Q&A for How to Get Rid of Ticks Around Your Home

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    Where can I buy boric acid and botanical dust to use in my house?
    Lauren Kurtz
    Professional Gardener
    Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    You should be able to find boric acid and botanical dust at most garden centers, box stores, and farm supply stores.
  • Question
    In which kind of environment are ticks usually found?
    Lauren Kurtz
    Professional Gardener
    Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.
    Professional Gardener
    Expert Answer
    Ticks are typically found in wet, humid environments that are shaded from the sun.
  • Question
    How can ticks be killed in an instant?
    Community Answer
    You can either use a strong insecticide, a flamethrower, or a bomb.
  • Question
    How long do ticks live?
    Community Answer
    Ticks can live up to 550 days without food. When they do find a host, they feed for 3-7 days.
  • Question
    I have gotten rid of the ticks around my house but they keep coming back. What can I do to keep them away permanently?
    Community Answer
    You can't; they crawl and drop off of other critters that travel. We have to spray regularly to keep them at bay.
  • Question
    If I find a tick on my wall, does that mean there are a lot more ticks in my house?
    Community Answer
    Definitely. Spray around all windows, doors and baseboards and take appropriate action with animals that may bring ticks in from outside (long lasting tick collars are best or use a monthly topical).
  • Question
    Do ticks lay eggs?
    Community Answer
    Definitely. They can lay 2,000-18,000 eggs.
  • Question
    Do you have any other tips if I no longer have animals?
    Community Answer
    Ticks can live without nourishment in dark areas for up to 2 years. Spray above all baseboards, around cupboards, etc. monthly to keep them from hatching. Outside, continue to clean up brush, leaves, etc. for the next year at least.
  • Question
    Can ticks live in dirt?
    Community Answer
    Yes. They can be anywhere. They typically like to be in shady places.
  • Question
    Can ticks or fleas live in my bed?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they can.
  • Question
    If there are ticks on me, what do I use to get them off?
    Community Answer
    There are special spoons with a slit in them to get tick off without causing tick vomit to get in you. These spoons are sold on eBay, Amazon and at pet stores, and some veterinarians carry them. Dispose of the tick outside in a cup of alcohol, put 2 plastic cups one of top of another trapping tick in bottom cup with alcohol to kill it. Keep the cups outside. Put antibiotic on your tick bite. See the doctor if it gets infected.
  • Question
    How can I get rid of any ticks for an upcoming wedding?
    Community Answer
    Pesticides are your best bet. Peppermint is rumored to help as well. Make sure any brush is cut back, as ticks hide in overgrown grass and brush.
  • Question
    If you get bit, what will happen?
    Community Answer
    You'll just need to remove it: https://www.wikihow.com/Remove-a-Tick
  • Question
    Can rabbits have ticks?
    Community Answer
    Any mammal is susceptible to ticks, including rabbits.
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    I found a tick inside my ear. Should I be concerned?
    Community Answer
    Yes! You should go to the ER as soon as you can to get it removed by a medical professional.
  • Question
    Do ticks live under a human's skin?
    Community Answer
    No, although they like to attach to areas such as your armpits or groin. When checking your body for ticks, you must check these areas thoroughly.
  • Question
    Is putting a lit match on the rear of a tick or putting nail polish on their rears effective for safe removal?
    Community Answer
    No! Gently but firmly pulling them out with fine-tipped tweezers as close to the skin as possible is the recommended method.
  • Question
    My dog has hundreds of tiny ticks on her. She must have stepped on a nest. I have been bathing her with a chemical they gave me in the pet store, and also Dawn, but they are not dying. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Go to your vet or pet shop and get either a drop-on tick and flea treatment (e.g. Frontline, Frontline Plus, or Advantix), or buy a chewable tablet called NexGard. I used Nexgard when my golden retriever had a problem and it worked within hours to kill all the ticks that were biting him or bit him over the next month. In addition to this, I swapped his weekly shampoo to a flea and tick soap. Remember to leave it on for at least 5 minutes or longer if you can, and really work it into the fur for long or thick coated dogs. Use a pair of tweezers to physically remove as many ticks as you can find on his fur. You may need a friend to hold and occupy the dog whilst you do this. Put the ticks into soapy water.
  • Question
    What pesticide can I use to get rid of ticks?
    Community Answer
    For ticks inside the home you can use Black Flag, since it's considered safe to use on upholstered furniture. The same brand also makes one for outdoors, it can be found at Home Depot.
  • Question
    What causes me to get ticks?
    Community Answer
    Ticks will be attracted to you or your pet when walking in tall grasses or woods. You didn't do anything. You walked into their home and they found you as a host.
  • Question
    Can ticks live inside me?
    Community Answer
    Definitely not. On the other hand, other types of critters can. For example, Ascaris.
  • Question
    What do a tick's eggs look like?
    Community Answer
    They usually look similar to shiny sand or small pebbles, and vary from brown to black in color.
  • Question
    Are ticks bad for humans?
    Community Answer
    Yes, ticks are bad for humans. They may carry diseases that if not treated early, may lead to serious complications later on.
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