Q&A for How to Make Greek Yoghurt

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    Can I add flavors while setting the yogurt?
    Community Answer
    Common practice is to add any flavoring after the yogurt has been strained of excess whey.
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    I want to make high protein yogurt, how do I do that by using a high protein starter?
    Community Answer
    Add skim milk powder in milk before boiling the milk. By adding dry milk powder, you are increasing the protein content. For example, 8 oz. milk gives 8 grams protein. When you add dry milk powder, enough to make 8 oz. milk, you are doubling the protein content.
  • Question
    Is Greek yogurt healthy or not?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Greek yogurt in incredibly healthy for you. It is full of protein, calcium, and probiotics. It can also help you lose weight, as long as you eat it in moderation and exercise regularly.
  • Question
    Can I use Greek yogurt as a starter?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can use Greek yogurt as a starter as long as it contains live, bacterial cultures. These cultures are required in order to turn plain milk into yogurt.
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    Will a fridge kill the good bacteria in Greek yogurt?
    Community Answer
    It won't kill the good bacteria, it just slows them down. I use one of my previous batch stored in fridge, to start my next batch and I have no problems with it.
  • Question
    Can I make a homemade live culture for my yogurt at home if there isn't a starter pack available?
    Community Answer
    You need a starter culture of the 'right' bacteria. These can be from a 'starter pack' or from a good quality live cultured commercial pot of plain yoghurt. Just be sure to check that it's not full of thickeners and chemicals. Choose organic if you can get it.
  • Question
    How much yogurt starter should I use?
    Community Answer
    Read instructions on the pack! That said, I used half the quantity of powdered starter and the two litres of milk was fine. Experiment to see how much you need. I expect the worst case scenario if you use too little is that you'll end up with runny yoghurt drink!
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