Q&A for How to Install Tor on Linux

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    If I install Tor, can anyone see my work?
    Community Answer
    What do you mean by work? Tor will hide your IP address by using a proxy, your connections also will be encrypted. But this doesn't mean you will be completely anonymous. Please do your research before downloading anything to your computer.
  • Question
    Is it safe to use Tor?
    Community Answer
    The Tor browser is created to be safe, but if you don't know what you're doing, it could potentially be dangerous.
  • Question
    How do I find the icon for Tor after installing it?
    Community Answer
    You'll need to add Tor to your Applications Menu by typing the following command into a terminal window (while in the tor-browser_en-US/ directory): ./start-tor-browser.desktop --register-app .
  • Question
    Does this slow down my processes on Linux?
    Community Answer
    Using the Tor browser likely will slow down the pace at which web pages load, because all the traffic must be routed through tor relays around the globe. It's just the price you pay for security and anonymity.
  • Question
    Why can't the Tor bundle be run as root user?
    Community Answer
    You should never run any command as root unless you absolutely know what you're doing. Tor doesn't ever require root access, and therefore should never be run as root.
  • Question
    When I try to open tor with "./start-tor-browser.desktop" there it says the tor browser bundle should not be run as root. exiting.
    Community Answer
    You are probably running it as the root user. This is not recommended and you should try again as a different user.
  • Question
    On step 5, i got '-bash: ./start-tor-browser.desktop: Permission denied'. How do I resolve this issue?
    Community Answer
    Run "chmod +x start-tor-browser.desktop". In the directory, the file is in with terminal.
  • Question
    What is Tor used for?
    Nithik R
    Community Answer
    Tor stands for "The Onion Router." The Tor browser hides your identity by moving your network traffic to many different Tor servers around the world after many layers (just like the layers on an onion) of encryption. So, if anyone tries to trace you, they would see your traffic coming from random places around the world. It is one of the best ways to use the internet anonymously.
  • Question
    Why does this article talk about Tor Browser instead of Tor?
    Community Answer
    That is because there is no software that is called Tor. Tor refers to the Tor network. You can install Tor browser to access the Tor network.
  • Question
    Can I install tor without the terminal?
    Top Answerer
    Depending on your distro, you may have access to software store type application. This may have Tor on it for an easy install. However, it is best to learn to use the terminal as it comes in great use on Linux systems.
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