Discover your true personality with our Rorschach ink blot test!
The Rorschach (ink blot) test is a classic psych tool for uncovering your deep-seated traits. We’re not psychologists, but we’ve created our own version—just answer a few questions, and we’ll make an educated guess about your personality.
How does it work? Just look at the abstract image, and pick the answer that most aligns with what you see. Your answers will tell us what type of personality you possess! Click “Start Quiz” to get going!
Questions Overview
- Joyful, excited
- Angry, irritable
- Gloomy, sad
- Chill, carefree
- Hopeful
- Angry
- Thoughtful
- Peaceful
- Happy
- Stressed out
- Thoughtful
- Sleepy
- A person or people
- A weapon
- A body part
- An animal
- Yellow
- Red
- Green
- Blue
- It’s dancing.
- It’s dead.
- It’s tense.
- It’s cuddly.
- Adventurous
- Impatient
- Hardworking
- Friendly
- Outgoing
- Annoyed
- Thoughtful
- Relaxed
- Throw a party
- Pick a fight
- Write in my journal
- Lie on a raft on a river
- Spring
- Summer
- Winter
- Fall
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The History of the Ink Blot Test
The ink blot test is a predictive psychological test created by Hermann Rorschach in 1921, who was inspired by the idea that schizophrenic patients often interpret what they see in atypical ways. Test subjects are presented with a series of 10 ink blot cards and asked to share what they see in the image. Theoretically, their responses would indicate to the person performing the test whether the subject suffered from any mental illness, although the Rorschach test has remained controversial and divided psychiatric opinion since its creation. Still, the test had a huge effect on pop culture and the legacy of psychiatry itself.
Completion of the test is time-consuming and requires the expertise of a trained psychologist; while attempts have been made to convert the test into a more objective assessment to be more widely applicable to non-psychologists, such tests have typically been found to be ineffective. So don’t take the results of this quiz too seriously—it’s just a fun way to dig into the history of psychology!
Want to learn more?
For more information about Rorschach’s ink blot tests, check out these links:
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