Q&A for How to Catch a Queen Ant

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  • Question
    How many eggs do queen ants lay one year?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the type of ant. Some average thousands of eggs per day, which adds up to millions over their lifetime.
  • Question
    Can a winged queen make a colony also?
    Community Answer
    In certain cases, yes. Some queen ants are able to produce larvae even though they still have their wings. Queens that don't have wings can be infertle, though, so don't always assume they can produce larvae just because they have no wings.
  • Question
    I have ants that live under the leaves in my fairy garden. Could there be a queen there?
    Community Answer
    If your garden has a pile, there could be a queen ant under the pile. So most likely, yes.
  • Question
    I found a queen just getting ready for the nuptial flight. I caught her, and I have left her in a container with no soil in it for 8 days in the dark (8 days have not been completed yet). Will this work?
    Flailing Duck
    Community Answer
    Because you caught her before she had a chance to fly and find a mate, she will not be fertile.
  • Question
    Do queen ants wander off to find nesting areas during hot days, like in the summer?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the species. Each species has nuptial flights during certain months of the year, and many fly during the summer months. Queens will often fly after a rainstorm, so be sure to look around if its rained recently to improve your chances.
  • Question
    Can queen ants be found in plant pots?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Queen ants prefer a moist and dark home and will look in and under certain areas.
  • Question
    Can/do males and queens from the same colony mate? Can I catch males and queens from the same colony and house them together until their nuptials and have fertilized queens?
    Community Answer
    Except for special cases, queens and males will not mate together if they are from the same colony. In addition, even if they are from different colonies, it is very rare that ants will mate in captivity.
  • Question
    Can other ants from different colony kill the queen?
    Nevaeh Milhollin
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it's not likely they will get to the queen. The worker ants will die protecting her and she will start a new colony.
  • Question
    Where is the best place to find a queen ant in the spring/summer?
    oliver williams
    Community Answer
    Look in areas where there are multiple ant colonies nearby. In urban areas, queen ants can be easy to spotted on pavement or on buildings.
  • Question
    How can male ants spawn?
    Anthony Jiang
    Community Answer
    Male ants spawn in a colony and also come out during the nuptial flight. However, shortly after they have mated with a queen, they will die.
  • Question
    Can I put three queen ants in the same container?
    Community Answer
    You could if they were in the same colony before they were queens.
  • Question
    I found a trail of ants in my area, and it just rained. Will it be easier to find the queen?
    J Cat
    Community Answer
    It will probably be easier. Follow the trail all the way to the end and find the nest...The queen will be in the center laying her eggs.
  • Question
    Will the workers mate with the queen if she is infertile?
    Community Answer
    No, the queen will only mate with male elates during nuptial flight. You can look online for nuptial flight months in your region.
  • Question
    How does an ant become a queen?
    J Cat
    Community Answer
    If the fertilized eggs and pupae are well-nurtured, they could potentially become queens as well. Among ants who do not reproduce sexually, all of the members of the colony are female. The queen ant gives birth to every ant in a colony unless captured in a raid where they take the brood and raise it as their own.
  • Question
    Will a queen ant be found in the bottom of the nest?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the moisture of the nest, but the lower the queen is the safer she is so it is a good possibility that she could be in the bottom of the nest.
  • Question
    How long will it take for a queen to lay eggs?
    J Cat
    Community Answer
    The queen ant's first worker ants, known as 'nanitics', usually arrive a few weeks after a queen is captured and stored, and it takes several months to a year for the colony to have a good number of worker ants.
  • Question
    Can I take a queen ant from their colony?
    Community Answer
    Yes, however you would need to catch some starter ant workers, and acknowledge your endangering the rest of the colony.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea to catch a fire ant?
    J Cat
    Community Answer
    If you don't mind their stingers, it is okay. They are fierce, but once you get used to the sting, it's not that bad.
  • Question
    Can I leave my ants while I go on holiday?
    J Cat
    Community Answer
    They need to be fed every 6 hours or so, meaning you would need to leave them with a friend or reduce their home temperature to hibernation temperature (which varies from species to species), but keep in mind they don't hibernate forever, and some species don't at all.
  • Question
    With whom do the queen ants mate?
    Anthony Jiang
    Community Answer
    They mate with male ants called alates who die shortly after mating.
  • Question
    Where does a black garden ant live?
    Anthony Jiang
    Community Answer
    Black garden ants live in many places, from gaps in the pavement to cracks in your house or anthills.
  • Question
    I have an ant colony in my house in the walls. I keep stepping on them and they smell. How do I get rid of them?
    Community Answer
    If it smells something like rotten coconuts, these are common ghost ants. All you need to do is put baited ant traps around your house where you've seen them.
  • Question
    Should I try to find a queen ant that does not have an ant nest?
    Community Answer
    Probably, as taking the queen ant from its home nest will result in the nest dying from lack of population. Finding a queen that is fertilized but has not settled in a nest is more environmentally friendly and also more satisfying.
  • Question
    Can I use lemon water to lure a queen out?
    Community Answer
    No, you can't lure a queen out with lemon water. Food is not a lure for queens that already have a colony or nest, and winged queens are only looking for mates, not food. The only time a queen leaves an established colony is when the space the colony is in becomes unsuitable due to lack of food, seasonal floods, etc.
  • Question
    How large does the jar or ant farm need to be?
    Community Answer
    The size of your jar or ant farm depends on how large the ant species is, how large the colony is, and how long you would like to keep the colony there.
  • Question
    What do ants eat or can they eat anything?
    J Cat
    Community Answer
    Ants feed on a large range of foods, from engine oil at the side of a road, to other ant species. Most ant species are omnivorous and eat seeds, nectar, and other invertebrates. Army ants are carnivorous, they hunt, kill and eat prey such as worms, spiders and even sometimes small vertebrates like lizards.
  • Question
    What if I put a queen ant from a different colony in my ant farm?
    J Cat
    Community Answer
    The queen has too low chances of being accepted to the new colony, so it's best to leave her with her own. Also, she has no chance if she is not the exact species of the colony you are trying to add her to.
  • Question
    When does an ant egg hatch?
    J Cat
    Community Answer
    Larvae hatch from eggs after a period of 7 to 14 days. The larvae are white and transparent in appearance and resemble maggots. They undergo repeated molting, and with each molt they grow hairs, some of which are hooked.
  • Question
    Can a worker ant change into a queen ant?
    J Cat
    Community Answer
    If the fertilized eggs and pupae are well-nurtured, they could potentially become queens as well. Among ants who do not reproduce sexually, all of the members of the colony are female, but do not lay eggs except when it is the queen. The queen ant gives birth to every ant in a colony unless captured in a raid where they take the brood and raise it as their own.
  • Question
    Can queens build colonies right next to each other?
    Community Answer
    Yes, although they would probably fight to the death, so only one colony would likely remain.
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