Q&A for How to Find Planets In The Night Sky

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    What planets are visible with the naked eye?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    In addition to the bright planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, under certain special conditions it is possible to see Uranus with the naked eye, though it is very dim and will be hard to locate. Any good astronomy news source should have an article if there is a possible viewing opportunity. Neptune, however, is pretty much impossible to see without at least a pair of binoculars.
  • Question
    Where should I look to find constellations?
    Top Answerer
    Get a star map to find your way around. Try finding some of the more obvious ones, such as Orion or the Big Dipper, then use those to find your way to other constellations.
  • Question
    How do you locate a planet through a telescope?
    Top Answerer
    Find the planet using the naked eye, then point your telescope at it. If you have a telescope with setting circles or a guidance program, then you can look online for the co-ordinates of the planet and then point your telescope at the correct co-ordinates.
  • Question
    Why can we only spot the planets at night?
    Community Answer
    It is when it is dark, so the planets are more visible since the sun's rays are not blinding your sight. Sometimes planets can be viewed during the day, especially Venus.
  • Question
    Can you see Uranus, Neptune or Pluto with a telescope?
    Community Answer
    A small telescope lets you see Uranus and Neptune as discs, but Pluto is only seen via a bigger telescope.
  • Question
    Can we see any of Jupiter's moons in the sky with the naked eye?
    Community Answer
    No, but Jupiter can often be seen with the naked eye.
  • Question
    What difference of view is between night sky in Europe and in New Zealand?
    Top Answerer
    In Europe you won't be able to see the southern part of the sky (Centaurus, Crux, Hydrus etc.). From New Zealand, you won't be able to see the northern part of the sky (Ursa Major, Cassiopeia, Draco etc.). However, the planets are usually found near the ecliptic (the Sun's path across the sky) and the ecliptic can be seen from both Europe and New Zealand.
  • Question
    How come the moon isn't up in the sky sometimes?
    Community Answer
    Because occasionally it is on the other side of the Earth. Our planet is spherical in shape, and the moon travels around it. So, it is not always above you. However, even when it actually is above us, we may not be able to see it. The reason is that it doesn't have light of its own. It reflects the light of the Sun to become visible. So, it has to be exactly opposite the Sun to be fully visible (the times when the moon is full). If it is not, it is half full or even entirely invisible, as the Sun doesn't illuminate its "face."
  • Question
    Why is the moon sometimes visible at day time?
    Community Answer
    The moon doesn't only come out at night -- it's present in the sky all the time. Nighttime occurs when we face away from the sun's light, which makes the moon easier to see and therefore more obvious, but you can always see the moon during the day if you look hard enough.
  • Question
    How can I find Mars, Venus and Mercury in the sky if I am in Mumbai?
    Community Answer
    You need a good star chart. Mercury and Venus will best visible in November and December.
  • Question
    Can they make another class called "mini planets" and put Pluto and the new object found in it?
    Community Answer
    They've already done this! Pluto and the other newly discovered ice planets have been put in a new class of "dwarf planets."
  • Question
    How do I identify the planets I find in the night sky?
    Community Answer
    Look at how big they are and how bright they are. For example, Venus is the brightest planet in the sky.
  • Question
    Where can I locate Jupiter if I am in Mumbai?
    Community Answer
    Look eastward late at night. It will be really bright and won't twinkle, but since you live in an area with huge light pollution it will be more difficult to spot, binoculars are your best bet.
  • Question
    How do I see planets at night?
    Community Answer
    Look for objects brighter than stars. A good sign that it's a star and not a planet is that planets don't twinkle.
  • Question
    Where can I find an illustration of the planets around the Earth?
    Community Answer
    Google or another online search engine would be a great place to start. You could also look up books that have illustrations of space and the planets.
  • Question
    How can I find Mercury if I am in the Philippines?
    Community Answer
    Look very far to the east; you might not be able to see its light but try your hardest.
  • Question
    How can I find the other planets' satellites?
    Community Answer
    You will require a big, strong telescope for it, you can't see them with the naked eye.
  • Question
    I saw a moving object in the sky that looked like a star. What could it be?
    Community Answer
    It could be many things, including an airplane (which is the most likely option) or a shooting star.
  • Question
    Is Neptune blue?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Red light is absorbed by methane in the upper atmosphere, which reflects the blue light and gives it that appearance.
  • Question
    Can I use a compass to find the position of the planets?
    Community Answer
    If you know what position the planets will be, i.e., North, South , East, or West, you can use the compass to determine which way you are facing and what direction you need to turn.
  • Question
    Is it possible to see Saturn with a naked eye or binoculars in New Zealand?
    Community Answer
    Yes, that is possible to do from New Zealand. Face towards the North and check the sky in the right position.
  • Question
    What bright astral body is in the southwestern part of the sky at night?
    Community Answer
    Jupiter and Saturn. They will be in conjunction on Dec 21st, when the 2 planets are 0.1 degrees apart.
  • Question
    What direction would I look to see the planets rising in the sky from Adelaide, South Australia?
    Top Answerer
    Because of the Earth's rotation on its axis, the entire night sky rises in the east, arches overhead, and then sets in the west. This is true all over the Earth.
  • Question
    How can we see a planet's rings?
    Top Answerer
    You would need a very powerful telescope to view them directly.
  • Question
    Can we see all planets at the same time in the dark night?
    Top Answerer
    No. At any given moment, we can see a little less than half of the sky. Some of the planets reside in the other half, which is "behind" the Earth.
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