Q&A for How to Grow and Care for a Bonsai Tree

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    Do you prune each section of branch to size as it grows, or should you allow the tree to thicken before cutting the branches back?
    Andrew Carberry, MPH
    Food Systems Expert
    Andrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.
    Food Systems Expert
    Expert Answer
    Allow the tree to grow for a few years before cutting it back. Pruning the roots is also important in limiting the size of your tree.
  • Question
    Can I start with a native beech tree, either green or copper?
    Andrew Carberry, MPH
    Food Systems Expert
    Andrew Carberry is a Food Systems Expert and the Senior Program Associate at the Wallace Center at Winrock International in Little Rock, Arkansas. He has worked in food systems since 2008 and has experience working on farm-to-school projects, food safety programs, and working with local and state coalitions in Arkansas. He is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and holds a Masters degree in public health and nutrition from the University of Tennessee.
    Food Systems Expert
    Expert Answer
    Yes. Beech saplings can be used as bonsai, and tend to work very well.
  • Question
    What should I do if my plant gets too dry and brittle?
    Community Answer
    Buy it food and water it daily.
  • Question
    How does wrapping wire around a tree give it a specific shape?
    Community Answer
    Copper wire keeps its shape, so when you wrap it around a tree, the tree has to go along with that shape.
  • Question
    Do I need to keep my bonsai tree planted in a shallow bowl?
    Community Answer
    Unless the roots of your bonsai have outgrown its current bowl (roots have filled out the shape of the container), then yes.
  • Question
    What is a training container, and what does it look like?
    Community Answer
    A training container is any container the tree grows up in. It may or may not look amazing, but it can be anything, as long as it holds the tree.
  • Question
    What are some recommendations for a tropical climate?
    Community Answer
    Make sure the plant gets plenty of sunlight and doesn't get very cold. It should stay at room temperature. If you want, you can spray it with water to keep the plant moist.
  • Question
    Is it best to keep it indoors or outdoors?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the specific type of tree you have. Some are best grown indoors, others out. Do some research on the different types of trees.
  • Question
    When it is in the display container, will it grow more, or will it just stay the same?
    Community Answer
    If the size of the display container is the same as the training container, and it was fully grown in that container, then it will not continue to grow.
  • Question
    Do you need to take the leaves off a growing bonsai apple tree?
    Community Answer
    No. It is up to you how you want to trim the tree. Trimming during spring or summer is not advised, because that is the growing season and if you do trim during that time it will interrupt the growth. Trim during the winter time or when it is dormant.
  • Question
    Is it recommended to put gravel on the bottom of a bonsai pot? If so, how much?
    Community Answer
    Yes. First you put screen over the bonsai pot's holes. Then you place a single layer, about half an inch deep of gravel, then the bonsai soil.
  • Question
    What is the best indoor bonsai?
    Community Answer
    A ficus tree is usually the best bet for an indoor bonsai tree. The ficus is tolerant to low humidity and can withstand quite a lot.
  • Question
    Is it better to keep my bonsai indoors or on my patio?
    Community Answer
    A bonsai tree is usually kept outdoors, but you can bring it indoors in cold temperatures.
  • Question
    Can an avocado tree become a bonsai?
    Community Answer
    A bonsai is essentially a tree made small because of a pot and trimming. Any tree can be made into a bonsai, technically speaking.
  • Question
    I have been given a bonsai for Christmas but don't know the species, how can I determine this?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    Researching common trees online is the best option. Common bonsai gift trees are junipers and ficus because they are easy for beginners.
  • Question
    What would be a good tree for bonsai in lower Michigan? I am just starting out!
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    Juniper (outside tree) and Ficus (inside tree during winter) are two of the best trees for beginners.
  • Question
    The leaves on the bonsai are few and weak. What can I do to make the bonsai grow shoots?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    Let it grow out over time. The cause of a weak tree is due to unhealthiness. This could be because of to much water or not enough water, along with too much sun or not enough sun.
  • Question
    I want to increase my 8-inch high Chinese elm to about 2 ft with a thicker trunk. What should I do?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    Plant this in the ground and don't touch it for 30 years. Come back and you will have a 2-foot trunk. A lot of elms are fast-growing trees, however, 1-foot tall aids in 1cm thickness at the base of the trunk.
  • Question
    Do you feed the 1 year old bonsai food in the rest period? I’m in South Africa so our rest period is in winter.
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    No need to do this because during the resting period of time (winter) the trees don't uptake resources during this time, only small amounts of water.
  • Question
    Can an oak tree become a bonsai?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    Yes, an oak tree can become a bonsai. You will see many images online if you search for them and they are very successful. If you have oak trees in your area naturally then you will be able to grow oak trees as bonsai with ease.
  • Question
    I believe I have coniferous trees, junipers, pines, spruce and the tips are turning brown. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    The main reasons would be either over-watering or not giving them enough sunlight/ too much sunlight. These are the two common beginner mistakes. However, you'll need to check the specifics for each tree species.
  • Question
    Could I use a native pine tree?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Bonsai are regular trees that have been trained to be mature mini trees. Most trees respond to bonsai techniques.
  • Question
    Why are the leaves turning brown and brittle when I am watering and misting the tree daily? The plant is an outdoor gardenia bonsai.
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    There could be several different items that could cause this. The three main beginner mistakes are over-watering (happens more often than under-watering); too much or not enough light; and (but most likely not the case), too much fertilizer. Another possibility is leaf burn due to watering the whole tree leaves included which shouldn't be done on most trees; other than junipers, for which it is okay.
  • Question
    I went to Disney two months ago and got one of the starter kits from Japan in Epcot. I did everything it told me but it still won’t grow. The seeds are still there and there are no roots.
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    Depending on the type of seed, you may need to do different techniques in order to grow them. Look up seed propagation to find out the exact instructions for the certain seed you are trying to grow.
  • Question
    How often do I need to redo the wire on my bonsai?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    There is no time frame that you need to reapply wire to your bonsai. The best advice would be if you like your tree as is, then you can leave it. If you want to change your tree, then you can wire it. Normally 1-2 times a year is all you will be able to do and this is due to the amount of time it takes for the branches to set up the way you want them to, without the wire off.
  • Question
    How can I prune roots without ripping the tree out of its pot?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    You cannot do this without taking the tree out of its pot. Taking the tree out of its pot will normally not kill your tree if it is healthy. Pruning the roots too much can cause your tree to die though, so be careful if trimming.
  • Question
    How long should I wait before pruning a healthy plant/tree whose trunk is just is about 7-8 inches tall and 1/3 cm thick?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    You can do this during the spring. However, if you are wanting a thicker trunk, keep letting the tree grow up taller. Every foot gives about 1cm of growth in trunk thickness.
  • Question
    Can a cutting from a full sized tree be used for a bonsai?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Research how to propagate bonsai from cuttings. The more information you learn about this technique, the easier you may be able to successfully root a cutting.
  • Question
    Do you bend the branches before wrapping in wire? If so, how do you keep from breaking them? If not, how does this change how the tree grows?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    No, you first wire the branch out very carefully and then bend while supporting. Some trees are more brittle and break easier than others. This comes with experience. The wire will set the branch where you want it if you have a thick enough wire. Over the process of 2-4 months or so your tree wire will start to bite in due to the swelling of the branches as they grow. You want to remove the wire before it bites in too much. Once the wire is removed carefully, the branch should stay in the way that you bent and you can put your branch into shape.
  • Question
    How do know when to give the roots of a cedar bonsai tree more space?
    Brandon Nicholas Ashby
    Community Answer
    About every 3 years is a good time to repot this type of tree. f you see roots at the bottom of the pot coming out, it is very much time for you to repot the tree.
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