simple Key above.
    • Visit Relic Seeker Lemm to exchange more relics for Geo.
    • Find the manhole at the very bottom of the canyon and use the Simple Key.
  4. 5
    Royal Waterways. There's a breakable wall nearby. When destroyed, you can find the NPC Tuk, who sells Rancid Eggs for 80-100 Geo.
    • Find the crumbling floor and use the Desolate Dive Spell.
    • Sit on the bench.
    • Go up and left to clear the Hwurmp battle room.
    • Buy the Royal Waterways map from Cornifer for 75 Geo.
    • Open the Fungal Wastes shortcut.
    • Return to Fungal Wastes briefly to get the Dashmaster Charm.
    • Complete the wall jumping challenge to rescue the NPC Bretta.
    • Enter the water and head left to get a Mask Shard.
    • Rescue the Grub in the hidden alcove.
    • Defeat the Dung Defender Boss to obtain the Defender's Crest Charm.
      • Wait for the Dung Defender to burrow into the ground to attack; this is the best time to do so. Avoid the dung balls until then.
    • Strike the pump switch and use the Desolate Dive Spell to get the King's Idol relic.
    • Open the shortcut next to the elevator shaft.
    • Head down and dash over the elevator shaft.
    • Clear the Sentry battle room and collect Isma's Tear ability.
    • Rescue the Grub behind Isma.
    • Use the shortcut behind the NPC Eternal Emilitia.
  5. 6
    City of Tears.
    • Open the shortcut on the left side.
    • View the cutscene at the fountain.
    • Encounter the Hornet.
    • Enter through the fake wall on the right.
    • Defeat the Gorgeous Husk for 420 Geo.
    • Exit right of the King's Station and unlock the platform for 300 Geo.
    • Sit on the bench.
    • Rescue the Grub guarded by the Great Husk Sentry.
      • To avoid killing the Sentry, you can quit and reload the game after rescuing the Grub.
    • Fast-travel to the Queen's Station Stag Station.
    • Complete the wall jumping challenge to obtain a Mask Shard.
    • Continue right and collect the Wanderer's Journal relic.
    • Head southwest to rescue the Grub.
    • Complete the bouncing mushroom challenge to obtain the Spore Shroom Charm.
    • Encounter Moss Prophet on the far right.
    • Enter Deepnest and rescue the Grub from behind the fake wall.
    • Return to Mantis Village and strike the lever to unlock it completely.
    • Sit on the bench in the bottom-right.
    • Defeat the Mantis Lords boss to obtain the Mark of Pride Charm, Hallownest Seal relic, and a Geo chest.
      • The first will attack alone, and once she's defeated, the remaining two will attack at the same time. The Lords share the same moves: Lance Dash, Lance Drop, and Blade Boomerang. Use the Nail to bounce off the boomerangs if the Mantis Lords move towards you.
    • Sit on the bench in the newly unlocked room.
    • Continue past the Mantis Lords into Deepnest.
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Part 3
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Part 3

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    • Purchase the Deepnest map from Cornifer for 38 Geo.
    • Collect the Hallownest Seal relic in the room above.
    • Head south to the hot spring.
    • Sit on the bench.
    • Super Dash towards the right and rescue the Grub behind the breakable wall.
    • Defeat the Nosk boss and collect the Pale Ore.
      • Walk towards the middle platform and stay against the left edge. Use an upward strike when the Nosk goes over you.
    • Head upwards and rescue the Grub with Super Dash.
    • Enter the Failed Tramway and sit on the bench.
    • Encounter Cloth.
    • Open the Deepnest shortcut.
    • Go to the far left of the Failed Tramway to get the Tram Pass.
    • Clear the Corpse Creeper battle room and get the King's Idol relic.
    • Rescue Zote.
    • Return past the hot spring to encounter Quirrel.
    • Take the Tram to the Ancient Basin.
  1. 2
    Ancient Basin.
    • Head left to rescue the Grub using the Desolate Dive Spell.
    • Go to the top-left of the room and defeat all enemies to rescue Cloth and get a Pale Ore.
    • Return to the Tram room and go down the hole.
    • Purchase the Ancient Basin map from Cornifer for 112 Geo.
    • Sit on the bench for 150 Geo.
    • Super Dash towards the left to collect the Simple Key.
    • Open the shortcut.
    • Defeat the Broken Vessel boss.
      • This boss moves frequently, so maintain your distance and cycle in hits from Spells and the Nail.
    • Continue left to obtain the Monarch Wings ability.
    • Use the Monarch Wings to double-jump in passage leading to Broken Vessel.
    • Rescue the Grub.
    • Double-jump to the Palace Grounds.
    • Open the Hidden Station Stag Station for 300 Geo.
    • Fast-travel to Dirtmouth Stag Station.
  2. 3
    Upgrades. Take this chance to upgrade your gear. You’ll run into harder opponents and trickier terrain.
    • Visit Sly and purchase the Elegant Key for 800 Geo.
      • The Shopkeeper's Key will be taken automatically.
    • Visit Bretta's hut and collect a Mask Shard.
    • Fast-travel to King's Station.
    • Nail-bounce on the King's Station Stag Station roof to collect the Hallownest Seal.
    • Visit Relic Seeker Lemm to exchange more relics for Geo.
    • Visit the Nailsmith and upgrade to the Channeled Nail for 800 Geo.
    • Head upwards to Soul Sanctum and use the Elegant Key for the mini-boss room.
    • Defeat the Soul Warrior mini-boss.
      • The Soul Warrior will begin the fight with a downward slash from above. Dodge the dash-slashes, and then strike right after the attack while it's recovering. The second Soul Warrior will also spawn 24 Folly enemies to help.
    • Activate the device to obtain the Vengeful Spirit spell upgrade, Shade Soul.
    • Return to City Storerooms and fast-travel to Hidden Station Stag Station.
    • Take the Tram on the right to Kingdom's Edge.
  3. 4
    • Destroy the breakable wall to access Hive.
    • Sit on the bench.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 20 Essence.
    • Rescue the Grub using Super Dash and double-jump.
    • Lure the Hive Guardian to break the wall and get a Mask Shard.
    • Open the shortcut.
    • Defeat the Hive Knight boss and obtain the Hiveblood Charm.
      • The Hive Knight will summon bees; just avoid them until they go away. Stay above the Hive Knight and attack with downward slashes. When he's preparing the spikes, dash through them. They'll explode in the same order they appeared.
    • Speak to Hive Queen Vespa's spirit.
    • Return to Waterways and rescue the Grub with a double-jump.
    • Open the shortcut at the end of the passage.
    • Rescue the Grub before the shortcut by using the Desolate Dive Spell.
  4. 5
    Kingdom's Edge.
    • Open the Kingdom's Edge shortcut and climb upwards.
    • Purchase the Kingdom's Edge map from Cornifer for 112 Geo.
    • Find Nailmaster Oro's hut on the right and purchase the Dash Slash Nail Art for 800 Geo.
    • Enter the bottom-right room using the Desolate Dive Spell.
    • Pass the Great Hopper spike room and rescue the Grub.
    • Use the Desolate Dive Spell until you find the Geo cluster with 420 Geo.
    • Return up and go left to collect the Quick Slash Charm.
    • Use the Desolate Dive Spell to collect the Wanderer's Journal relic.
    • Rescue the Grub behind the breakable ceiling.
    • Collect the Wanderer's Journal beside the bench.
    • Use double-jump in the vertical passage to encounter the NPC Bardoon.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 51 Essence.
    • Go to the Colosseum of Fools and open the shortcut.
    • Sit on the Colosseum of Fools bench.
    • Lure the Giant Hopper to destroy the breakable wall and obtain the King's Idol relic.
    • Go into the Tower of Love and open the shortcut.
    • Rescue the Grub in the watery passage.
    • Return to King's Station and fast-travel to the Greenpath Stag Station.
  5. 6
    • Collect the Hallownest Seal relic.
    • Visit Nailmaster Sheo's hut and clear the Super Dash and Nail-bounce challenge.
    • Obtain the Great Slash Nail Art.
    • Pass the Lake of Unn and enter the hidden passage on the left.
    • Collect the Shape of Unn Charm.
    • Pass the Vengefly King's room, open the chest, and jump into it.
    • Defeat the two Elder Baldurs mini-boss to collect the Baldur Shell Charm.
    • Wall-jump upwards and rescue the Grub, and then enter Howling Cliffs.
  6. 7
    Howling Cliffs.
    • Collect the King's Idol relic.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 46 Essence.
    • Collect the Wanderer's Journal relic.
    • Hit the corpse with the Dream Nail and activate the Nightmare Lantern.
    • Purchase the Howling Cliffs map from Cornifer for 75 Geo.
    • Enter the dark room next to Cornifer to obtain Joni's Blessing Charm.
    • Enter Nailmaster Mato's hut to obtain the Cyclone Slash Nail Art.
    • Super-Dash off the cliff to reach Dirtmouth.
    • Enter the tent and speak to the NPC Grimm to obtain the Grimmchild Charm.
    • Find Sly in the basement and obtain the Nailmaster's Glory Charm.
    • Go to the right of the well to find the Gravedigger's spirit.
    • Visit the Grubfather for the rewards: Geo, Rancid Egg, Hallownest Seal relic, and Pale Ore.
    • Visit Iselda's shop to purchase the Resting Grounds map for 75 Geo and the Stagway and Vendor pins for 200 Geo.
    • Fast-travel to King's Station.
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Part 4
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Part 4

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    • Use the Simple Key to open the Pleasure House. Obtain the Wanderer's Journal relic, encounter the Poggy Thorax spirit, and open the shortcut.
    • Visit Relic Seeker Lemm to exchange more relics for Geo.
    • Visit the Nailsmith and upgrade to the Coiled Nail for 2,000 Geo.
    • Unlock the elevator to Crossroads for 150 Geo and take it up.
  1. 2
    Infected Crossroads.
    • Collect the Vessel Fragment.
    • Visit Salubra's Shop to purchase: Lifeblood Heart, Longnail, Steady Body, Shaman Stone, and Quick Focus Charms for 1,690 Geo. Purchase 3 Charm Notches for 2,800 Geo.
    • Visit Myla for new dialogue.
    • Go to the Crossroads Stag Station and fast-travel to the Dirtmouth Stag Station.
    • Visit Sly and purchase: 3 Mask Shards for 2,800 Geo, 2 Vessel Fragments for 1,450 Geo, and the Stalwart Shell, Sprintmaster, and Heavy Blow charms for 950 Geo.
    • Enter the well and destroy the breakable ceiling.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 29 Essence.
    • Double-jump in Ancestral Mound near the lifeblood cocoon.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 42 Essence.
    • Use the Desolate Dive Spell on the Fossilized Golem to update Hunter's Journal.
    • Go to Fungal Wastes and pay Leg Eater 86 Geo to open his store. Equip the Defender's Crest for a discount, and purchase the Fragile Heart, Fragile Greed, and Fragile Strength Charms for 960 Geo.
    • Find the Whispering Root on the left and hit it with the Dream Nail for 20 Essence.
  2. 3
    Fog Canyon.
    • Collect the Hallownest Seal relic.
    • Clear the exploding egg challenge room to obtain a Charm Notch.
    • Head to the left passage under the challenge room.
    • Purchase the Fog Canyon map from Cornifer for 150 Geo.
    • Backtrack and take the left passage. Super Dash across the elevated ledge to rescue the Grub near the Teacher's Archive room.
    • Encounter Quirrel.
    • Enter the Teacher's Archive.
    • Defeat Uumuu boss and destroy Charged Lumafly.
      • Uumuu has lightning-based attacks that can be avoided by confusing the trail of electricity. Stand on the bottommost platforms until the trail leaves. When Uumuu deflates and Quirrel joins you, you can attack.
    • Encounter Quirrel and put the Dreamer, Monomon the Teacher, to rest.
    • Open the shortcut to Fog Canyon.
    • Collect the Hallownest Seal relic in the northeast passage.
    • Go to Overground Mound and clear the Squit challenge room for the Howling Wraiths spell.
    • Climb up to Greenpath.
  3. 4
    • Collect the Wanderer's Journal relic and head left.
    • Defeat the Massive Moss Charger mini-boss.
      • The Massive Moss Charger will either charge at players or jump from the ground and belly flop on them.
    • Collect the Geo chest and rescue the Grub.
    • Destroy the platform and collect the Vessel Fragment.
    • Go right to Stone Sanctuary and collect the Mask Shard in the top-right.
    • Clear No Eyes challenge at the warrior's grave for 200 Essence.
    • Return down to Queen's Station from Fog Canyon.
    • Double-jump next to Willoh to collect the Hallownest Seal relic.
    • Fast–travel to King's Station.
  4. 5
    City of Tears.
    • Collect the Wanderer's Journal relic..
    • Clear the Sentry battle room above King's Station.
    • Head up the elevator shaft to enter the Colosseum.
    • Enter Kingdom's Edge on the right.
  5. 6
    Kingdom's Edge.
    • Spend 100 Geo to complete the Trial of the Warrior. Earn Geo and a Charm Notch.
    • Spend 450 Geo to complete the Trial of the Conqueror. Earn Geo and a Pale Ore.
    • Head down to the tent and sit on the bench.
    • Go right to find the Hornet Sentinel boss.
    • Defeat the Hornet Sentinel boss and obtain the King's Brand ability.
      • The Hornet Sentinel shares similar abilities to the Hornet Protector, but she will now be able to counter hits and summon spike balls. Draw back if she parries and destroy the spike balls as they spawn.
    • Break through the planks above and collect the Wanderer's Journal relic.
    • Enter the King's Station shortcut and enter the broken elevator shaft.
    • Travel through the Dung Defender's room and encounter it.
    • Go to the room under the bench and use the Desolate Dive Spell.
    • Defeat the Flukemarm boss for the Flukenest Charm.
      • Destroy the spawned Flukes first, and then attack the Flukemarm between swarms.
    • Go back to the broken elevator shaft and head down into the Ancient Basin.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 35 Essence.
    • Collect the Wanderer's Journal relic.
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Part 5
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Part 5

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    • Sit on the bench and equip the following: Fragile Heart, Joni's Blessing, and Lifeblood Heart.
    • Travel south and unlock the Abyss.
    • At the fork, take the left path for the Arcane Egg relic.
    • Use 15 Lifeblood Masks to open the Lifeblood door and receive the Lifeblood Core Charm.
    • Travel to the bottom of the Abyss and head left.
    • Stand on the pedestal and use the Howling Wraiths spell to upgrade to Abyss Shriek.
    • Climb the lighthouse and turn it on.
    • Head right and obtain the Shade Cloak ability.
    • Use the Shade Cloak ability to obtain the Arcane Egg relic.
    • Defeat the Void Tendrils behind the fake ceiling to update Hunter's Journal.
    • Climb to the top of the Abyss, call the Tram, and return to Deepnest.
  1. 2
    • Use Shade Cloak to clear the challenge room.
    • Defeat the Garpede to update Hunter's Journal.
    • Complete the Garpede Nail-bounce challenge to obtain a Vessel Fragment.
    • Use the Tram to return to the Ancient Basin.
    • Fast-travel from Hidden Station Stag Station to Dirtmouth Stag Station.
    • Take the elevator up to Crystal Peak.
  2. 3
    Crystal Peak.
    • Collect the King's Idol relic.
    • Double-jump in the upper room's passage to find the Crystal Guardian boss.
    • Defeat the Crystal Guardian boss and collect a Mask Shard.
      • Keep your distance until it leaps into the air. Then, attack quickly before moving away again. Repeat until the boss is defeated. Once the Crystal Guardian is defeated, it will turn into the Enraged Guardian. This will have similar attacks as the previous incarnation but will be much stronger and quicker.
    • Go northeast and rescue the Grub on the ground level.
    • Return to the previous room and hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 21 Essence.
    • Climb to reach Hallownest's Crown and collect a Pale Ore.
    • Drop all the way down and Super Dash towards Crystallised Mound on the right.
    • Use the Desolate Dive Spell to enter the mound and rescue the Grub.
    • Find the Descending Dark Spell upgrade above the snail shaman's corpse.
    • Head down into Resting Grounds.
  3. 4
    Resting Grounds.
    • Clear Xero's challenge at the warrior's grave for 100 Essence.
    • Find the Seer in the north section to unlock the Glade of Hope and collect: a Hallownest Seal relic, a Pale Ore, and the Dream Wielder Charm.
    • Behind the fake wall in the top-right, hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 34 Essence.
    • Collect the King's Idol relic in the room at the top of the waterfall.
    • Use the Dive Spell above the coffins to open the crypts and collect the Soul Eater Charm, Wanderer's Journal relic, and Hallownest Seal relic.
    • Rescue the Grub.
    • Take the elevator to the City of Tears.
  4. 5
    City of Tears.
    • Encounter Relic Seeker Lemm beside the fountain and exchange relics for more Geo.
    • Visit the Nailsmith to upgrade to the Pure Nail for 4,000 Geo.
    • Choose to spare the Nailsmith ( Happy Couple achievement) or kill the Nailsmith ( Purity achievement).
    • Double-jump the building underneath Dreamer and sit on the bench.
    • Clear the Lance Sentry and Great Husk Sentry room to unlock the doors.
    • Travel up to unlock the shortcut in the left passageway.
    • Rescue the Grub guarded by the Great Husk Sentry and Lance Sentry.
    • Defeat the Watcher Knight boss.
      • You must defeat a total of six Watcher Knights. Once the first one is defeated, two more will spawn at once. Avoid backing into one corner or getting trapped in the middle. Try to use attacks that can damage two opponents at once.
    • Collect the Hallownest Seal relic and Geo chest.
    • Put the Dreamer, Lurien the Watcher, to rest.
    • Fast-travel from King's Station to the Queen's Station Stag Station.
  5. 6
    Queen's Gardens.
    • Enter the Queen's Gardens.
      • If you have over 3,400 Geo, speak to Millebelle and open an account for 100 Geo. Put in at least 2,550, and then sit at the bench in Queen's Station. Return and knock down the cardboard bank.
    • Encounter Cloth.
    • Purchase the Queen's Gardens map from Cornifer for 150 Geo.
    • Clear the Mantis Petra battle room and sit on the bench.
    • Interact with Caelif and Fera Orthop's spirit for dialogue.
    • Collect the Love Key and open the Fungal Wastes shortcut.
    • Inspect the Moss Prophet for dialogue.
    • Head back and hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 29 Essence.
    • Unlock the bench for 150 Geo.
    • Clear the Mantis Traitor, Mantis Petra, and Spiny Husk battle room.
    • Rescue the Grub behind the fake wall.
    • Pass through the jumping bug room and evade the traps to rescue the Grub.
    • Collect the Hallownest Seal relic.
    • Unlock the Queen's Gardens Stag Station for 200 Geo.
    • Strike the lever to open the shortcut and sit on the bench.
    • Clear Marmu's challenge at the warrior's grave for 150 Essence.
    • Travel upwards and open the shortcut.
    • Rescue the Grub after clearing the Super Dash challenge room.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 44 Essence.
    • Head left to find the Traitor Lord boss.
    • Defeat the Traitor Lord boss and obtain the White Fragment from the White Lady.
      • The Traitor Lord will unleash downward slashes and twin blades. It's recommended to use the Dashmaster and Sprintmaster Charms during this fight to make it easier to maneuver away from the attacks.
    • Fast-travel from Queen's Garden to Queen's Station Stag Station.
  6. 7
    Fungal Wastes.
    • Clear Elder Hu's challenge at the warrior's grave for 100 Essence.
    • Go to the room above Mantis Village and hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 18 Essence.
    • Access the Fungal Core with a double-jump, and head down to the Deepnest entrance to collect a Mask Shard.
    • Travel to the bench in the Failed Tramway.
    • Clear Galien's challenge at the warrior's grave for 200 Essence.
    • Enter the big room on the left of Deepnest.
    • Hit the Whispering Root with the Dream Nail for 45 Essence and rescue the Grub.
    • Enter the Weaver's Den behind a breakable wall and collect the Weaversong Charm.
    • Travel left into Distant Village and encounter Midwife.
    • Clear the Beast's Den to rescue the Grub.
    • Put the Dreamer, Herrah the Beast, to rest.
    • Encounter Hornet.
    • If you let yourself get trapped, you can collect a Hallownest Seal relic.
    • Unlock the Distant Village Stag Station for 250 Geo.
    • Travel to the new Stag Nest.
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Part 6
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Part 6

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    • Collect the Vessel Fragment and inspect the broken egg shell in the top-left.
    • Leave the Stag Nest and clear Gorb's challenge at the warrior's grave for 100 Essence.
    • Use Super Dash to reach Dirtmouth.
    • Fast-travel to King's Station.
  1. 2
    Kingdom's Edge. If you chose to give Geo to Millebelle, visit her in the Pleasure House's hot spring and use the Nail on her. You'll receive back your Geo deposit x 1.5.
    • Use the Love Key to enter the Tower of Love.
    • Defeat The Collector boss to rescue the last three Grubs and obtain the Collector's Map.
      • The Collector will drop down smaller enemies; be sure to defeat these as they spawn. When the Collector jumps, jump with him and attack immediately when he lands.
      • You can use this map to see if you're missing any Grubs.
    • Travel into Kingdom's Edge and enter the shadow barrier.
    • Clear Markoth's challenge at the warrior's grave for 250 Essence.
    • Return to the city and fast-travel from King's Station to Dirtmouth Stag Station.
    • Collect the King's Idol relic.
    • Visit the Grubfather to obtain the Grubberfly's Elegy Charm.
    • Fast-travel to Resting Grounds.
  2. 3
    Resting Grounds. In this area, you can start the Delicate Flower quest.
    • Visit the Seer to obtain a Vessel Fragment, the Dream Gate ability, an Arcane Egg relic, and a Mask Shard.
    • Enter the breakable ceiling above the Geo chest and encounter the Grey Mourner.
    • Complete the Delicate Flowers quest:
      • Encounter Quirrel at Blue Lake and obtain the Witness achievement.
      • Go to Queen's Garden and place a flower at the Traitor Lord's child's grave.
    • Fast-travel back to Grey Mourner for the last Mask Shard and the Solace achievement.
  3. 4
    Infected Crossroads.
    • Pass the False Knight's room and Super Dash behind the breakable wall.
    • Clear the Aspid Hunter and Aspid Mother battle room to obtain the Glowing Womb charm.
    • Open the breakable wall above the False Knight's room and defeat the Failed Champion Dream boss for 300 Essence.
    • Fast-travel to Resting Grounds and visit Seer to obtain the Awoken Dream Nail ability.
    • Fast-travel to King's Station.
  4. 5
    Ancient Basin.
    • Travel down the elevator to reach the Dung Defender room.
    • Defeat the White Defender Dream boss for 300 Essence.
      • You can fight this boss again for additional dialogue.
    • Continue down the elevator and visit the Fountain.
    • Pay 3,000 Geo at the Fountain for the last Vessel Fragment.
    • Sit down at the Ancient Basin bench.
    • Defeat the Lost Kin Dream boss for 400 Essence.
    • Travel to the Palace Grounds and use the Awoken Dream Nail on the dead Kingsmould to access White Palace.
    • Complete White Palace to obtain the Kingsoul Charm.
      • After this point, you can choose to unlock the hidden sub-area to get the Void Heart . However, this will lock you out of the normal ending achievement, so be sure to do this on a second playthrough.
    • Go to the Hidden Station and fast-travel to the Resting Grounds Stag Station.
    • Speak to Seer for Ascension after collecting 2,400 Essence.
    • Visit Salubra's shop to purchase Salubra's Blessing for 800 Geo and obtain the Blessed achievement.
    • Go to the Crossroads Stag Station and fast-travel to the Dirtmouth Stag Station.
  5. 6
    Grimm Troupe Ritual. Before the end game, you can prepare accordingly by upgrading your gear.
    • Visit Relic Seeker Lemm to sell extra relics for Geo.
    • Equip 3 Fragile Charms and visit the NPC Divine to upgrade them into their Unbreakable versions. Upgrade Greed for 900 Geo, Heart for 12,000 Geo, and Strength for 15,000 Geo.
    • Equip the Grimmchild Charm and place the Dream Gate next to the bench.
    • Collect the first set of three flames while using the Dream Gate to return to Dirtmouth after each. Speak to Grimm.
    • Collect the second set of three flames while using the Dream Gate to return to Dirtmouth after each. Defeat the Grimm boss for the last Charm Notch.
    • Collect the third set of three flames while using the Dream Gate to return to Dirtmouth after each. Defeat the Nightmare King boss and obtain the Ritual achievement.
    • Return to Bretta's hut's basement to fight the Grey Prince Zote dream boss and obtain the Dark Romance achievement.
  6. Be sure to equip your favorite Charms and heal fully; the final boss fight will be difficult.
    • Fast-travel to King's Station and head up to reach the Colosseum.
    • Encounter Tiso.
    • Use 800 Geo to start and complete the Trial of the Fool.
    • Collect the King's Idol relic and defeat Pale Lurker for a Simple Key.
    • Return to King's Station and fast-travel to City Storerooms Stag Station.
    • Enter Soul Sanctum and defeat the Soul Tyrant Dream boss.
    • Head down to Royal Waterways.
    • Use the Simple Key on the coffin in the Junk Pit. Obtain the Godtuner.
    • Use the Dream Nail on Godseeker to enter Godhome.
    • Defeat Pantheon of the Master, Pantheon of the Artist, Pantheon of the Sage, and Pantheon of the Knight.
    • Return to City Storerooms and fast-travel to Dirtmouth Stag Station.
    • Enter the Black Egg Temple and defeat the final boss.
      • Stand between the tendrils to avoid them, then launch a ranged attack at the final boss. If it uses ranged attacks, dash toward the farthest wall to create some distance.
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