Q&A for How to Calculate the Age of a Person Using Palmistry

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    What if the LL to HL ratio is more than 0.5?
    Community Answer
    If the LL to HL ratio is more than 0.5, you have done a calculation incorrectly.
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    What does it mean if the heart line is broken?
    Community Answer
    A broken heart line in palmistry tells of significant hardships and setbacks in that individual's life through emotional stress, physical illness, and even external factors such as troubles in the workplace.
  • Question
    Which line on my palm is the life line?
    Community Answer
    The life line is the line that runs from the bottom of the wrist and up to just below your index or above the thumb. It is different for different people.
  • Question
    If a life line breaks and there is a mixed fate line, what happens?
    Community Answer
    That depends on where the break is what kind of break and where it joins back. It isn't easy to give an answer without seeing your palm.
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    What does a split in the lifeline indicate?
    Community Answer
    This shouldn't indicate anything, as some areas may be less deep than others. Just ignore it.
  • Question
    If my life line and heart line are the same length, what does this mean?
    Community Answer
    It means that you'll have a healthy heart and healthy life. You will have a nice, long life.
  • Question
    What does it mean if someone's life line is broken?
    Community Answer
    It can mean that that person had felt something like heartbreak or had an emotional crisis during the past.
  • Question
    How do I calculate someone's age by the lines on the hands?
    Community Answer
    The ratio of the life line to heart line, life line length divided by heart line length.
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