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Q&A for How to Disable AdBlock
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QuestionWhy do I have to disable AdBlock?Community AnswerSome sites, particularly news/journalism outlets, request that you disable Adblock because they depend on advertising revenue for income. They need that revenue to pay for the domain name and the staff that creates and maintains the content.
QuestionHow to disable ads on Mac?Community AnswerGo to "Library," which can be found if you open Finder > Your Device [Your Macbook - harddisk in the menu]). Delete everything in these folders, unless you know the files: Caches, Extensions, Input Methods, LaunchAgents, LaunchDaemons and ScriptingAdditions. Open a new desktop and go to it. Then move the mouse to the "go" and at this moment you must tap the "ALT" button on your keyboard. You should see a hidden library folder, and go to this folder. Delete every file in the following folders: Caches, Input Methods and LaunchAgents. Restart your Mac, and everything should be good.
QuestionHow can I block ads in my browser?Community AnswerUse Adblock. Don't disable it.
QuestionHow do I disable AdBlock from my Internet Explorer?Community AnswerTo disable ad block only on certain websites, navigate to the site on which you want to disable ad blocking. Click the "Simple Adblock" logo on the status bar, highlight "Disable Simple Adblock On," and then click the name of the website on which you want to disable ad blocking.
QuestionHow do I stop AdBlock for just one site?Community AnswerTo do this, enable it in the status bar. There will be a sign saying enabled on this site. Then disable it.
QuestionHow do I disable AdBlock on an iPhone?Community AnswerOpen the AdBlock app and swipe down from the top of your screen. When the AdBlock interface is disabled, it will turn orange. If you're using AdBlock Plus, open the AdBlock Plus app, tap the "Tools" icon at the bottom of the screen, and swipe the slider next to "AdBlock Plus" to the left so that it displays as off. You can turn off all ad blockers on Safari by going to your iPhone's Settings -> Safari -> Content Blockers, and then by sliding each bar to the left so that they display as off.
QuestionWhy should I disable AdBlock? Why on earth would I want to get flooded with ads, porn ads and malware?Community AnswerYou can block ads when they get in the way of using the computer. Too many ads take over, preventing navigation away from the page, hiding the wanted content, switching to the browser tab with the ad, or disturbing others with audio. You shouldn't disable the ad blocker if the ads disrupt computer operation. If your employer blocks your access to ads, you can't disable the ad blocker.
QuestionHow can I disable ad blocker on IE 7?Community AnswerWhen a menu appears at the bottom of the screen, select "Reload Without Content Blockers".
QuestionHow do I remove AdBlock from an iPhone using the Chrome browser?Community AnswerClick the three lined button on the top right, find Settings, then click Extensions on the top left, then click the trash can under the extension. Done.
QuestionHow do I disable AdBlock in UC Browser?Community AnswerTap the Menu button and select "Add-ons." Tap the "AdBlock" option and then toggle the switch off to disable it.
QuestionHow do I disable AdBlock on my computer?TheWikiHowFurryCommunity AnswerClick the menu icon from the browser toolbar. Highlight the tools menu, then click "Extensions" from the sub-menu. Click the trash icon that appears next to the AdBlock entry. Click "Remove" once the confirmation message appears to have effectively uninstalled AdBlock from your web browser.
QuestionHow do I disable adblock on my Mac?Community AnswerRight-click it, and go to "manage extension." Scroll down to AdBlock and untick the "enabled" box.
QuestionWhat do I do if AdBlock is not on my computer in extensions, nor is the little stop sign on the screen, yet I'm being told it is running?Community AnswerIf you did not see adblock in extension nor little stop sign on the screen, then go to settings from the tab. Pick Ad Block from the down arrow. Now unmark the block popup windows and filter page ads. That is all.
QuestionI don't see the icon.Community AnswerGo into the options of the extension and enable it. It should be there.
QuestionHow do I block ads on a UC browser?Community AnswerUse Adblock. You can find it in Settings.. Unmark the block popup windows and filter page ads when you get to that tab.
QuestionWill there be a security issue if I disable my ad block?Community AnswerYou will probably not have any issues, but you may want to go to your ad blocker's website to check and to see if there are any uninstall directions.
QuestionI want to watch movies and the site asks me to disable Ad Block to see content. I can't disable it and I don't see an Extensions tab on Edge. What do I do?Community AnswerUpdate to the latest version of Edge, you will see 'Extensions' under the options. However, you should be able to click on Ad Block and turn it off just like in Chrome.
QuestionAfter installing AdBlock, I now have more ads than before paying the $35.00 requested. I've removed AdBlock and I still have all the ads they installed. How do I remove the unwanted ads from my computer?Community AnswerIt seems you've been scammed. Run an anti-virus scan and use your computer's control panel to remove any software the scan doesn't.
QuestionI cannot find AdBlock anywhere on my computer. The ads take 15 minutes or more to run a 2 minute ad space. Where is it embedded?Community AnswerIf you're using Mozilla, the button for AdBlock should be at the right side of your address bar. You can also click the menu button, then click Add-ons. On the left side of the screen, click extensions. AdBlock should be in this list.
QuestionWhat do I do if I disabled AdBlock, but my browser is still telling me to disable it?Community AnswerTry uninstalling and reinstalling it. If it still says to deactivate it, then it is probably a problem within the script.
QuestionI do not want AdBlock, what can I do?Community AnswerTo remove AdBlock on the browser toolbar, right-click the button and select Remove from Chrome.
QuestionHow do I unblock AdBlock?Community AnswerOpen up your Internet Explorer, then click the red gear icon to open Settings. Select the Manage Ad on the options on the drop down list.
QuestionCan Google Assistant do this for me?Community AnswerNo Google Assistant can not disable adblock for you. You will have to complete the instructions above instead.
QuestionWhat do I do if my AdBlock sign isn't appearing on my browser but a website keeps saying I have it?Community AnswerFirst, try refreshing the page. If that does not work, then try repeating the steps above.
QuestionI don't have any Adblock on my phone or computer browser either. How do I block this Adblock thing? My mobile tracker is not working unless I unblock it.Community AnswerClick the menu icon from the browser toolbar. Highlight the tools menu, then click "Extensions" from the sub-menu. Click the trash icon that appears next to the AdBlock entry. Click "Remove" once the confirmation message appears to have effectively uninstalled AdBlock from your web browser.
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