Q&A for How to Be a Mean Girl

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    What can you wear to a dance or a school?
    Community Answer
    Something out of this world, mostly cute like a dress that will have the boy’s eyes glued to you.
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    How can I fire back and stand up for myself?
    Community Answer
    The best way to get someone to stop being mean is to throw them off. For example, if they're telling you that you're an idiot, say something like, "But you're super cool!" and smile. It's hard to think of a comeback for that, isn't it? If they say you're fat, say "Go big or go home!" Never show them that they're bothering you, as that will only encourage them. If someone is really harassing you, find an authority figure.
  • Question
    Can I act like this in fourth grade?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can act like this in fourth grade, although it might not be the best idea if you want to make friends.
  • Question
    Why can't someone be a mean girly girl? It's kind of like saying that people who are feminine are dumb, which implies that girls are dumb. Why?
    Community Answer
    If you are a girly girl, then you will come off as weak to some (sexist) people, which makes you an easy target. You're correct that this is unfair, but it's still true.
  • Question
    What if stidents go to the principal or a teacher?
    Gracie Carson
    Community Answer
    Act innocent. Just act like you never even did it.
  • Question
    How should I practice flirting?
    Community Answer
    See wikiHow's article How to Flirt for more details.
  • Question
    If one of my friends is a mean girl and treats me badly, should I get rid of her or keep her around for popularity?
    Kassidy Montgomery
    Community Answer
    Stop being friends. From the sound of it, you're not friends anyway. People will respect you for making that choice, and chances are, you'll still be popular, but in a better way.
  • Question
    What if somebody threatens to go to my principal?
    Community Answer
    That is probably a risk you take when you're mean. If you want to be popular and well-known in a good way, try to be nice.
  • Question
    Is it alright to be nice to even few people?
    Gracie Carson
    Community Answer
    Yes. Step two in “Being Mean Like Regina George” says that.
  • Question
    How do I become friends with the popular girls?
    Community Answer
    Act like them, be mean to the same people they're mean to, dress like them (not exactly like them, just wear things you think they would wear). Don't date people they've got a crush on or their exes. If they're mean to you at any point, act cool, don't insult them back. You want them as a friend, not an enemy.
  • Question
    My friends say I am a show-off. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You may be subconsciously looking for attention. Try to let your friends be the center of attention occasionally. Be aware and stop yourself when you see yourself trying to steal the spotlight.
  • Question
    Can I be a mean girl in chat rooms?
    Community Answer
    You can, but that would be more trolling than being a mean girl. There is a difference so be care not to just be a troll.
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    How do I get someone not to tell on me after being mean?
    Community Answer
    Apologize. Tell them you were in a bad mood or you were upset about something and you didn't mean to hurt their feelings.
  • Question
    Why are you telling us how to be mean? The ones reading this are most likely young, impressionable middle schoolers and it doesn't seem like a good message.
    Kassidy Montgomery
    Community Answer
    I agree, the people reading this will have to judge if they're actually ready to do this kind of thing, because it is something you'll never be able to take back. As a middle schooler myself, I read this because it amuses me (and so I can be sure I'm not doing any of it). To everyone reading this, I want you to think about the consequences. There's a very high chance that people will just stop liking you. More likely than not, you'll be someone that people are scared of. You won't be respected. You won't have any real friends. People will go to principals, teachers and parents. Even if you make up, people will still look at you and see a bully. Do you really want to be known for that?
  • Question
    How can I be mean to someone if she is popular, and word will spread that I am mean and I would be hated?
    Community Answer
    Maybe you can be indifferent instead of mean. Walk with your head held high if she ever insults you or laughs at you. Ignore it and don't show it if you're getting upset. If she persists, either walk away, or if you're stuck where you are, just say "You're not getting anywhere, [their name], I really don't care what you have to say about me. Sometimes being indifferent is more effective than being mean.
  • Question
    There is this #1 mean girl at my middle school. How can I take her down?
    Community Answer
    You could model yourself after her and be just as mean... Or you could choose to be a bigger person and treat her and everyone else with kindness and respect. Love always wins out in the end over selfishness, narcissism, competition, and jealousy.
  • Question
    What if I need to like someone I really hate just to be popular?
    Community Answer
    Use them as a stepping stone. Like the article said, you need to be fake nice with them.
  • Question
    How do I get cool and mean girls to like me?
    Community Answer
    Respect their power, but don't submit. If they insult you, act cool, like it doesn't bother you. Don't give a comeback, you aren't looking for an enemy! Remember to follow trends and dress similar to, but not exactly like them. NEVER steal the crushes, boyfriends, or even exes of the mean girls. Be mean to who they are mean to, but don't be a straight up bully. Be unique, but don't be a weirdo. They might want more diversity in their clique! Try to get a hold of the rules of the clique and follow them. Never sit with them at lunch unless they ask you, but sit a few seats or a table away so they will notice you.
  • Question
    What should I do if a teacher sees me being mean?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend changing your behavior around your teacher so you don't get into trouble. If she confronts you about your rude behavior, just apologize and be sneakier about it in the future.
  • Question
    What if a mean girl is mean right back when i have a comeback?
    Kassidy Montgomery
    Community Answer
    The best response is simply to smile when she insults you. Let her everyone else know she doesn't bother you. She can say what she wants, but you're mature enough to not let it get to you.
  • Question
    I'm not sure if I should be a mean girl because my friends and I have a history of fighting and the teachers know this.
    Kassidy Montgomery
    Community Answer
    Don't. Turn over a new leaf. Think about what you want to be known for - being a bully, or a kind person. It takes a lot to erase the past, so go ahead and get started.
  • Question
    What if I get in trouble?
    Community Answer
    Act completely innocent, or even try to turn the blame on somebody else. For example, if you told a girl her skirt was "so last year" and she told on you, tell the principal/teacher/authority that you loved her skirt and had the same one last year until it got too small, and she is just out to get you in trouble.
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    What if I'm already friends with people who aren't uncool, but not exactly considered cool?
    Community Answer
    You should keep your friends, because if you ditch them to try to make friends with popular people and that fails, you won’t have any friends, meaning you’ll be stuck with the “uncool” title. Having good friends is better than being popular, since popularity won’t last longer than high school; everyone will have matured. So stick with your friends, even if they aren’t exactly popular.
  • Question
    How do I look and dress like Regina, Gretchen, Karen and Cady?
    Community Answer
    Wear skirts, crop tops, heels, and pink. Try to keep up with the latest trends.
  • Question
    What if a boy is rude, but I just want him to pay attention to me?
    Community Answer
    If you want him to pay attention to you, just be yourself. If he is really rude, you might want to find someone else to talk to.
  • Question
    Are cheerleaders popular?
    Community Answer
    This is a common theme in movies. However, in real life anyone can be popular, whether they are cheerleaders or not.
  • Question
    I want to be more confident and stand up for myself like a mean girl, but I also don't want to make random negative comments to everyone all day. What should I do?
    Kassidy Montgomery
    Community Answer
    Don't be mean, but be firm. Thank the person for their opinion and don't let it get to you.
  • Question
    What if someone is bullying me very badly, and they have a gang and I don't?
    Kassidy Montgomery
    Community Answer
    Serious bullying needs attention. Tell an authority. No, you won't be a tattle-tale, you'll be telling. Tattle-tailing is to get someone in trouble, telling is when you have a serious problem. Leave a note, an email, have a conversation, but do not keep it to yourself!
  • Question
    My friends think that I'm this "innocent child," but I'm not. I'm really mean and rude. How do I show them my mean side without them thinking I'm kidding?
    Community Answer
    If you are faced with a bully, then show your friends your mean side. Don't be "really mean and rude" to people for no apparent reason.You might end up losing your friends.
  • Question
    I'm a really cheerful person, but I have a dark side, and I feel so sad and mad that my dark side is out. I don't know how to control it. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Everybody feels that way sometimes, so try not to stress about it too much. It's also very common for your emotions to get a little out of control when you a preteen/teen. You should talk to someone about how you're feeling, like a parent, teacher, school counselor, etc. You can also write about how you're feeling in a journal. If you try to be cheerful all the time, even when you don't feel that way, it's bound to cause problems. Don't keep your feelings bottled up inside.
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