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Q&A for How to Connect an iPad to Bluetooth Devices
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QuestionWe have 2 speakers, but they don't work at the same time. Why?Community AnswerYou can generally only make one Bluetooth connection at a time. So, your iPad can only connect to one speaker at a time.
QuestionCan I choose my own music on my iPad through the Bluetooth for speakers?Community AnswerUsually, you will use your iPad as means to select the song (not the speaker). Songs will be played from your iPad if the speaker is connected to your iPad.
QuestionMy iPad isn't pairing to my bluetooth headphones and I tried all these steps. What do I do?Community AnswerTry restarting your iPad one or two times. If that doesn't work, try another set of headphones.
QuestionI accidentally disconnected my Bluetooth headphones from my iPad mini. When I try to re-connect, it can't find the headphones. What can I do?Community AnswerTry turning off Bluetooth then turn it back on. If that doesn't work, restart your headphones and/or iPad and try again. If turning it on and off doesn't work, seek help from a techy friend.
QuestionWhat do I do if my iPad is asking me for a PIN and I have no idea what that is, because I've never used one before?Community AnswerThe pin will be on the Bluetooth device that you're connecting to, e.g., on an iPhone under settings and Personal HotSpot. You can also try the PINs in step 6.
QuestionHow do I connect multiple Bluetooth devices?Community AnswerOn the Bluetooth setting, the bar should be slid to the on part. Bluetooth devices near you should show up. If the wanted Bluetooth devices are not shown, try either resetting your device, or the desired Bluetooth devices. If that doesn't work, go to the Apple website and ask for assistance.
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