Q&A for How to Prune Japanese Maple Trees

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    Can you root a Japanese maple?
    Maggie Moran
    Home & Garden Specialist
    Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.
    Home & Garden Specialist
    Expert Answer
    You can root a Japanese maple but it is something that should be done only in soil.
  • Question
    What time of year should you prune Japanese maple?
    Maggie Moran
    Home & Garden Specialist
    Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.
    Home & Garden Specialist
    Expert Answer
    It can be done anytime except spring when the tree is coming awake. But ideally, it is done during the dormant stages of late fall or midwinter.
  • Question
    When should I prune my Japanese maple?
    Monique Capanelli
    Plant Specialist
    Monique Capanelli is a Plant Specialist and the Owner and Designer for Articulture Designs, an innovative design firm and boutique in Austin, Texas. With over 15 years of experience, Monique specializes in interior botanical design, living walls, event decor, and sustainable landscape design. She attended the University of Texas at Austin. Monique is a Certified Permaculture Designer. She provides plant and botanical design experiences, from small gifts to entire transformations, to shoppers as well as commercial clients including Whole Foods Market and The Four Seasons.
    Plant Specialist
    Expert Answer
    I recommend you prune your Japanese maple in winter during the last frost of the season.
  • Question
    How do I trim back a maple tree?
    Maggie Moran
    Home & Garden Specialist
    Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.
    Home & Garden Specialist
    Expert Answer
    You remove branches that are too close or rubbing together. As the tree continues to grow, you can remove branches that are the lowest.
  • Question
    What do I do if my Japanese maple gets too tall?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Japanese maples can stand a lot of pruning, so don’t be afraid to cut your tree back pretty severely. Just take care not to remove more than half of the tree’s total mass. Cut away any dead branches and any limbs that have gotten too long or disrupt the overall appearance of the tree.
  • Question
    How do you prune a weeping Japanese maple?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Wait until your weeping maple has had a few years to grow. In the winter, when the tree is dormant, trim off any dead inner branches. Inner branches tend to die off because they are covered by the outer branches, meaning they don’t get enough sunlight. Cut off any live branches that are growing toward the center of the tree, since these are unlikely to survive. Remove some of the outer branches if you don’t want the canopy to be as wide. Cut away any outer branches that cross over each other, since these will block light to the center of the tree and make it harder to see the trunk. The ultimate goal is to make the tree look like an open umbrella.
  • Question
    Can you prune a Japanese maple to keep it small?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Yes, you can. To prevent your tree from getting too big, prune it every 2 years or so to keep it in the desired size range. You can also get a bonsai or dwarf maple variety if you want a truly miniature tree.
  • Question
    My lace leaf maple is dragging on the ground. Can I prune the part on the ground without damaging the tree?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely. If a branch is hanging too low (on the ground), prune it back to an acceptable location.
  • Question
    Can I grow a maple tree in a pot?
    Community Answer
    Yes. There are many dwarf varieties of Japanese maple trees that are ideal for planting in a container. You can go to your local gardening store to purchase one, and the associates should be able to help you pick out the best tree for your pot size.
  • Question
    Will roots of a Japanese maple cause foundation damage?
    Community Answer
    No. In 30 years of working with landscaping, I have never seen any foundation damage, lifting of sidewalks or any aggressive root behavior from Japanese maples.
  • Question
    I exposed my maples to too much sun. All the leaves are crispy and falling off. Are they salvageable?
    Community Answer
    Assuming they are not seedlings, just move them to a less sunny position and cut back any shriveled shoots. Don't allow them to get dry again. You should eventually see some new buds appear. These will produce new leaves, either this year, if there is time left, or next spring.
  • Question
    How do I prune young maple trees?
    Community Answer
    Don't prune your Japanese maples if they are too young. Wait until your maple is at least two to three years old.
  • Question
    I had a lovely maple which had a branch that was a canopy over my pond. My husband stupidly cut it off and if now looks stupid. Can I rectify this at all?
    Community Answer
    It will take years for the branch to regrow if it does at all. You may prune the rest of the tree to improve its appearance, but you cannot get the branch back.
  • Question
    I have a Japanese maple in a pot. Can I take the tree inside for the winter?
    Community Answer
    You should not bring it inside. Doing so could put it into shock and weaken its overall health. The tree will be perfectly happy outside in the pot; just make sure it gets a little water now and then if it doesn't rain for awhile.
  • Question
    My Lace leaf Maple planted last year appears to be a graft; the original bronze lace-leaf branch is now surrounded by what appear to be a miniature maple with small but different shaped green leaves. It is now early September. Should I cut the tree back to where only the lace leaf branches are left?
    Community Answer
    As long as the variant leaves make up no more than 30% of the total foliage, removing them shouldn't hurt the tree.
  • Question
    I am planning to plant an Emperor 1 in front of our house. Can it be trimmed so that the size remains 9 ft high and 6-7 ft wide? Will there be any damage to the tree?
    Community Answer
    If the tree you have selected is going to grow too large, pick a smaller tree. Heading it back every year will just make a poorly-shaped tree.
  • Question
    My maple leafed late and has a lot of dead branches. Can I remove the dead branches now in the spring?
    Community Answer
    No. Spring is when the trees produce sap, so pruning it could damage the tree. Late summer and winter are good times for pruning though.
  • Question
    Is an Acer the same as a Japanese maple?
    Community Answer
    Acer is the scientific genus name of the maple group, so all maples are Acers. However, not all Acers will be Japanese maples.
  • Question
    I have a bush growing from an old Japanese Maple stump. Can it be shaped into more of a tree again?
    Community Answer
    Is it the same plant growing? If so, then of course it can be shaped into a tree. You will just have to give it plenty of time to grow first.
  • Question
    Can I trim my Japanese maple tree with electric shears?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't. It's the wrong tool for the job. You can get away with some light leaf removal, but electric hedge shears will cause gashes and sloppy, likely unhealable cuts which could trigger die back.
  • Question
    My older Japanese upright maple is beautiful in the early spring, but within a couple of weeks, the leaves get brown/spotted and shriveled. Should it be cut down?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. It might be getting too much sun where you've planted it. If you have a sprinkler system, it's also possible that you're wetting the foliage unintentionally.
  • Question
    What can I use to keep bugs from eating the leaves?
    Community Answer
    Try spraying with neem oil at 5 cc per liter; don't forget to give the trunk and the branches a good dose also. It has worked very well in my own garden and has even kept my apples from getting infested with worms.
  • Question
    I have a 20 year Japanese maple that has developed some dead branches. Should they be pruned off?
    Community Answer
    Yes, always prune dead branches. Dead branches slow down the growth and are bad for the health of a Japanese maple.
  • Question
    Do Japanese maples go dormant and lose their leaves in the fall?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they do. They are a deciduous type, so leaves will fall off during dormancy.
  • Question
    Just had a lace canopy Japanese maple planted. What type of fertilizer do I use, and when?
    Community Answer
    Japanese maples don’t actually need to be fertilized. They especially do not like any nitrogen-based treatments. As long as it was planted in good soil and you keep it watered (but don’t drown it), it will be fine.
  • Question
    I have a dog that chewed the entire tree off. The stalk that is left is growing again. Should I trim what has regrown or leave it for a few years?
    Community Answer
    Japanese Maples should not be trimmed until they are two to three years old. So, if your dog chewed it down to nothing and you were lucky enough for it to regrow, treat it as an infant tree and wait two to three years before you do any pruning.
  • Question
    What should I do if my tree's leaves are getting dry and crispy?
    Community Answer
    This usually happens in drought. Water it periodically and it should get back to normal.
  • Question
    Can I cut my maple tree to the ground and start fresh, or will that kill it?
    Community Answer
    It will kill the tree. The only way to start fresh would be to remove the old tree and put a new one in its place.
  • Question
    Will it damage the tree if branches are pruned off with a rusty hand saw?
    Community Answer
    Not only damage it, it could give it a disease. You should always use clean and sharp tools when working in your garden.
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