Q&A for How to Keep a Girl Forever

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    How do I keep a promise to my girlfriend?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how big the promise is. If it is a big promise, you should probably mark it on a calendar or set it as a reminder on your phone. If it is a small thing like promising to pick something up, then just write it on a sticky note or on your hand. If you forget the promise, don't make up excuses like, "I was too busy." Just tell her that you forgot and you are sorry.
  • Question
    How can I make her feel loved?
    Community Answer
    You can simply tell her how you feel, but you can also make sure she knows how appreciated, respected, and loved she is. You can also take her places and do romantic things for her; many girls love romantic or thoughtful surprises.
  • Question
    I am not beautiful, but I want her. Any ways to get her?
    Community Answer
    Be fun. Be around, in a relaxed, easy way. Show her how special she is, what others do not see. Do not push.
  • Question
    How can I tell her indirectly that I will love her forever?
    Community Answer
    Do little things for her every day that show her you care, but don't be afraid to tell her directly too; she'll love it.
  • Question
    What can I do to make my partner believe that I really do love her?
    Community Answer
    Try to pay attention to her. Be there for her. The best thing you can be is to be her shoulder when she's sad.
  • Question
    How do I know if she still loves her first love?
    Community Answer
    Ask her, and if she's given you no reason to doubt her word, trust her. That's what a healthy relationship is all about. Of course, if you want to go another route, you can check her phone for texts, emails, etc., but I recommend you just trust her.
  • Question
    What can I do to stop other men from texting my girlfriend?
    Community Answer
    You can't -- not without coming across as controlling and suspicious.Tell her your concerns, if you must, but let her know you trust her as well.
  • Question
    How to know how much she loves me?
    Community Answer
    Communication is key. If she loves you, she'll make it known. If you have to guess or aren't sure, it's not true love.
  • Question
    How can I ask my girlfriend for sex?
    Community Answer
    Try gently bringing up the conversation to see if she's willing to discuss it. If not, back off. If she's open to discussion, have an open conversation about it with her. Don't try to pressure her, and accept her decision.
  • Question
    I don't want her to meet any guys or drink or smoke. How do I do this?
    Community Answer
    I don't think you are in a healthy relationship. You shouldn't want to control every aspect of her life. You should look for professional help.
  • Question
    I have no friends. How do I balance time spent together as suggested here?
    Community Answer
    Try some group dates; you might make a friend or two that you can hang out with. Just make sure that you aren't monopolizing her time, and don't begrudge her time with just her friends.
  • Question
    If she said she does not love me anymore, and she's thinking about leaving me, but not yet, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    It sounds like she's just stringing you along until she decides what she wants or finds somebody better. Let her go. You deserve to be with someone that definitely wants to be with you.
  • Question
    Does sex makes her feel loved too?
    Community Answer
    Yes, sex is a very big step in a relationship. It makes you feel closer with your partner and it gives you the opportunity to know her better.
  • Question
    How can I get a girl to forgive me after a fight?
    Community Answer
    While there is no magic formula to make her forgive you, start by giving her a heartfelt apology. Tell her that whatever you did won't be done again, and take her out to dinner.
  • Question
    How do I get a girl to trust me after I've made some mistakes? And what does "take a break" mean?
    Community Answer
    "Take a break" means she wants some space to think. But taking a break doesn't mean completely ending something. Respond very calmly, still showing that you care. Give her some space, but I would text her after a couple of days of not talking to ask her how she's doing. Girls like men who will listen. So ask for her thoughts on your relationship, but make sure that if you get back in a relationship, you never make the same mistake. If you do, she see's you as an empty promise and you have no chance to get back with her.
  • Question
    How can I make her believe that I'm in love with her when she's a far distance away from me?
    Community Answer
    It's really hard to tell someone's feelings over text. Ring her on a regular basis. Ask her how her day was. Text her first. Small gestures go a long way! Tell her that you miss her, you wish you were with her right now, things that will make her feel special or make her blush.
  • Question
    Does sex make my love strong?
    Community Answer
    It shouldn't as sex isn't necessarily love. If your girl only wants sex she is not right for you. In other words sex is not always the answer.
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    How can I make her fall in love when we are just friends?
    Community Answer
    You can't make anyone do anything, but you can tell her how you feel because you never know what may happen if she knows.
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    How can I prevent myself from having sex with her?
    Community Answer
    Wikihow's article on how to practice abstinence while dating has some helpful tips. The key is for both of you to make that commitment and be accountable to each other and other people not to put yourselves in compromising situations where you would be tempted to have sex.
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    How can I prevent rumors from interfering with my relationship?
    Community Answer
    If the rumors are true and she knows about them, be honest with her. If the rumors are false, make sure to tell her so that there are no misunderstandings. Honesty is almost always the best policy.
  • Question
    It's been 3 days dating but I want to be with her forever; what must I do to keep her?
    Community Answer
    You have to show her you care and love her, but give her some privacy, too -- girls don't like clingy guys, but it's sweet to receive messages. Keep in mind, however, that three days is very little time to know for sure that you want to be with someone forever. Give it time.
  • Question
    What do I do if my girlfriend was letting go of our relationship, then all of a sudden seems like she was waiting for me and now seems to love me more than before?
    Community Answer
    She might have really missed you; the time apart may have made her realize the things that she appreciates about you and what she stands to lose.
  • Question
    I love this girl a lot, inside and out she's beautiful, she's mature, I love way she handles situations, and she's a calm person. Those are the reasons why I love her. How can I make her feel special, appreciated and loved?
    Kay Unicorn
    Community Answer
    Do things that would make her feel special, appreciated, and loved. Does she like to read? Plan a surprise visit to a library or to meet her favorite author. Does she like sports? Surprise her with tickets or a jersey to her favorite team! Do little things like open the door for her or bring her chocolates during her period. Every girl is different, and to make one specific one feel special, you need to know what makes her feel that way. It all comes down to knowing her and her interests.
  • Question
    How do I help get a relationship with my girlfriend back to what we once had? Now it seems like we fight every other day now that we live together.
    Community Answer
    Take a break from each other for a few days and talk about what's been going on. It's possible you just need to set the proper boundaries now that you're meshing your lives together.
  • Question
    What should I do if a girl loves me, but resists being my girlfriend?
    Community Answer
    The girl probably has a good reason for resisting if she actually is in love with you. You should respect her decision and just stay friends with her. You can't force someone into a relationship with you, and you shouldn't try. It just shows that you don't have any respect for them as a person and their ability to make their own decisions.
  • Question
    When is a good time to text her?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    People love confidence. Instead of thinking "When will my text best fit in her day," think "I want her attention now." The best time to text her is whenever you feel like texting her. Everyone is in charge of their own phone's volume, so if hers is on while she's in a meeting, that's not your fault. You can text people at all hours of the day and night, and they will get back to you when they well and truly feel like it. So assume she wants to hear from you, and text her when you want to. Be polite and kind, funny and interesting, avoid spelling mistakes and be clear.
  • Question
    If a girl says she loves you, does she always mean it?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the woman. Some people think they mean it at the time and realize later that they don't, and others will say it because they think it's what they're partner wants to hear. Other people only say it when they mean it. If she looks you in the eyes when she says it and looks warm and happy, she probably means it.
  • Question
    How do I know if she will love me forever?
    Community Answer
    You can never be sure someone will love you forever. However, it is not good to have a suspicion anyone will stop loving you at some point, as it could make you clingy and controlling, which would certainly make people stop loving you.
  • Question
    What should I do if I love a girl who doesn't love me back?
    Community Answer
    Do your best to forget about her. Distance yourself from her and distract yourself with other things. It hurts now, but it will get easier. You will find someone else, there are plenty of fish in the sea.
  • Question
    How do I make a girl have interest in me?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You can't. You can't turn lead into gold, and you can't force anyone to like you. But you can try and find out if she likes you. Start slow; say hi, get to know her a little. Give it a lot of time. Let her get to know you, and let her see if she can develop feelings for you. Never rush it, and always stay on the same page. If you're thinking of proposing and she has only just barely memorized your last name, things are wrong. Expect rejection, hope for love.
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