Q&A for How to Avoid or Escape a Bull

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    If I have no weapons or cannot escape, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Find something to get behind, like a tree, a large hay bale, a big bush, anything. If you can't find anything, slow down, move slowly, and don't make eye contact. If you feel you have to stop, then stop, but whatever you do, don't run, you'll only invite him to chase you. Move in the direction closest to safety. If you get attacked, you get attacked, there's nothing that can stop that bull from attacking you, but try play dead as much as possible until he loses interest.
  • Question
    What will happen if I hit the bull's behind?
    Community Answer
    He might very well spin around and nail you back. Or, if you're lucky, he'll jump forward and move away from you. Then he can hook around and come after you, so that is a bad idea.
  • Question
    Can bulls break down doors?
    Top Answerer
    If they have a mind to go through a door, they'll do it - and quite easily.
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    What if I don't know parkour?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to know parkour in order to escape a charging bull or cow. You'll find that adrenaline can cause you to do things you normally couldn't due under stress and fear for your life. Ideally though, if you don't know parkour or aren't particularly athletic, it's wise to make sure you avoid a situation where a bull will be charging at you in the first place, like not entering the pasture that the bull is in.
  • Question
    How fast can a bull run?
    Top Answerer
    Bulls can run around 35 km/hr, which is almost as fast as a horse.
  • Question
    Will the bull do a trick on me by pretending to run at me, then stopping?
    Community Answer
    He may run at you then stop, or he run right by you in a bluff charge, but he won't be pretending. If he's actually intent on you and set on getting after you, he won't be bluffing. Don't go in thinking he'll do that, because you might get caught. Then again, don't think or worry about him going after you, because often if you worry about what might happen and anticipate it, then it will happen to you.
  • Question
    Should I play dead if I'm being attacked by a bull?
    Top Answerer
    Bulls aren't like bears where if you play dead they'll cover you up and leave you alone (applicable to grizzlies, not black bears, by the way). A bull may continue to see you as the object of his frustration and continue to beat the crap out of you. He may know you're attempting to play dead, pretend to leave you alone, and come after you when you think it's safe to move and try to get away.
  • Question
    Will hitting a bull cause him to break off his pursuit?
    Community Answer
    No, it actually may make him more irate. You would need to hit him before the pursuit even begins, because you won't have enough time to turn around and hit him and run away since bulls are incredibly fast animals. Remember, in order to turn around you need to stop first, and if the bull isn't far behind you, you will not have enough time to hit him, or do anything else.
  • Question
    Can I shoot a bull if it is charging at me?
    Top Answerer
    Of course, just make the first shot is a kill shot. And make sure you're using a high-caliber rifle or handgun lest the bullet ricochets, causing potential injury to you, to the bull, and also potentially making the bull even more mad.
  • Question
    Will one still attack if I'm on the other side of the fence? Can he charge straight through?
    Top Answerer
    You are more safe on the other side of the fence than you would be if you were in the same pen or pasture with him. The fence not only acts as a physical barrier, but a psychological one as well. He may try to come through the fence if he's really motivated, especially if you pestered or teased him. Most bulls, unlike the Spanish fighting bulls, don't have enough gumption to come through a fence at you, though.
  • Question
    Is it true that cows charge people with their eyes open, but bulls close their eyes?
    Community Answer
    No, but I'm sure it differs with the different animals. Bulls don't usually close their eyes, but I suppose it's possible.
  • Question
    Can a bull notice me if I'm laying down flat?
    Top Answerer
    Well, if he sees something odd in his corral or pasture that he knows wasn't there before, he'll come over to investigate. So yes, you'll be noticed. But the fact if he becomes a threat to you laying down and lying still is probably not so much as he may decide to either nuzzle you around a little roughly for a little bit, or get bored and go back to grazing.
  • Question
    Can a bull bite or pull you?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they can bite you, but it's not their primary means of defense.
  • Question
    Can they climb or knock down small trees?
    Top Answerer
    They cannot climb trees. But they will use their weight to bend down small trees or saplings if they have an itchy spot to scratch. They won't knock down small trees just because they can.
  • Question
    What will happen if I get hit?
    Top Answerer
    You will get injured, or worse. You're not in some video game where after you die you can do a restart and get a fresh go at it again. You only have one body, one life. Use your head to take care of yourself and avoid getting hurt in the first place.
  • Question
    Can bulls climb trees?
    Top Answerer
    No. Neither bulls nor cows nor any bovine or hoofed animal can climb a tree. They do not have the musculature nor claws (like a cat or a bear) to be able to climb a tree. So you are completely safe if you have to get up into a tree to escape a bull.
  • Question
    How do children escape a bull? What do I do if someone gets hurt?
    Top Answerer
    First of all, DO NOT PUT CHILDREN IN WITH A BULL if you do not know how he will react. The first rule to prevent an attack is to avoid it altogether. This is common sense. If children are with a bull and that bull unpredictably attacks, make sure they have something to climb up, like a tree or a fence. If someone gets hurt, and it's serious, call 911 or rush them to a hospital yourself.
  • Question
    If I don't move, will a bull still charge at me?
    Community Answer
    It might. Bulls are not like bears. Playing dead or being very still is not guaranteed to prevent a bull from charging you.
  • Question
    What if the bull isn't around cows and has docile temperament and is friendly?
    Top Answerer
    I still wouldn't trust such a bull. If he's not giving you any threatening nor challenging behaviors, then you should be okay. Just don't be nervous or give him any reason to decide to turn on you, such as rubbing his forehead, teasing him, etc. A bull is a bull and still deserves to be respected, but not exactly trusted.
  • Question
    Do bulls have enough power to knock down a tree?
    Community Answer
    A full-grown bull can weigh as much as 1,500 pounds. If he's running flat out and runs into a tree, yes, he'll knock it down, unless it's huge.
  • Question
    Is it possible to stab the bull in the eye?
    Community Answer
    Attempting to stab a bull in the eye would mean getting dangerously close to it, so this should be avoided. If it's your only option though, then I would go for it.
  • Question
    If I am on an ATV, will that be enough for me to escape a bull?
    Community Answer
    If it can go faster than 35 KPH/21 MPH, yes.
  • Question
    Will a bull hurt me if I lie down?
    Community Answer
    If you lie down, the bull might trample or gore you, so I would not recommend this.
  • Question
    Can a bull change direction easily once it has started charging?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Yes, they are surprisingly agile. In addition, they can twist their heads (where the horns are) before they have stopped and changed direction. However, they are rather heavy and can't move about like a ballerina or a butterfly. Once you understand how they move, you should be able to get away from a bull. It's like stepping to the side out from under a falling tree instead of running away in the direction it is falling.
  • Question
    Is it legal to shoot or severely harm a bull if it charges at me?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is.
  • Question
    Will a bull break down a fence to get to me?
    Community Answer
    No, the bull won't knock over the fence to get to you, although it might ram itself against the fence once or twice.
  • Question
    Can bull break through iron gates?
    Community Answer
    No, iron gates are too strong for a bull.
  • Question
    Can I quickly jump to a side if a bull comes charging at me? Will it take it a while to turn? Is it a good idea to take it by the horns?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Do not under any circumstances take it by the horns. That is a certainty of being flung in the air and then trampled on. Bulls are extremely agile and fast, but they are also bulky, so their momentum does carry them forward if they charge. In all, yes, you can jump aside, but I recommend doing a fake jump left first before jumping right. Or get out of the arena, or climb a wall, or don't mess with bull.
  • Question
    How do I get past an ill-tempered bull if I have to walk through its pasture to get home every day?
    Community Answer
    Give it space. Bulls, like all cattle, have a flight zone, an oval shape around their body where if you get into it they get nervous and move. Give the bull as much space as you can (the flight zone can be 50 feet for nervous bulls). Stay near the fence if possible. It's unlikely that a bull will spot you from 300 yards away and come charging at you, but it's not impossible.
  • Question
    Can a bull run down a hill?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, he can. Faster than you can, too!
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