Q&A for How to Paint a Mural

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    What paint should I use to create a mural?
    Patrick Coye
    Painting Specialist
    Patrick Coye is the owner and operator of Patrick’s Painting & Home Improvement in Alexandria, Virginia. With over 15 years of experience in residential construction, Patrick specializes in painting, wallpaper removal/installation, drywall, staining decks and fences, and kitchen cabinetry painting. To date, Patrick and his team have painted over 2,000 houses and stained over 800 decks. Patrick's Company won a "Top Job" award from the American Painting contractor magazine in 2020.
    Painting Specialist
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    What kind of supplies do I need to paint a mural?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    You’ll need brushes in a variety of shapes and sizes, paint rollers and trays, paints, primers, and sealant. You’ll also need painter’s tape to block off any areas you want to protect from the paint, as well as drop cloths or plastic to protect the floor or ground. Depending on how big or high up the mural will be, you may also need a ladder or scaffolding. Wear an apron and old clothes you don’t mind staining, and bring cleaning supplies such as rags, water, brush soap, and paper towels.
  • Question
    How do you paint a mural on a concrete floor?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    You’ll need to clean the floor thoroughly and patch up any holes, then apply a water-based primer. If you like, you can paint on a base layer of some type of paint formulated for concrete, then paint on your designs in acrylic. Paint on a few layers of sealant to protect the finished paint, especially if the floor is in a high-traffic area.
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    How do I paint a mural on corrugated metal?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    You will likely need to sand down and prime the surface so your paint will stick properly. Keep in mind that the surface area will be greater than on a flat surface, so take that into account when planning your time and calculating how much paint you’ll need. You won’t be able to make long strokes with a brush, so plan to use spray paint or apply your paint with a stippling action. View the surface from straight on while you paint to avoid distorting your image.
  • Question
    What kind of clear sealant should I use to over coat an outside mural?
    Community Answer
    Use a light-fast, UV protection, waterproof spray varnish. You can get gloss, satin or matte. You just have to leave the main mural to thoroughly dry for a few days before varnishing (it's called curing).
  • Question
    Is it okay to paint a mural over existing wallpaper?
    Community Answer
    No, it's never good to paint over wallpaper. It will affect the longevity of your mural. You should make sure to remove all the wallpaper and glue before priming your wall for a mural.
  • Question
    How long does it take to make a mural?
    C Grace
    Community Answer
    There is no easy answer to this question. Factors include: how large is the mural, how detailed is your picture, how many colors are you planning to use, how many layers will it need (with drying time in between), how experienced a painter are you?
  • Question
    Do I have to finish with varnish for an indoor mural?
    C Grace
    Community Answer
    No, but you should overcoat with a clear sealer. This will protect your hard work and make it easier to clean.
  • Question
    If I paint a wall ombre, can I paint a mural over it?
    Community Answer
    Yes, though depending on the hue of the ombre, you may have to paint several coats to make the mural portion dark enough so the ombre doesn't show through.
  • Question
    We want to do a mural on panels to be put outside. What is the best type of surface to choose?
    Community Answer
    Using multiple density overlay (MDO) plywood is a good way to go. It's very durable and has a smooth exterior overlay on exterior grade plywood. It is made for outdoor applications. It comes in 4'x8' sheets, in 1/2 inch and 5/8 inch thicknesses. Use a good quality exterior primer. Be sure to prime all sides. Check your local lumber yard. You won't find MDO plywood in Lowe's or Home Depot.
  • Question
    Can I, and should I, use an oil-based varnish over water-based house paint for an outside mural?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    An oil-based varnish can easily be applied over a water-based paint. Using it outdoors won't be much of an issue, but it will give the paint an amber hue over time.
  • Question
    How do I prepare existing interior walls for mural painting? Can gesso be used for acrylic paints over existing interior paints?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Gesso can be used, but it tends to get expensive in large quantities. As for the wall, you could try painting directly over the paint. If it's acrylic on acrylic, it will probably stick. To ensure the mural looks as good as possible, wash the wall and put acrylic primer on first.
  • Question
    My wall is a white large cedar block. What do I prime it with?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Match the primer to what kind of paint you plan on using. Get an acrylic primer for acrylic paint or an oil primer for oil-based paints. Make sure the primer works on wood. You could try getting an alkyd primer, then using an oil or latex paint for the mural.
  • Question
    How can I get pictures or photographs for the mural?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    The best way to do this is with a projector. With a digital art projector, you can put an image on the wall by using a computer or another electric device. It makes outlining the mural very easy. Opaque projectors are great for blowing up printed images. You can also use old-fashioned projectors if you know how to make slides.
  • Question
    Can I use high quality artist oil paints for an exterior mural?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Oil-based paints usually aren't the best choice for outdoors. Water-based paints tend to hold up better against rain and moisture. Still, you can use oil paint. If you're painting on rust-prone metal or tough wood, oil is extra effective.
  • Question
    What type of sealant can I use for an indoor acrylic mural in my bathroom?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    A water-based varnish is your best bet. It is damage-resistant and won't discolor your mural. Oil-based varnishes are also safe to use, although this will cause your mural to look a little yellow over time.
  • Question
    What type of protection should I use for an indoor car body shop mural ?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Try a water-based varnish to coat the mural quickly while keeping its colors bright long-term. An oil-based varnish is fine too, but it will give the mural a yellow hue, which may not be a great choice inside a dark body shop.
  • Question
    What sort of paint should I use for a mural on an inside wall?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Latex house paint is a great choice for covering large spaces. You can switch to acrylic house paint or high-quality art acrylics for details. Oil paints also make for a good mural if you have time to wait from them to dry.
  • Question
    What product is best for the clear coat?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    Most artists go with water-based varnish. It dries quickly and works over paint commonly used in murals. Another choice is an oil-based varnish. Something like polyurethane lasts but makes the paint look a little more yellow than normal.
  • Question
    What do I use to sketch an outdoor wall mural?
    Brett Gilbert
    Top Answerer
    The process is about the same as sketching indoors. A woodworking pencil will do in most cases. For darker walls, try using a permanent marker. You will end up painting over it, so the color doesn't matter.
  • Question
    Can I paint a mural inside a house?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Many houses have murals; just find a good, sturdy wall and follow the handy steps outlined above and you’ll be set! In my personal opinion, houses with murals are mega cool. Just ask Francisco Goya!
  • Question
    How do I go about getting the mural to be able to paint it?
    Community Answer
    Ask around. Many shop owners with an open wall would love to have someone paint a mural on it. This also helps keep hoodlums from graffitiing it.
  • Question
    I was thinking of using interior paints for a mural in my bedroom, but someone told me they don't mix well. Is there any brand of paint that will mix adequately?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there is. Good acrylic mural paints are great, but check your budget, these can be quite expensive. If this goes over your budget, use them for the details and 'ordinary' household paint for blocking in the under layers or large areas.
  • Question
    If I want to paint on a large piece of wood and then hang it as a mural inside, what is the best type of wood to do this with?
    Community Answer
    Any old oak wood should be fine. Make sure it isn't rough, it needs to be smooth and polished.
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