Q&A for How to Feel Pretty

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    What if a guy makes you feel bad about yourself?
    Community Answer
    Don't hang around him anymore. You shouldn't hang around with someone who makes you feel bad about yourself. They are not worth your time and energy.
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    I am very insecure about everything on me, and everyone says I am beautiful but i just think they are lying. How do I make myself less insecure?
    Community Answer
    First of all, if everyone says you are beautiful, chances are that you really are. You most likely are hard on yourself sometimes and do not appreciate yourself. This may sound cliche, but you are really the only person that is you in the world, and that is special and beautiful. Another thing that may help is telling yourself that you are beautiful each night before you sleep. This way, you can feel happy when you're going to sleep and wake up refreshed.
  • Question
    Each time I go with my friends to hang out, they just ignore me and say that I'm ugly. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Get new friends. It might be hard right now, but opt for being alone rather than being with people that have a negative effect on you. 'Nothing' is better than nonsense.
  • Question
    What can I do if I think I'm ugly, and so does everyone else?
    Community Answer
    Find some new friends. The only way to feel beautiful about yourself is if you are surrounded by people who are supportive and respect you for who you are, beyond your appearance. People who care too much about their appearance tend to notice small flaws in their complexion that no one knows about. Get into school activities, too. If you do so, you may find some good friends that can show you who you really are. Sports can also be used to boost your confidence and get you into shape if you really do feel uncertain about your weight. Reading books on your style can help too (there are some really good ones that focus on clothing, makeup, all you need).
  • Question
    I'm not allowed to wear makeup. How do I "wear" makeup without actually wearing any?
    Community Answer
    Take good care of your skin (wash twice a day with a gentle cleanser, moisturize, use acne products if necessary, eat healthy, exercise, and get enough sleep) to achieve a natural glow. Curl your eyelashes with an eyelash curler to draw attention to them. Use a lip scrub a few times a week to help keep your lips smooth and colored, and moisturize them with a lip balm or with a natural product like coconut oil. You can also use coconut oil on your eyelashes and/or brows overnight to help strengthen them. Pluck your eyebrows to shape them, if you like. Take good care of your teeth so they are clean and white.
  • Question
    How can I stop comparing myself to other people?
    Community Answer
    This is a hard task that everyone tries. If you want to stop comparing yourself, be unique. Try to look at somebody and think of what they could've done better that you have. Also, don't be mean about it. Keep thoughts to yourself, and don't put yourself above or below people. Be yourself, and know that's the most beautiful of all.
  • Question
    I feel ugly, and it's making me depressed. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Look at yourself in the mirror and keep telling yourself that you're beautiful. If that doesn't work, find a style you think looks good on you, and/or find friends that make you feel better about yourself.
  • Question
    I have a younger sister and I feel like she's better than me and I'm just there. She's pretty and talented and I'm not. How do I feel pretty?
    Community Answer
    Everybody is pretty in their own way. Many people feel self-conscious about their appearance. Talk to a trusted adult or close friend about your feelings.
  • Question
    What if I still don't feel pretty? I just feel down and I can't stop myself.
    Community Answer
    First of all, you are pretty, inside and out. You might not believe that, but everyone else does. You are your own kind of perfection. Wake up in the morning and refresh yourself, pick a cute outfit that you love, look in the mirror and say, "I'm beautiful" and "I look great in this." Do this every time, and if this doesn't work, maybe ask for help from a trusted adult or friend.
  • Question
    What do I do if all of my friends put me down because of my appearance?
    Community Answer
    Find new friends. True friends would never put you down. You can try telling them how their comments make you feel. If they don't care, you really should drop them.
  • Question
    What is some good, concrete advice to get over hating myself?
    Community Answer
    What good is outer beauty without inner beauty? Are there people who put you down? Even if you don't feel pretty, imagine what we would all look like based on our inner beauty. I admit, I've been hating myself a lot lately, but there is so much more to life than being pretty. Think about all your talents, and positive things about yourself. Write them down and read them every day. Remember that everybody is beautiful and important, not just popular kids or celebrities. You are amazing, and don't let anybody take that away from you.
  • Question
    How can I let go of what other people say when I feel very ugly because of them?
    Community Answer
    People only make insulting remarks about other people because they are jealous or because they feel bad about themselves and they want to make everyone else feel bad too. Don't let them to do it to you. Ignore the haters.
  • Question
    My head is not shaped evenly and I am very self-conscious. How can I feel better about myself?
    Rachael D Smith
    Community Answer
    Feeling better is all about a mindset. If you are old enough, try finding a job as a model for your local museum, college, or art gallery. Seeing your body type appreciated is very liberating and eye opening. If you really can't stop thinking about it, try some fun hats or large hair accessories like flowers, bows, or flowing ribbons. Confidence is the best accessory. Even if on the inside you feel differently, if you act confidently, no person will think of you as the person whose head is not shaped evenly.
  • Question
    How do I regain my self confidence?
    Community Answer
    You can try to re evaluate what made you lose it at the first place. If it's hurtful comments from your friends, try to hang out less with them (or not at all). If its your thoughts, try to keep your mind busy by reading motivational and inspirational quotes. Try to find supportive people who love you for who you are, and give them a chance to tell you what they love most about you.
  • Question
    Are dark skinned girls pretty?
    Community Answer
    Of course. All skin colors can be beautiful.
  • Question
    My own mother puts me down and says I'm fat. This makes me feel I am not attractive and depresses me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Talk to her about how you feel, and demand respect. You are beautiful, no matter what other people think.
  • Question
    Lately I've been feeling like I'm ugly, even though my friends and other people say I am pretty. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Listen to your friends. Take a step back and try to stop looking at yourself from just your point of view. Look in the mirror every morning and find one thing that you like about your appearance, and just keep focusing on that one thing every day. Write in a journal about that one thing every day and before you go to bed, reread the whole journal.
  • Question
    How do I feel pretty when I'm getting bullied in school?
    Community Answer
    Every day look into the mirror and say something good about yourself. And remember beauty comes from the inside. Try to get friends that support you no matter what you look like.
  • Question
    At times I feel beautiful and others I feel ugly. Why am I like this, and am I really beautiful? Most guys at my school have crushes on me, is it thanks to interests? Is beauty what men love more then hobbies?
    Community Answer
    That is what sets men from 'school boys'. If you are certain that most of them have a crush on you, then that is a good sign that yes, you are beautiful. If they like you for your looks, then they are not worth your time. Focus on the guys that make you feel not just pretty, but important. It is normal to feel less attractive at times, but when it happens, try to think if there is any link to something someone might have said or done that is affecting you somehow. And more importantly, remember that you are beautiful in your own way.
  • Question
    How do I feel pretty if I can't exercise?
    Community Answer
    Exercise, or even your weight in general, isn't the only thing that makes you pretty. You should be proud of who you are and confident in your own beauty! If you're self-conscious about your weight, you could adjust your diet and decrease the amount of calories you consume per day. That will result in weight loss even without exercise.
  • Question
    I have a pretty face, but my thighs and stomach are chubby. (I would say I am fat but others don't think so.) I don't like being active, but I eat right. What can I do?
    Amy Paige
    Community Answer
    As long as you eat healthily, you are a healthy person, so shouldn't worry about the chubbiness of your stomach and/or thighs. (These "flaws" are probably all in your head anyway.) You could try going for daily walks if you are really concerned. Being active is also really great for your overall mood, so that's another reason to give it a try.
  • Question
    If a boy who has moved on with a new girl used to like me, is there something I could do to get him back?
    Community Answer
    You don't want to be that girl, pining after someone who doesn't like you and trying to ruin his new relationship. You should move on too, and not with some other guy. Focus on yourself for a while - your studies/work, your hobbies, your friends, etc. Don't let some guy bring you down.
  • Question
    What should I do if I can't get any new clothes or makeup?
    Community Answer
    Maybe swap makeup or clothes with a friend or your mom, or try doing some alterations on some of your old clothes to change things up a bit.
  • Question
    How often should I wash my hair if I think I'm over-washing it?
    Community Answer
    It depends on your hair type, length, etc., but in most cases it's not necessary to shampoo your hair more than 2-3 times per week.
  • Question
    How do I make a bone hump on my long nose go away without surgery?
    Community Answer
    You can't get rid of it without surgery, but you can detract attention by playing up your other features, like your eyes or lips.
  • Question
    How do I help others know that they are beautiful, inside and out?
    Community Answer
    Compliment them! Everyone loves a compliment. It doesn't even have to be about their appearance, you can compliment people for knowing the answers in class, for being a good friend, for being polite, etc.
  • Question
    How do I get past someone not recognizing my gender? For example, I am a woman, but a woman called me "sir" recently.
    Community Answer
    Take it as a simple mistake and don't let it bother you. If it does, try being more stereotypically feminine by wearing makeup, lighter colors, prints and dresses.
  • Question
    How do I boost my confidence and overall happiness to feel pretty?
    Community Answer
    Surround yourself with positive people. Maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. This will make you look and feel better. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful and an unstoppable force. Wear clothes that are comfortable to you, but every once in a while, switch it up and wear something you don't normally wear. Every time you have a negative thought, about yourself or someone else, replace it with a positive thought.
  • Question
    What can I do if I'm scared to go out in public because I worry that people are judging me the way that I judge myself?
    Community Answer
    Everyone else feels similarly to the way you feel - scared of being judged. Most people are walking around too worried about themselves to even notice you, and they're certainly not scrutinizing your every flaw. If someone is judging you, they're probably a petty person that does not deserve your time or energy.
  • Question
    How do I deal with people calling me ugly?
    Community Answer
    Those are just bullies. Ignore them, they're just revealing their own insecurities. Find friends who support you and make you feel loved.
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