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Q&A for How to Make the Chinese Staircase Bracelet
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QuestionDo you use the next first color after your first one?Community AnswerYes. If you do use a different color by accident, don't worry--it won't make a big difference in the finished result.
QuestionWhat do I do after I finish one color?Community AnswerYou move on to another. After about 10-15 knots on the first one, move to the second one and then repeat until you have enough for a full bracelet.
QuestionWhat do I do if I run out of one of the colors?Community AnswerIf you can, tie more string onto the bottom of the strand that is too short. If you can't find the exact color, you could use a similar color. This could also be a cool experiment.
QuestionAfter the first color is done, will the second string automatically shift to the front, or will I have to put it there?Community AnswerYou'll need to do a little configuration and move the string yourself. It'll look funky at first but after you tie the first knot, it'll settle into place.
QuestionHow did I get all this information?Community AnswerwikiHow users use all different websites to put together the information and display it like this.
QuestionBy doing the Chinese staircase, does it help your hands get less cramped?Candy_Unicorn_Rainbows_123456Community AnswerNo, it's just basically a different style for fashion and craft purposes. So, it won't actually help prevent hand cramps.
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