Q&A for How to Find Your Spirit Animal

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    Can you trust a quiz to tell you your spirit animal?
    Community Answer
    Most likely not, as a quiz has very limited answers and is not always right. Look at your own life to find your spirit animal, not somebody else's guess.
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    How will I feel when a spirit animal chooses me?
    Community Answer
    Warmth, like a connection/tingly feeling. It will feel "right", as if this is something that you have always known.
  • Question
    What will my spirit animal give me?
    Community Answer
    A sense of peace and personal empowerment. A form of guidance for your skills and interests.
  • Question
    How do I know I have a spirit animal?
    Community Answer
    You can tell by the animal that makes your heart sing. For example, if you have always been surrounded by cats and are heavily influenced by them, that could be a telltale sign. Or, if you feel uplifted whenever thinking about a particular animal, then that could be a sign.
  • Question
    What if I've tried everything and my spirit animal still hasn't come to me?
    Community Answer
    Perhaps you are not looking in the right place. Have you considered your animal could be one of the water or sky? You might also be being too choosy or wishing for a particular animal. Let it come naturally.
  • Question
    Can you have multiple spirit animals?
    Community Answer
    There is no reason why not. You may actually find that a variety of spirit animals matches different aspects of your personality, such as a wolf for courage, a bear for strength and an owl for wisdom.
  • Question
    It feels like my spirit animal is a griffin. Can they be mythical creatures too?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is possible, as my friend's spirit animal is a unicorn, but she also connects very well with horses, so maybe your spirit animal is an eagle or lion.
  • Question
    I always feel that my spirit animal is the wolf, but how can I make sure of that ?
    Community Answer
    Do a few meditations and hope it comes to you; remember to be patient. When you're connecting to your spirit animal, be sure to clear your mind so that it isn't just your imagination and you're just getting the answers you want.
  • Question
    How do I find my spirit animal?
    Community Answer
    There are many ways, but guided meditation can be a good way. They talk you through meeting your spirit animal, but you're the one who's visualising it. It's hard to explain, but if you search "power animal guided meditation" on YouTube, things will come up. Another way is to be aware of things you do subconsciously, such as collecting owl items for decades. If you have many representations of owls in your house, it's clear that your spirit animal would be an owl.
  • Question
    If I have a dream about an animal, does that make it is my spirit animal?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. Dreams can also be affected by the things you saw and did that day. You would want to consider how prominent the animal was in your dream, and what sort of role it played. Did the animal appear only briefly or did it protect you from harm throughout the dream? Were you the animal itself in your dream?
  • Question
    What if I am scared of my partner's spirit animal?
    Community Answer
    You will warm up to him/her because they won't harm you. Indeed, they will do the opposite. Try learning as much as you can about the biology and natural habits of your partner's spirit animal, to replace fear with knowledge.
  • Question
    What does it mean if I have felt like my animal spirits have always been with me?
    Community Answer
    That signifies a deep connection with your spirit animals that will last throughout life.
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    What do I do if my spirit animal is miles away from my home?
    Community Answer
    It's in the spirit realm, so it lives miles away from you but may appear whenever it wants, so all you have to do is summon it. To summon it you could do two things: 1. Clear your mind, connect with it, and ask it to come to you. 2. Get a spirit totem (there are some online stores you could get one from) and summon it into the stone by saying something like: "Ruby, come into this stone so we can be together forever!" Or whatever their name is. But if you summon it into the totem and lose it, you lose your spirit animal.
  • Question
    What kind of guided meditation should I do?
    Community Answer
    Go in your yard front or back sit under a tree. Basically, find a good spot in nature. then sit crisscross then close your eyes for meditation. Try to feel at peace and you will most likely see your spirit animal.
  • Question
    I believe in God and Jesus. I don't believe in summoning them through totems or the "spiritual world." Will that affect my connection with my animal?
    Elizabeth White
    Community Answer
    I am a believer of God and Jesus as well. So far it has not affected the connection with my animal. It's different for everyone, though.
  • Question
    Does your spirit animal have to be an animal that lives nearby?
    Community Answer
    The spirit animal symbolizes the wisdom you should gain to increase your "vibration", "chakra-balance" or whatever you want to call it. You do not need to be in close proximity with the actual animal to learn from it, you can do it anywhere.
  • Question
    As it's traditionally believed that the Owl symbolizes death, how am I supposed to be comfortable with it being my spirit animal?
    Community Answer
    What a Spirit Animal symbolizes is completely up to you or the tradition you practice. If it is 'traditionally' believed (by shamans, for example) to mean one thing, that doesn't mean you should believe it, too. For me, the Owl symbolizes Wisdom and Intelligence.
  • Question
    Does everybody have a spirit animal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but some people do not believe in them or care about them.
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    If I feel like crying, will my spirit animal comfort me when I am feeling down?
    Community Answer
    Yes, your spirit animal will do anything to comfort you. Depending on the animal, it may let you pet it, or it will sing you a song.
  • Question
    What makes a spirit animal choose me? Does it see something special in me?
    Community Answer
    Your spirit animal is connected to you, it's personally is similar to yours, that's why it chooses you.
  • Question
    I think very strongly that my spirit animal is a wolf, but how can I know for sure?
    Community Answer
    It depends. Do you get a strong feeling in your gut about it? Are you willing to go face to face with this animal?
  • Question
    I'm from the Ghungalu tribe of Australia. I have two totem animals, the owl and carpet snake. Would they be my spirit animals, or simply my totems?
    Shin Jinbutsu
    Community Answer
    They may be your spirit animals, or they may simply be your totems. You should try meditation, listen to your dreams and spend time with these animals if you have the chance to.
  • Question
    How do I know it is the right animal?
    Community Answer
    The only way to know your true spirit animal is to meditate and speak with it.
  • Question
    Is it normal to be disappointed by my spirit animal?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is totally normal to be a little disappointed by your spirit animal, especially if it wasn't the one you were hoping for. However, your spirit animal is what it is, so eventually you'll come to terms with it!
  • Question
    Can canines and wolves be my spirit animal if I like them a lot?
    Community Answer
    They most likely can be, because you can feel a bond with that specific animal.
  • Question
    Is it possible to not have a spirit animal?
    Community Answer
    No, but spirits are free so they are free to come when they want to. You just have to believe that you will find yours.
  • Question
    Can I summon my spirit animal so other people can see it?
    Community Answer
    No. It is only in your soul.
  • Question
    What if I met my spirit animal, but my friends aren't taking it seriously, and they aren't believing in their animal like I believe in mine?
    Community Answer
    Not everyone believes in spirit animals. You just have to respect their beliefs.
  • Question
    What do I do if I am a child and my parents don't let it come in my room? I live in Greece and I think that my spirit animal is a snow tiger. How can he come to live with me if I live in a warmer place?
    Elizabeth White
    Community Answer
    Spirit animals are not physical creatures, so they do not need to adapt to the environments.
  • Question
    How do I find a shaman?
    Community Answer
    Try to find one in the phone book or look online for a shaman near you. Often though, shamans do not advertise. If it is a Native American shaman you seek, try going to local Pow Wows, or other events in that community, and start making friends. Do something similar for whatever type of shaman you seek.
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