Q&A for How to Hike

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    How can I be safe on a hike?
    Andrea Thompson
    New Zealand Resident
    Andrea Thompson has been living in New Zealand for over five years, after moving there from England. She enjoys spending time outdoors in New Zealand and exploring the South Island's coast, bush and mountains alike.
    New Zealand Resident
    Expert Answer
    If you're going hiking, tell someone where you're going. If you're half way up a mountain, or down a cave and you can't dial 111, you need to have told someone where you were going before hand so they know to look send out rescue services when you don't come back when expected. The emergency support system for finding lost hikers is good — LandSAR and Civil Defence will make every effort to rescue you.
  • Question
    How can you hike up a mountain without falling down
    Community Answer
    Watch the terrain, and don't hike straight up, but rather zigzag it if the path is steep. Wear proper hiking boots.
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    Will a map and compass work?
    Community Answer
    As long as the map includes the route you are taking, it should.
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    How do I hike in rough terrain?
    Community Answer
    You'll need a good pair of hiking boots, water, and plenty of extra gear. Make sure you check the weather before you go.
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    What if I'm a girl and can't use the bathroom in the woods?
    Community Answer
    Girls can still use the bathroom in the woods. Take a look at this article on How to Pee Outside as a Woman .
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    What if you need to use the bathroom during your hike?
    Community Answer
    If you really have to go, see if there is a restroom that's in optimal walking distance. But if it looks like there isn't a bathroom nearby, you might have to opt to find a private place on the trails to go to the bathroom. To avoid this situation, don't drink too much water, don't eat any foods that are high in water content (such as apples) during the hike, and ensure that you go to the bathroom before you go hiking.
  • Question
    Is there any theory to hiking line up? Is captain in front or back?
    Community Answer
    Yes, a captain should always be at the front because he commands the team.
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    Do I need a lot of hand-eye coordination?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the trail. If it is a difficult trail, hand-eye coordination is important, but more lax trails require little to no hand-eye coordination.
  • Question
    Can I climb in areas that are foggy/steep if I am really careful?
    Community Answer
    Yes you can but it depends on various things, like your attire and the shoes you are wearing and your level of experience with hiking. And always check path first before putting your life in danger, it is very easy to fall off a ledge if you don't see it.
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