Q&A for How to Prove to Someone That You Are Not a Liar

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    Why do people often believe liars over honest people?
    Community Answer
    Liars are convincing to certain people simply by sounding confident in what they are saying. Often liars will have rehearsed what they are going to say.
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    How can I say something without the other person getting aggressive?
    Community Answer
    Wait. Calmly ask the person if you can tell them something. If they say "no," then wait for a better opportunity to try again. If they start to get aggressive while you talk, then stop. Let them get it out, then ask you may speak again. It's a lengthy process that requires a lot of patience.
  • Question
    What can I do if people still don't believe me?
    Community Answer
    Some people need more time than others to start trusting someone. If you recently broke this person's trust, you will need to wait until they forgive you and get over the pain. Remember, trust is earned and not given.
  • Question
    How can you get your parents to realize that you aren't a liar?
    Community Answer
    Try to be good. It might convince your parents that you have become good through doing good things all the time and not telling any actual lies. Also, if you have a sibling that gets you in trouble, you would be well to just ignore them and not get involved in arguments or fights.
  • Question
    How can I get a friend to believe my story?
    Community Answer
    Provide irrefutable proof.
  • Question
    How do I prove I'm innocent when I look guilty?
    Community Answer
    Prove you're innocent. Give evidence that you're not lying -- and try to keep a straight face while doing it.
  • Question
    How can I convince my partner of my honesty?
    Community Answer
    Let your actions speak louder than your words. Let them know everything; this may involve letting them see your emails and text conversations. You need to give them a reason to trust you and keep trusting you.
  • Question
    My parents don't believe that I turned in my homework at school because my teacher couldn't find it. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If you really did turn in the work, politely ask your teacher to reexamine her papers. (The key word here is politely.) Don't admit to something you didn't do -- if she can't find the homework, offer to re-do it, but don't back down on defending yourself.
  • Question
    My friend thinks I said something mean, but she misheard me and won't believe me. How can I prove that I'm not lying and get her to believe me when she won't talk to me?
    Community Answer
    Give her a few days. She may just need to calm down. Ask some of your other friends to back you up. She may believe them if they tell her you didn't say it.
  • Question
    How do I get my mom to believe my fake story?
    Community Answer
    The truth always gets you much further. Moms see through everything. You can, however, decide to leave certain facts out of a story. Practice makes perfect.
  • Question
    How do I stop people from spreading rumors about me?
    Community Answer
    You really can't stop people from saying things about you. Just laugh it off. Say something like, "Ha! Wow, thanks for letting me know I did that, I had no idea."
  • Question
    What do I do if my spouse doesn't believe me when I'm telling the truth?
    Community Answer
    Ask your partner why they feel that they can't trust you, and work towards resolving the issue. There may be something in their past or yours that is causing problems. Couples counseling is always a good idea for solving trust issues.
  • Question
    How can I convince someone I am not a liar if I have lied to them before?
    Community Answer
    Apologize for your past lie and always tell the truth to them in the future. Over time, they may forgive you and come to see you as an honest person.
  • Question
    I used to be a liar. I followed these tips and I was being truthful, but my mother just won't believe me. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    It'll take a long time for her to trust that you are lying to her if you frequently lied to her before. You need to work at it over time. Find a way to prove your reliability.
  • Question
    Is it all right to yell at someone that I am telling the truth?
    Community Answer
    That tends to be what people who are lying do; get really loud and say they aren't lying. So, no, I'd say it's not all right. If you are not lying, the truth will come out eventually, so the best you can do is calmly maintain that you're telling the truth.
  • Question
    How can I stop someone from telling people false information about me?
    Perrin Nguyen
    Community Answer
    If it really bothers you, one way to fix this problem is to go straight up to a person who is gossiping about you and ask her to stop. If she doesn't talk to you or acknowledge you, work your way down from the person who is gossiping to the people who heard the gossip and then told somebody else, and so on. If anybody approaches you and asks if the gossip is true, just look them in the eye and say something along the lines of you not knowing what they are talking about.
  • Question
    How can I prove to an angry person that I am not a liar?
    Community Answer
    Give them some space and always act honestly so you can regain their trust.
  • Question
    What if the evidence that can proof my innocence is no longer available?
    Community Answer
    Tell the other person your side of the story calmly. Ask your other friends (it would be better if he trusts or is friends with your friends) to back you up. Gather all the information you have and practice what you're going to say so he has a better chance of believing you. Look him in the eye and tell him you would never lie to him.
  • Question
    How do I convince my parents that I was bullied?
    Community Answer
    You can talk to them honestly about what happened, and tell them that you need their help.
  • Question
    My mother and I have a rough relationship. I have lied many times in the past, and now she thinks I am lying even when I am telling the truth. What can I do?
    Monkey cruz
    Community Answer
    I have problems with my own mom, and I've learned to just try to gain her trust back and do things that will make her see I've changed. For instance, always do what you have to do around the house, like cleaning the dishes, making the bed, etc. Try to keep your grades up and study instead of always hanging out. Pick up a book, even if its for 10 minutes. Try to do things with your mom, like go shopping, do face masks, etc. Telling her things about your life so she sees you're not hiding anything will also help.
  • Question
    What do I do if I fell out with a friend and they're lying about me?
    Community Answer
    You should ignore them. If someone asks you about the rumor they're spreading about you, just say, "That's not true," and leave it at that. He/she wants to get under your skin, and if you show them it's not working, they'll probably stop. If that doesn't help, talk to an adult.
  • Question
    How do I let people know that I am not lying anymore and get them to like me?
    Community Answer
    Be a good friend and an honest person. It'll take time.
  • Question
    Someone started a rumor about my old friends. They immediately thought it was me, but it wasn't. I have a lot of proof that it wasn't me and now they are cyberbullying me, too. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If they accuse you of lying, say you are not and get your friends to back you up. If they are bullying you, you should report them, too.
  • Question
    How do you get people who are mad at you to wanna be friends with you again?
    Community Answer
    Ask why they are mad, and try to resolve the issue. Apologising is the first step to regaining friendship. Act sincere and genuine, and promise to never hurt them again.
  • Question
    My charger broke. My brother's charger is also broken and my mum and my brother are shouting at me and screaming at me saying I broke it because of my charger. I don't know how to get them to believe me?
    Huda Al Safu
    Community Answer
    First of all, how did his charger break? Where were you when your brother's charger broke? Who were you with or were you alone? If someone else was with you, like a friend or another sibling, get them to back you up. If you were out, like say shopping, show them the receipt, and time you bought these items. Otherwise, just calmly say that you did not do it. Prove yourself trustworthy, by offering to buy your brother a new charger, and paying for it. They may or may not believe you.
  • Question
    One of my friends told me I'm a liar because I never came to her house when she invited me. She's accusing me of things from the past. How do I get her to believe I'm not a liar?
    Melanie Paiz
    Community Answer
    Tell her what you were doing that day when you weren't with her. If she is accusing you of the things from the past, tell her that the present time is not the past and that she should let it go. Make sure you look and sound like you know what you are saying and be confident in your answers. If she keeps talking and doesn't let you speak, drop something and start talking while picking up the object. This will distract her and she will pause mid-sentence, which will give you time to tell her what you wanted to tell her.
  • Question
    My brother ate a pack of chocolate biscuits and then blamed it on me, how do I prove I didn't do it when my mum trusts him so much?
    Community Answer
    Calmly approach your mother and provide evidence that it was not you. Do all the steps on this wikiHow page. It may take time, but it will work out.
  • Question
    How can I convince someone that I didn't know something? My Dad thinks I knew something and I didn't tell him. He thinks I'm lying, but I'm not. How can I prove to him that I didn't know something?
    Huda Al Safu
    Community Answer
    Get your mum or a trustworthy sibling to back you up. Depending on what it is you did not know, and where you were when this incident happened, get evidence or proof, either text messages, or a trusted sibling.
  • Question
    My mother thinks I stole her stuff and I didn't but she does not believe me. How do I make her believe me?
    Huda Al Safu
    Community Answer
    Say calmly and politely that you would never steal from her. Get a sibling, friend or someone trustworthy to back you up. Where were you when this theft took place. Get evidence and proof.
  • Question
    My friends accused me of writing something in a group chat. It said my name and my old number but it wasn't me. What should I do?
    Huda Al Safu
    Community Answer
    Whoever hacked your phone should be reported to the police. Show your friend your new number, and send them a selfie to prove this is your new number. Next time, before getting a new number, erase all data after transferring.
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