Q&A for How to Care for a Soft Shelled Turtle

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    Is there a way I can tell how old my turtle is?
    Audra Barrios
    Marine Biologist & Reptile Specialist
    Audra Barrios is a Marine Biologist and owner of Lick Your Eyeballs, a business offering experiemces, reptiles, supplies and plants. With over 15 years of experience, Audra specializes in reptiles and exotic animals, environmental education, marine biology, conservation issues, and animal husbandry. Audra earned a BASc in Marine Biology from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and studied Natural Sciences at the College of Marin. She is the founder and Executive Director of Things That Creep, a non-profit dedicated to herptile conservation through education. She has spent the last nine years working as a biologist at the California Academy of Sciences.
    Marine Biologist & Reptile Specialist
    Expert Answer
    If it's full-grown, no, not really, you really have no idea. If it's a baby or one to five years old, you can make an educated guess just based on the size of it, but really, their growth depends on the temperature that they're being kept in and the food that they're being offered. So an animal that has optimal conditions might be full-grown in five years, whereas an animal that maybe didn't get enough heat or food might still be very, very small in five years. There's no way to know the age of your turtle unless you know when it came out of its egg.
  • Question
    Do soft shelled turtles need sand to survive?
    Mourya Cheggoju
    Community Answer
    Yes, they need it. They need it to hide so that they can feel secure. Sand also helps their shell to be healthy and stronger.
  • Question
    My soft shell turtle is not eating anything plus should I always keep him in water?
    Community Answer
    They are fully aquatic but should have access to a float or strip of sand. Soft shells need different food such as turtle pellets, live and pre-killed fish, squid, bloodworms, etc.
  • Question
    What do softshell hatchlings eat?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what particular kind of turtle you have, but most soft shelled turtle hatchlings will eat live bait, such as fish, shrimp, worms, and snails.
  • Question
    Can I put the soft shell turtle with fish?
    Community Answer
    Guppies are okay. Pretty much anything else will kill it.
  • Question
    Can they live in a salt water tank with salt water fish?
    Community Answer
    No. They are a freshwater species, and you also should not have any fish in the tank with them.
  • Question
    Can my baby soft-shell turtle live in a drum for a few days?
    Community Answer
    Turtles need good, clean water; a good filter, and water movement. Although they breathe air, the water can become infested with bacteria, including quite a few that can make you sick. Get an aquarium with a filter or you risk both the turtle's health and yours.
  • Question
    What can I do about shell rot on a soft shelled turtle?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend taking your turtle to the vet or a pet store so they can recommend a product or treatment.
  • Question
    Can I put the turtle in well water?
    Community Answer
    They should be fine, but it may be better to filter it first.
  • Question
    Where can you find non-soft shelled turtles?
    Community Answer
    You can find them at a local pet supplier. Call pet stores around you to see if they have turtles with hard carapaces, rather than soft shelled turtles.
  • Question
    Can I feed my turtle any kind of fish food pellets?
    Community Answer
    Feed your turtle wild gold or wild fish pellets. You can also feed flakes to your turtle.
  • Question
    Are they the same instructions for a pig-nosed turtle?
    Community Answer
    No, they are different species.
  • Question
    What happens if their beaks aren't trimmed?
    Community Answer
    Nothing really, but it can be hard for them to open and close their mouths over time.
  • Question
    Is it OK to feed my turtle fish food pellets?
    Community Answer
    In my opinion, I don't think turtles should be given fish food, but it really depends on the breed. It certainly shouldn't be the only thing in their diet.
  • Question
    Can I keep a turtle that I found outside as a pet?
    Community Answer
    No, you should not keep it unless it needs to be rescued/ nursed back to health.
  • Question
    Can soft shells go in a tank with rocks?
    Community Answer
    Only if the rocks are completely smooth. Otherwise they could hurt your turtle.
  • Question
    What are the requirements for red ear slider turtles?
    Community Answer
    A clean tank, any kind of dirt or sand and fresh water in its tank every day.
  • Question
    Can a soft shell turtle eat something that is bigger than it is?
    Community Answer
    No. Only snakes have the reputation of doing that. Feed your turtle things that are smaller than its head.
  • Question
    Do soft shelled turtles eat blood worms?
    Payton Maguire
    Community Answer
    While blood worms are a definite favorite of turtles, these should be avoided. Most are high in protein and lack the common nutrients that your turtle requires for its development. Turtles that have had a diet consisting of a majority of blood worms can have issues shedding scutes, can have white patches appearing on their shells, and overall have an unhealthy appearance.
  • Question
    Will soft shell turtles live without water?
    Community Answer
    No. If you are going to buy a soft shell turtle, you need water. Consider getting a tortoise, as they need less water than turtles do.
  • Question
    My soft shell turtle is throwing up a sack of bloody stuff. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    That's not good, it's throwing up parts of its intestine. Take it to the vet immediately.
  • Question
    Can a fresh water turtle use salt water sand?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the sand type doesn't matter.
  • Question
    Can two soft-shelled turtles live together?
    Noukie Zoey
    Community Answer
    Because soft-shelled turtles can be aggressive, you should not put them in tanks with other turtles or animals. Sometimes they can live in pairs, but only with enough space to ensure minimal bullying. It is probably best to have just one soft-shell turtle living in the tank.
  • Question
    Does my soft shell turtle need a filter?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is needed for any aquatic reptile. The best type of filter would be a canister filter.
  • Question
    Is there any harm in allowing a hard-shell and soft-shell turtle to share an aquarium?
    Community Answer
    Yes, the hard-shelled turtle can harm the softer-shelled one, and could kill it.
  • Question
    Could a baby soft-shelled turtle live in a 40-gallon tank that is already occupied by a 14-year-old hard-shelled aquatic turtle?
    Community Answer
    No, the adult could harm or eat the baby. Avoid bigger hard-shelled turtles with smaller soft-shelled tank mates.
  • Question
    What do soft shelled turtles eat?
    Community Answer
    Turtle pellets and live bait such as live or freeze dried fish,or bloodworms.
  • Question
    I have a soft shelled turtle and goldfish living in a large pool outside. Should I still put sand in or would that harm the fish?
    Top Answerer
    Sand is safe to add. It will not harm the fish and most goldfish will enjoy having sand to sift through.
  • Question
    Can I replace the sand with gravel?
    Top Answerer
    No, soft shell turtles spend a lot of time digging and hiding themselves in sand. If they try to bury themselves in gravel, the stones can easily damage their soft shell and lead to possible infections.
  • Question
    How to clean sand which is mixed up with food and turtle waste in the turtle tank?
    Top Answerer
    An aquarium siphon or gravel vacuum will work best for removing anything off the top layer of sand. A turkey baster can work well for spot cleaning small sections. To remove waste within the sand, you can gently rake or stir up the sand to release any trapped waste which you can then remove with the siphon or vacuum.
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