Q&A for How to Find Good Hiding Spots

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    What if you hide in a closet and somebody opens the door?
    Community Answer
    Stay very still, and try not to breathe so loudly (hold your breath if you can!). If you've hidden behind clothes, you might be lucky enough for them to not spot you but to think it's just clothing in the closet. If they walk away, stay quiet and listen out for them, because they may be tricking you into coming out. If they spot you though, you're done for!
  • Question
    Should you hide somewhere where the person already looked?
    Community Answer
    If you are allowed to move, this is a great idea.
  • Question
    What if there is nowhere to hide?
    Community Answer
    Then look for dark places in the room and wear gray, as it blends in with almost everything.
  • Question
    What clothes are good to wear for hide and seek?
    Community Answer
    You should wear clothes that will easily blend in with your surroundings. This will make it much harder for you to be found.
  • Question
    What if your floors and doors creak?
    Community Answer
    Step lightly. As mentioned in the guide, try to avoid door hinges if at all possible. If floors creak, try walking as close as you can to the wall, that way your weight will cause the floor to move as little as possible.
  • Question
    What if someone comes into the place I am hiding?
    Community Answer
    Stay very still and quiet. Hold your breath if necessary. Only when you are sure they are gone, should you come out.
  • Question
    What if someone hides with me, but I don't want them to?
    Community Answer
    Ask them politely (and quickly) to find another spot to hide. If they don't, you'll have decide whether leave yourself and find a different location.
  • Question
    What if you are trying to hide in a field and there are no places to hide?
    Community Answer
    By definition, if there are no places to hide, there are no places to hide. However, lying flat in a field can make it very difficult to be seen, particularly if your clothing is similar to the color of the field and you manage to lie in a little bit of a dip or valley in the field.
  • Question
    What are some good suggestions for hiding spots?
    Community Answer
    Try to move around. If the person trying to find you leaves the area, move to a spot they have already checked!
  • Question
    I have a forest, except we aren't allowed to hide in it. I have only trees and there aren't very good hiding places. We aren't allowed to hide in the house, either. Where can I hide?
    Community Answer
    Try hiding around the outside of your house, such as in greenery, near decorations, etc.
  • Question
    Can you hide in a laundry basket?
    Community Answer
    If you can fit. If there were originally clothes in the basket, try putting them on top of yourself.
  • Question
    If I'm at home, what are the best places to hide when playing hide and seek?
    Community Answer
    Maybe you could hide in a closet, as the article suggests, or in the shower, or maybe behind an always-opened door. Remember to be quiet.
  • Question
    What is the weirdest place to hide?
    Community Answer
    An obvious place, such as standing still in a corner in a room with no lights.
  • Question
    If I want to play with the iPad without anyone seeing me, where should I hide?
    Sarrah Souza
    Community Answer
    If you have a large walk in wardrobe, hide there. Avoid hiding under the covers as you will get hot and the light may be seen through the blankets. Also, turn down your brightness and lower your volume. If you know you might get caught, don't do it!
  • Question
    What happens if all of the hiding spots are too small for you?
    Community Answer
    If all the spots are too small for you, you'll probably be found. You could try using the tips on hiding next to doors and out of normal sightlines. You should also try considering different hiding spots. There may be some you haven't thought of.
  • Question
    Is a bin with stuffed animals and toys a good hiding spot?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that's a good hiding spot. Extra stuffed animals and toys are perfect to cover someone who is hiding.
  • Question
    What should you do if you make an accidental noise?
    Community Answer
    Either be quiet and hope no one noticed, or create a distraction in another place. For instance, throwing something to the other side of the room can create enough of a diversion for you to make your escape.
  • Question
    What are some good outdoor hiding spots if I live near a bay with a park behind it?
    Community Answer
    If the park has wood chips, maybe you could dig a small hole and partly cover yourself with them. Or, you could climb up a tree and cover yourself with branches, or cover yourself in rocks.
  • Question
    How can I hide well if I'm overweight?
    Community Answer
    Try to stay as low to the ground as possible to prevent anything from breaking under you and causing you to fall. I would look out for crawl spaces or empty spots behind pieces of furniture.
  • Question
    What if I'm outside and it's impossible to move without making noise?
    Community Answer
    Just either stay still and hope you aren't found or you could create a diversion such as throwing something, which could distract whoever is looking for you long enough for you to get away. You could always just run into a different area where you can hide better, or you could ask the person looking to stand and count inside or somewhere where they can't hear you.
  • Question
    Should we hide where we have hidden before?
    Community Answer
    If the person who's seeking hasn't found you there yet, then go ahead.
  • Question
    Where do I hide if I hide in a small house or a small place?
    Community Answer
    Look for small places like in a closet, under a bed, under the sink, in a crate, whatever breaks up the human form and isn't too obvious for a seeker, like in a laundry hamper with clothes in it. Also consider high or low places like a tree, ditch or under something in a shed. Use extra cover that matches the surroundings.
  • Question
    What if playing outside?
    Community Answer
    The same guidelines apply. Obviously you won't be able to hide under beds or in closets, but hiding outside offers plenty of unique opportunities.
  • Question
    What if I am moving and the seeker is coming but the only options are obvious places?
    Community Answer
    Try to make it less obvious and disguise yourself. For example, you can hide under a blanket if you position your limbs in an unnatural position and bury yourself in a whole bunch of other blankets. Try to blend in.
  • Question
    Where should I hide in school?
    Community Answer
    You shouldn't, unless you are participating in a school sanctioned activity. If you are, the normal guidelines on this page should be a great help to you.
  • Question
    What if someone hides in the same room as me but in a different place and they get caught?
    Community Answer
    Stay as still and quiet as you can, breathe as quietly as possible, and just hope for the best.
  • Question
    What if there are too many people in the room with me?
    Community Answer
    Consider moving somewhere else. If you are the only one hiding in a room, there is less chance you'll be found.
  • Question
    When I play hide and seek with my sister, she asks my mom where I am. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask your mom not to tell your sister where you are. If she does tell, try to creep out of that spot quietly and find somewhere else to hide.
  • Question
    How do sightlines work, and how can I manipulate them to my advantage?
    Edmund Bombardieri
    Community Answer
    A sightline is the range of where you can be seen, and the way to manipulate a sightline is to distract someone, either by throwing something small behind them so it makes a noise, or using a remote to turn on an appliance near them randomly.
  • Question
    What if there is only one room and it's bare?
    Community Answer
    That isn't a good place to play hide and seek. Pick somewhere else, or turn out the lights and close the curtains and play in the dark. If you do that, try lying on the floor and rolling away when the seeker comes.
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