Q&A for How to Become Famous

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    I would like to become a singer, but my parents can't afford a music teacher. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Teach yourself and enjoy the fact that this can create a more unique style and sound. Find free music lessons on YouTube.
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    I can sing really well, but I'm afraid of putting myself out there for people to hear. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Practice a lot at home in front of your siblings and parents. Once you feel more comfortable in front of them, you can do a small concert for your friends. Start with a small audience, and grow from there.
  • Question
    Can I be famous just by helping people, such as the poor or those suffering from cancer?
    Community Answer
    Of course! It would sort of be like starting an organization. If you are lucky, you could even be asked by the media to create an advert for people to help you in this. You should not help people just for the sake of fame, however; your desire to help should come from your heart and conscience.
  • Question
    I would like to be a singer, but I'm a kid. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Join your school's choir, watch videos on YouTube, and talk to your parents about it. If they let you take singing classes, great; if not, keep trying to learn on your own. Once you feel confident (and get parental consent), post videos on YouTube and ask people for feedback. Lots of young singers get their start this way.
  • Question
    Can I be famous if I'm a kid?
    Community Answer
    The most fun way to become famous as a kid is to film yourself doing something cool and post it online (with your parent's permission).
  • Question
    How do I release music albums if I want to be a famous singer?
    Community Answer
    Start playing local shows, get attention and be well known. Then, try to make connections with people who work in a record label so that they know you. Ask them if they think you're ready for an album and follow their advice from there.
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    How can I be famous when I am a little shy?
    Community Answer
    Many famous people describe themselves as shy. Try performing in front of family and friends whom you know will support you. Each time you perform, add a few more audience members until you are comfortable performing in front of a big group.
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    How do you find auditions?
    Community Answer
    Finding auditions mostly takes networking with your acting teachers, other personal contacts, and social media. There are even websites where you can sign up to receive casting calls in your area, but take care to avoid scams.
  • Question
    How can I become famous for singing?
    Community Answer
    You could join a televised singing or talent competition, or post an online video of yourself singing. With both of these options, you stand a pretty good chance of being noticed, but don't be discouraged if you don't immediately become famous.
  • Question
    How can I get an acting job in the United States if I live in another country?
    Community Answer
    Search online for casting calls that you can apply to by video. Once you get a job offer, apply for an O-1 visa.
  • Question
    How can I become famous in one day?
    Community Answer
    You can't -- fame doesn't happen overnight. You need to work very hard, often for many years.
  • Question
    Do I have to get anyone to help me, like an agent?
    Community Answer
    If you become famous enough, an agent will come to you and book you gigs. Before then, however, you don't need one. An agent will just give you more opportunities because he/she has connections.
  • Question
    Can I be famous if I am ugly?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course! It doesn't matter what you look like. All that matters is how well you do something, and whether or not you are likeable.
  • Question
    How do I become famous if I have stage fright?
    Community Answer
    Rehearse in front of your mirror. If you know that you have talent, prove yourself. Practice whatever it is in front of people you are comfortable with, and have them give you feedback. Slowly move onto performing in front of crowds that gradually grow. And most of all, have confidence.
  • Question
    How do you catch attention?
    Community Answer
    Be yourself and be seen. If you're an anime nerd, recommend episodes of a TV series your peers may enjoy. If you're sporty, try out for a team. Go to every party you can and take pictures. Then, post them online the next day. Never take stuff too seriously. While drama may be a great way to get noticed, it is like playing with fire!
  • Question
    How can a become a famous artist?
    Community Answer
    Expose yourself to the world of art. Get art supplies and work hard. Believe in yourself, and know you can do it.
  • Question
    How do you choose a website for becoming famous online?
    Community Answer
    You can make it a little easier by picking a major social media or video recording website. It is possible but more difficult to find a following on your own blog or website. If you go that route, pick a memorable, easy-to-spell name and put a lot of effort into publicizing the site.
  • Question
    How do I become a famous comedian?
    Community Answer
    Reserve a spot at Open Mic nights in your area and start practicing your stand up. Comedy's a tough gig, and you need to jump in the deep end to improve. Besides stage presence, you're going to need to develop an original act. That can take hundreds of hours of writing, so start putting in the effort early.
  • Question
    If I want to be a famous singer, should I put out an album?
    Community Answer
    Even when done independently through an online site, albums are a costly venture. Concentrate foremost on improving your singing technique and getting people who matter to confirm that a) you sing really well and b) you have something unique enough to set you apart and make people want to listen.
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    How can I become a famous writer with no publisher?
    Community Answer
    Start with something simpler, like posting your own writings on a blog or picking up freelance writing work. The idea is to get yourself out there and get as much experience as you can.
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    What do I have to do first to be a famous dancer?
    Community Answer
    Join a dance studio that is very well known and go for every audition you hear of.
  • Question
    I am really good at singing, but my YouTube covers don't get any views. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Send links of the videos to everyone you know, and ask them to share them with people they know. Then just wait. That's really all you can do. Maybe go to other social media sites and make a specific account just for that reason.
  • Question
    I want to be a vlogger, how can I?
    Community Answer
    Post videos of yourself vlogging and having fun on YouTube. Show your family and friends your videos first and ask for advice on improving your videos before posting.
  • Question
    How can I sing better if my voice cracks a lot?
    Community Answer
    You can take vocal lessons to improve your singing voice and quality. However, you may be suffering from the effects of a dry throat, so make sure to drink plenty of water prior to singing.
  • Question
    I love to sing, but I have stage fright. What can I do to get rid of it?
    Community Answer
    There are some great tips in wikiHow to Overcome Stage Fright While Singing .
  • Question
    Can I become a famous runner if I start running at 18?
    Community Answer
    Yes, with lots of practice, determination, healthy diet, and the ability to stick to your goals. It's very easy to lose control of your mindset.
  • Question
    I don't know how to sing, but I want to be a musician. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Learn to play an instrument and start a group/band with someone who does know how to sing, or take singing lessons.
  • Question
    How can I become famous at school?
    Community Answer
    Join in lots of clubs and extra curricular activities, be kind and be yourself. Be friendly and try to hang out with lots of different kinds of people.
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