Q&A for How to Introduce a Pleco to a Goldfish Tank

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    Does it matter what type of golfish I have in the tank with the pleco?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    No, most goldfish generally react similarly when interacting with other fish. Most likely, your specific breed composition will not affect how well the pleco does in your tank.
  • Question
    Why does the pleco go near the goldfish?
    Community Answer
    Fully grown plecos will sometimes suck the slime coat off goldfish. Be careful of that, and watch the goldies and plecos carefully.
  • Question
    I have 2 plecos in a 75 gallon tank with goldfish. One pleco has his fin up on the back, the other one doesn't. What does that mean?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't mean anything unless the pleco with its fin is up acting funny or showing signs of illness. The fin up is usually a territorial behavior.
  • Question
    "If you aren't planning on maintaining your goldfish tank for 10 years don't get a pleco." Goldfish live for up to 25 years, right? This is coming from an owner of comet goldfish.
    Community Answer
    It depends on the individual fish. Also, if you don't maintain the tank then your fish probably won't live as long. Pleco can be known for sucking on goldfish since they have a thicker slime layer on them. Plecos can also live for a long time too, so there really isn't any issue in pairing it with a goldfish.
  • Question
    I have two albino plecos with my goldfish. Is that okay? Are they peaceful like other kinds of plecos?
    Community Answer
    Albinos are rather calm, yes. Your goldfish should be perfectly safe with them in the tank.
  • Question
    Can I put a pleco with my black moor goldfish?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely! Plecos actually do well with goldfish breeds.
  • Question
    My pleco doesn't eat food; it only eats algae. Is this OK?
    Top Answerer
    That is what they eat. Some sinking algae pellets specifically for them can provide more sustenance. Not every fish eats the same type of food.
  • Question
    How long should I wait to add my pleco?
    Community Answer
    You can really add a pleco whenever. They're good beginner fish and most species are hardy. It might be best to add them once you can see some algae growing or a month after you first put fish in your tank.
  • Question
    I have 3 albino Plecos and 2 black marble Plecos they live in a cold water tank with a verity of fish gold fish fan tails minnow. Will they be okay and will the five Plecos fight fish that came with the tank?
    Community Answer
    How big is your tank? Because it sounds a bit overcrowded. Plecos are not cold water fish, so no the pleco will not be okay in the cold water and not okay with goldfish.
  • Question
    We have a goldfish, and I recently added a small pleco. I'm afraid they are fighting after I turn their light out at night, how will I know?
    Community Answer
    Once the light is out, the goldfish is likely sleeping. When the light is on, the pleco is likely sleeping. That's one of the reasons why they are recommend to go together.
  • Question
    What should I do when my algae eater is sick?
    Community Answer
    You may have dirty water in your tank; if so, change the water immediately. If you have a filter, check to make sure it's working properly (as you may need a new cartridge). Check the fish's fins. If they are torn, dirty water is the problem. If everything still seems fine, check the thermostat on your heater. If it's over 85 degrees, set the thermostat to 72 degrees. If it's below 70 degrees, set it to 82.
  • Question
    What to do if my goldfish is mean to new my pleco? Can they work it out?
    Community Answer
    If the goldfish is just stealing food from it, then its easy enough to just feed them separately by putting one in a breeding net so the pleco can eat. but if its getting physical you should get him out of there. the goldfish may be a more aggressive type or he can just have an aggressive personality.
  • Question
    I just added a pleco, and it seems that it's sucking the slime coat off my goldfish. What should I do?
    Em Davis
    Community Answer
    The main reason a pleco would suck off another fish's slime coat is because of malnutrition. Be sure to provide it with a healthy variety of food, and this should stop the issue. If however, it does not, It is best for your goldfish's health to separate them.
  • Question
    I have had 2 comet goldfish in my tank for quite some time, I would like a pleco but I don't know what species is the best. How do I choose?
    Em Davis
    Community Answer
    The best fit depends on your current tank setup. Variations in tank size, stocking, temperature, etc. can determine the most suitable type. It is best to research more specific needs of subspecies.
  • Question
    Can I put a pleco in my koi pond?
    Em Davis
    Community Answer
    This answer completely varies for different ponds and subspecies. It is best to do specific research that factors all components, such as pond size, temperature, and stocking.
  • Question
    My 2 plecos died after a week of being in with my 2 large goldfish, 1 grass carp and one small bluegill. Plenty of algae and proper water temperature and hiding spots.
    Community Answer
    Test for other parameters like pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. It could have been cycling, and the high levels could have been too much for him. Also make sure your water is treated with conditioner. And if there's too much algae, there could be phosphates, which means you have to clean your tank.
  • Question
    My goldfish are attacking each other and only lie on the bottom of the tank not moving, when in the past they would swim around. Is the pleco causing this?
    Top Answerer
    No, the pleco shouldn't be affecting the goldfish in any negative way, unless it is physically attacking them. It could be stress from a new tankmate, but I doubt that would cause such a disturbance. Check the water quality, food levels, lighting and other issues to see what might be a problem. If there is overcrowding, that could be the real cause, so check the tank is the right size for your fish.
  • Question
    Are feeder goldfish aggressive to plecos?
    Top Answerer
    No, they are rather calm to plecos, since they are primarily bottom feeders.
  • Question
    Can I breed my goldfish with a pleco?
    Top Answerer
    Thankfully, no. It is impossible to have hybrids like that, as they possess different needs.
  • Question
    I saw the red mark on my goldfish so I removed my albino pleco and added it after a month. Again I am seeing the red spot on my goldfish's body. Now what can I do?
    Top Answerer
    Your Pleco may be resorting to sucking off the slime coat of your Goldfish, so try feeding them more. Also, your Pleco may not be getting the nutrition it needs.
  • Question
    Two days ago I added 2 small rubbernose plecos to my tank. Since adding them they have been stuck to the glass and haven't touched the algae.
    Top Answerer
    Plecos are picky and don't always clean the exact spots you would like. They are doing fine, as they are most likely eating the algae on the walls. They may not be used to your new tank.
  • Question
    Can I put a pleco and a goldfish in a 37 liter tank together?
    Top Answerer
    Depending on the situation, yes. However, goldfish and plecos should have a bigger tank, as they grow about a foot long. If you are planning to permanently keep your tank, then reconsider if a pleco is right for you.
  • Question
    Why do large goldfish die suddenly?
    Ng Yan Kiu Corinne
    Community Answer
    it is likely that it died of old age. Old fish die. You can buy a new one to replace it.
  • Question
    i found one of my small Oranda dead with an eyeball missing. More then likely he died and the goldfish ate him right, not the pleco?
    Community Answer
    Plecos do eat fish, it's more likely it died first though, they scavenge. They probably all joined in after the fish died.
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