Q&A for How to Join The Republican Party

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    Can a person support the Republican party if they used to support the Democratic party?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is America. Land of the free, home of the brave. You can support whatever party you choose.
  • Question
    Is there a required membership fee, or is it just voluntary donation?
    Community Answer
    There is no fee for party affiliation when you register to vote and no party can bar you from affiliating with a party. Affiliation, in states with closed elections, basically tells the poll worker at your precinct which party ballot to give you in the primaries. However, to be a full member of a party, there is a fee which includes party benefits such as attending state and national conventions or serving as a party delegate at conventions.
  • Question
    Can a low income blue collar worker join the Republican Party?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course, you can join the Republican Party no matter what your job or income is.
  • Question
    Can I be a Republican if I believe in global warming?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you don't need to agree with every stereotypical Republican view to be a Republican. Views on global warming are not even in any way a defining aspect of the Republican or Democratic party.
  • Question
    How do I switch parties?
    Community Answer
    In the United States, party affiliation is entirely based on self-identification. However, in states with closed primaries, you must register your party identification with your local Supervisor of Elections in order to vote in your party's primary. This process varies from state to state and sometimes county to county, so it is best to do an online search based on where you live.
  • Question
    I am an Indian citizen. How do I join the Republican party?
    Community Answer
    By becoming a US citizen . Foreigners can't join any political parties in the US.
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    How do I withdraw from the Republican party?
    Community Answer
    The same way as you join. Just update your voter registration to another party or no party. Outside of changing the party you're registered to vote under, it's just a matter of making the decision not to associate yourself with the party anymore - you don't have to do anything.
  • Question
    How would I switch to the Republican party from the Democratic party?
    Community Answer
    There is usually a website that you can download the forms from. Once you have downloaded the forms, simply fill them out and mail them in. You need to do this a month before the primary for most states.
  • Question
    Is there a process to disqualify a member of the party if he or she states public positions that are in clear violation of its principles?
    Community Answer
    No, there isn't. A person's membership in the party is purely their own choice.
  • Question
    If I am a permanent resident with a green card, can I become a Republican Party member but not a legal voter and do some volunteer activities until I become a citizen?
    Top Answerer
    You can't join the Republican Party in the terms of this article until you become a legal voter, but you can still volunteer by going to your local GOP office or by going to www.gop.com/get-involved/.
  • Question
    Can non-nationals join the Republican Party?
    Community Answer
    No. You have to be a U.S. citizen to join the Republican Party of the U.S.
  • Question
    Can I still be a republican if I am not white?
    Community Answer
    Yes, party affiliation is not based on race. This is a free country, and you could join whatever political party you wish.
  • Question
    How can I find out if I am a registered republican voter?
    Community Answer
    Check with your local voting board. They should be able to tell you how you are currently registered.
  • Question
    I want to leave the Democrat party. How do I join the GOP?
    Top Answerer
    Simply follow the directions in this article.
  • Question
    I am an American citizen but no currently in the country. How do I join the Republican party?
    Community Answer
    Follow the directions in the article. When it comes time to vote, request an absentee ballot.
  • Question
    What is the time limit for changing parties before a primary election?
    Top Answerer
    It varies from state to state, so you should check your state's laws to find out the time limit.
  • Question
    Do I have to be registered in Florida to vote in a Florida election?
    Top Answerer
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    How do I join the Republican Party if I am an overseas American?
    Community Answer
    If you are a legal US citizen, you can go to Gop.com. There you will see a headline, "Join the Team". Below it, enter your email address and mobile number. Then hit the red button saying "I'm In". After you do, you're a member of the Republican Party. Registration to vote as a Republican is a completely different matter, though.
  • Question
    Can a communist join Republican party?
    Top Answerer
    Communists are not welcome in either of the major political parties. The Socialist Party is likely your best bet.
  • Question
    Do Senators have to take an oath to support the Party?
    Community Answer
    No. There’s no oath that Senators have to stay in that party. In fact, a lot of them end up changing their political parties.
  • Question
    Can a foreigner join the GOP?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. It is not a requirement for political parties to be a citizen of that country. However, to vote or run for many public offices, it is necessary to be a US citizen.
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